Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Moments with Her

I sat with my hands in Ruby’s on the top of my truck. She was in the middle of the story about the time she got her first tattoo. A story I heard so many times I am sure I could recite it myself. I lounged back with her sitting up facing me, every feature of her face filled with life as she recalls her tale. They way she smiles at me making my heart flutter, skipping every other beat. Her lips curled up when she realize I was so lost in watching her that I couldn’t hear a word she was saying. She playfully punched me in the arm and I pulled her into me, kissing the crown of her head.

“I beg your pardon little lady, but your beauty was so beguiling I just couldn’t focus. You forgive me?” I lightly caressed her cheek as she hovered over me.

“How can I get mad at you?” She rested her forehead on mine and smiled. “Besides I am sure you have heard that story a hundred times, I am sure that you are sick of it.”

I sat up catching her off guard, so I had to steady her from losing balance, “I could never be sick of that story, not if it means enough to you for you to repeat it so much like that.”

She gave me a half smile, and kissed my cheek, “Let’s talk about you.”

“Now you are asking to be bored.” I chuckled, as she scowled lovingly at me.

“Please,” she pouted her adorable lips at me and I knew that she had won.

“Fine, just stop pouting.” I kissed her pout and she smiled with victory. “What do you want to hear about?”

“Anything,” she curled her fingers around mine, smiling from ear to ear.

“Well when I was knee high to my pops I got into my first fight. This little boy was sitting in the sand box with me and Holly May. She was my best friend at the time and a pretty little thing, he had a crush on her, and she didn’t like him. He took it upon himself to kick sand in her face after she told him she wouldn’t be his girlfriend. I couldn’t be having such behavior around me, so I threw sand back at him. I was five so in my head that made everything fair, but to him it wasn’t fair. So he decided to kick me in the face, which of course caused me to hit him back. It is really all a blur, the fight stopped because Holly May cried until someone came to break us up. I am still not sure who won though, I guess it didn't matter. That’s pretty much it, that was my first fight.”

I turned toward to face her and see her reaction to my short story. She already knew all the important stuff, so I thought I would share something that doesn’t seem so big in the grand scheme of things. She was staring at me with a small smile on her face. I knew she would never have expected me to hurt a fly but I am a gentleman so I was defending a girl’s honor.

“Would you defend me like that Superman?” Ruby started to run her fingers through my hair.

“Hell yeah baby girl.” I snake my arm around her waist and lean in very close to her, enough to be a tease. “You are my lady, no one better be messing with my lady.”

She laughed, “Well, good because no one is messing with my James.”

We started kissing; I pulled her in to deepen the kiss. I was losing myself in the absolute perfection of her lips when Nick cleared his throat trying to draw our attention. I groaned when Ruby pulled away to look at him. I buried my head in his neck, kissing her collarbone. She shivered slightly from the breeze that pierced the thin material of her shirt. I held her closer to keep her warm with my body heat. I could feel her heart beat against my chest, something that simple was enough to make me so happy.

“Yes Nicky,” she said with a slight tone of irritation in her voice.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he laughed, “but its ten o’clock, I am sure James has to go home.”

“Oh crap.” I sadly pulled myself away from her and I dropped off the roof of my car onto the hood. I picked her up and placed her on the ground. “Time for us to go baby girl.”

I opened her door and she climbed into my truck. I held her hand while I drove. I also kissed her a million times, one for each star I saw while driving her home. I was already counting the moments until I was in her arms again.
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:) let me know what you think

special shout out to Cali_cookies for all the love she shows me ♥ Thanks for the motivation ♥

and ExecutionMarathon for the over the phone hype lol

Continue to show me love guys