Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality


I was sitting across Ruby at Jagz an upscale restaurant here in Montana, I wanted to show her off to my friends who works here. We sat in his section, and I ignored his wide eyed expression when he saw me hand in hand with a girl. I never let go of her soft hands, the ones I have dreamt of holding for so many years now. I pull her chair closer to me as her two friends Nick and Dixie sit across from us. Ruby snuggled her head on my shoulder, sending the scent of her shampoo into my nose. I couldn't stop smiling as she ordered us hot wings and mozzarella sticks to start, seeing that those were my favorites. Her friends kept asking me questions and I answered each one with my eyes fixed on Ruby.

I still couldn't believe she was here; I had a small sense of dread that someone would wake me up, revealing that this paradise was just a dream. She kissed me frequently, and never let go of my hand, even when we were eating. In fact, like an overly lovely couple she was feeding me, it was so unlike her cool demeanor that her friends stared at her with jaws a gape. To Ruby they didn't exist, it was just us as if our love created a cocoon that kept everyone else out.

“I got a present for you Clark,” her beautiful smile created radiance in my world.

I wasn't sure what could be a better present then just having her here. I really didn't need anything more than that. She pulled back the gauze from a new tattoo revealing to me my gift. It was the superman symbol, her little nickname for me because of my last name and country background. Outside the symbol were small words and in a language we made up as kids it said, Ruby loves James Forever. I couldn't stop smiling, even with my usual displeasure with her inking her perfect skin. I was so happy that she was so confident in us that she would have me placed permanently on her body. I wanted to touch it but since I was aware she just did it a few hours ago, I knew not to. I was impressed with Nick’s talent but who could fail with such a perfect canvas. I rubbed my hand against the nape of her neck and she blushed with the contact.

“It’s perfect Ruby, just perfect.” I never took my eyes away from hers.

I watch as her gentle eyes water up and I knew she was going to cry. So I place my head against hers, so that she wouldn't feel so embarrassed.

“I am so happy James, I couldn't be happier. I love you so much.” A few flashes went off and I knew my friends were taking pictures.

We laughed and she kissed me, putting her hand on the hair on the nape of my neck. I knew she was putting on a show for the onlookers so I placed my hand in her hair. I lightly tugged and she sighed into my mouth, I intensified the kiss like I never have in our dreams. I could tell she was shocked by the turn of events. I could feel her smiling as we kissed, then someone fake gagged and we pulled apart. I rubbed my fingers across her lips, feeling like I was on air.

“I love you too Ruby.”

I knew Ruby had a week here in my hometown and I was determined to make the best of our week. I wanted her to meet Grams, and my parents and all my friends. I wanted her to see what my life was like here, and have her become a part of it. I didn't even want to think about how short a week was and how we would soon be physically apart. I never wanted this moment to end, as we ate dessert I wanted to invite her over, to just have her sleep by my side, nothing beyond that. I knew regardless of my intentions my parents would not be pleased with a girl sleeping over. So I had to drop her off at her hotel and kiss her tenderly, I driving home knowing that I will see her again when I close my eyes.
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Show me some love :3