Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality


I straighten my skirt and pout at my pale legs. I was wearing a pleated cherry rose pink tutu mid-thigh skirt with a v necked black shirt and black bow in my hair. The bow kept the hair from falling in my face, pulling all the strands to the back and holding them firm. I looked down at my ballet flats and felt weird for wearing flats and skirt. It was such a strange occurrence for me but I wanted to look my very best. I hid my gauze from my new tattoo behind my hair and smiled. I hoped James would like my tattoo, it was our inside joke after all.

There was literally fifteen minutes before James and his team would run out onto the field. Fifteen minutes until I saw him. I paced on the bleachers, a sign clutched in my right hand. I wanted to make sign saying I love you James Clark with the Rubidium atomic sign on it to match out tattoos. Though I am sure he wouldn't notice that since I drew it so small compared to the giant letters. Anyway, I am going to hold it over my face so he can’t see me until, he gets closer to me and then bam! The butterflies dance in my stomach and I bite my lip ring. This was crazy, I knew it was somewhere in my mind, but the joy overruled everything else. I would soon be face to face with the one I love most. The moment I never really thought would be happening would be a reality in mere minutes.

Nicky and Dixie sat a few rows up smiling at me and respecting the fact that I needed space. I was too overwhelmed to pretend to have idle chit chat like I have been all day. I was way to close now and I could focus on nothing else but him. I looked at the time for the hundredth time since we got here, five minutes. I fidgeted with my hair, and mumbled to myself to stay cool, don’t be cheesy, and stick to the plan. I was trying to keep my butterflies under control.

I continue to pace back and forth while mumbling to myself about remaining calm when I hear the coach screaming at the guys to hurry it on up. My heart starts pounding like crazy, the butterflies fly at full speed, my thoughts race. I lift up my sign and coax myself into pacing my breathing. No need to have a panic attack, I tell myself. Relax, Relax, Ruby, keep cool.

“We got fans today boys.” The coach shouted.

I heard the team let out a whoop. Just keeping still, I told myself.

“Especially you James, apparently this one loves you.” I assumed he was pointing in my direction.

The boys start poking fun at him about not liking girls, and telling him maybe he will finally man up and pursue this one. I remain rooted in my spot, fighting the urge to run to him, to look at him. I heard the boys getting closer to me and heard Dixie shout hello to them. They replied, flirting loudly and drawing nearer to where I stood two rows up from the field itself. I then hear the distinct sound of cleats hitting metal bleachers and my heart starts to skips a beat, I knew it had to be him.

“I am very flattered ma’am.” His voice rings in my ears and I could resist no longer.

I slowly lower my sign, until my eyes meet his. I saw the surprise on his face when the realization of who I was hit him. He all but stopping breathing when he looked at me, eyes glued firmly on my face, his mouth a jar with disbelief. He was as beautiful as in my dreams, his chocolate brown eyes more captivating then I ever fathomed. For a moment the world stood perfectly still, watching us waiting for the next move. It was me who moved first, no longer hesitant when I realized he was the same boy I have loved for the past thirteen year. I wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my hand in his hair like I always do.

“Hey farm boy,” I kissed him and felt such a powerful feeling of joy overtake me I swooned into his strong arms.

James held me upright, pulling me closer to his chiseled chest deepening our kiss. He entangled his left hand in my hair, while his right one stayed wrapped around my waist. I felt so small in his arms, on my tip toes to kiss him, so he scooped me up, my feet off the ground in both senses. I was vaguely aware that we were causing quite the scene but in that moment all that mattered was him and he was not ready to break our kiss. Finally after what I am sure was at least seven minutes, I pulled away and he traced his finger across my lips just like I knew he would. I smiled, a felt myself blush under his perfect gaze.

“I can’t believe you are here Ruby.”

“I told you I was on my way here silly.” I poke him in the chest. “You refused to believe me.”

“This seems too good to be true. I know it’s not a dream, there is actually other people around.” He laughed and my heart fluttered.

“Well I guess it must be true then.” The love in his eyes left my breathless and blushing.

Coach cleared his throat. “Look I hate to break ya’ll up, but we have a practice to start.”

“Sorry Coach,” I smiled, “I didn't mean to be a distraction. Go on Clark,” he puts me down and I nudge him to the field. “Show me what you got.”

He smiled at me, kissed me briefly and ran out towards midfield. He glanced in my direction once again before facing the guys. His teammates pestered him a bit, before Coach blew his whistle and started running drills with them. Nicky and Dixie sat at either side of me in silence, knowing no words were needed in this moment. We all just watched James in his element. I was blissfully counting the seconds until he would be holding me again.
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Sorry I took so long guys :(

Let me know what you think ♥