Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

The simple things

It was another grueling day with me waiting for James to get out of school. I was glad he decided to skip class tomorrow; he said Friday isn't an important school day. I laugh just at that silly notion and just throw myself back on my pillows. It’s still seven in the morning; I didn't want to think about the long hours that lay ahead. I decided I didn't want to be awake alone so I crawled into Dixie’s bed, poking her incessantly until she woke up. She turned and faced me, a mock angry scowl on her face. So I poked her nose and she started to laugh.

“What is it Ruby?” She swats my hand away as I go in for the second poke.

“I just wanted to talk to you and have some girl time. We haven’t done that in forever.” I curled up as much as I could on her bed.

“Yeah, sorry about everything that happened before. I was being a real grade A loser, I mean cheerleaders over you,” She shook her head. “What was I thinking? Anyway, I see you are a mush with James, which, quite frankly, is something I thought I would never see. You two put romantic novels to shame. I wish I had something like that.”

“It fine Dixie, the past is in the past, and I am pretty sure we aren't that bad." I blushing, a part of me knowing what I just said was not true. "Anyway, I am sure there is someone you have feelings for.” I pull the blanket off of her for no real reason other than I wanted too.

She shivered and pulled it away from me while laughing, “Well there is someone.”

I froze, “I have to know, tell me.”

She sat with her legs crossed and smiled shyly at me. I sat up and put my legs in the same position facing her. I was so very curious as to whom Dixie could like, especially since there were so many boys in Texas pining after her. I wonder if she liked the football captain, what’s-his-face, from back home. He seemed to be just her type. I think they would be pretty cute together.

“Promise not to tell anyone.” She stuck out her pinky, yes, we still make pinky promises.

“I promise.” I joined my pinky with hers and we pulled our fingers apart.

“Okay, you will never guess who it is so I won’t make you try.” She blushes, “Its Nick.”

My jaw dropped, “no way.”

“Yes,” She hushed me as I screamed, “shush up.” She laughed and shook her head. “Don’t make a big deal out of it okay?”

I was freaking out since I knew that Nicky felt the same way she does. I wanted to badly to tell her but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. So instead I silently nodded my head as she blushed a brighter hue, her eyes down cast. She took a deep girly sigh and hugged her pillow. I knew that she had it bad, there were so many questions I wanted to ask her.

“I don’t know what it is about him. Maybe it’s his whole tattoo, bad boy thing. Whatever it is, it’s got me crushing something crazy over this boy.” She placed the pillow on her face in screamed when there was a knock on the door.

I ran and looked through the peep hole, speak of the devil, Nick was standing there in his batman pajamas bottoms and a cotton white tee. His hair was a mess, face had that just-woke-up look to it. I had to admit that he looked so adorable. I gave Dixie the ooo-your-boo-is-here look and then waggled my brows before letting him in.

We spent the rest of the time I had to wait for James, eating junk food and watching old movies. I love just spending time with them like this. The only things that was missing from this perfect picture was my country boy. I wanted to stay cozy in bed like this all day and just have James join us in goofing off. So I send a text his best friend Josh to tell James to head over and just bum around with us. By 3:15 he was knocking on our door with a 24 pack of soda, fifteen candy bars and three bags of chips.

“I came ready to party.” He beams, my heart melts.

I grabbed the stuff from his hand to throw it on the floor and throw myself in his arms. he wrapped his arms around me, and squeezes me tight. Have I mentioned how much I love this boy? He laughs and gave me a sweet kiss, before joining us in the pillow fort we made on the floor. He took off his top shirt, so that he was more comfortable. He only did it since he stood out being the only one in outside clothes. Or maybe his reason was he wanted me to stare at his sun kissed muscular arms? I didn't care either way, I was just happy that he was here.

I snuggled into him, knowing that everything just got even better because of his presence. I am not just talking about this moment either, I am talking about my whole life. I snuggled in tighter with that thought and smiled. I listened as he told the best stories, and made Dixie laugh so hard soda came out of her nose, which caused the rest of us to laugh until our stomachs hurt. It was the simple things like this that made me so happy. He grabbed my hand and kissed it before resting it back down on the floor. He locked our fingers together, stare at me lovingly before turning his attention back to what was going on. Nothing makes me happier than him being here, in real life, I am still not over that. I gently run my fingers on the outline of his jaw as he was listening to Nicky talk about his first concert. Nicky voice had long faded into the background as I watched James. I wished again, for the hundredth time, that I would never have to leave his side for a moment. I want to be with him forever, my perfect dream man.
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