Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Picture Perfect

I ran out of my room, I must have seemed eager for school to my folks but today I will be spending the whole day with Ruby. I wore a plain white tee and some Levi jeans with my favorite cowboy boots. I kissed my mom and grabbed my keys before heading out. I could feel the smile on my face growing bigger with the thought of seeing Ruby. There could be no way more perfect to spend my day. My little lady was all I needed to be happy. I couldn’t stop thinking of her sweet smile as I got into my truck.

I knew my parents would find out I missed school; it is a small town after all, so I will be inviting Ruby over tonight to have dinner with us. At least when they found out I was with a girl all day, I would have one less thing to explain. Plus I plan on marrying this girl and who knows when I might get the next opportunity for them to meet. Of course there is thing where it gives me the chances to spend the entire day with her. I also want her come to Gram’s with me this weekend. I really want her to see the horses, and the land, it really my favorite place to be. I could imagine how much better it would be with her there. I know my family is going to love her as much as I do.

When I pulled up to the hotel at 7:35 Ruby was already waiting for me. She was wearing jeans as I requested, and a superman graphic tee which made me smile even more. I was glad Nick and Dixie were sleeping in and would catch up with us later. I wanted some alone time with my perfect lady. She hopped into the car and kissed me, lingering on my lips before pulling away with a blush on her face. I loved how the soft pink hue looked on pale white skin. I caressed her cheek then grabbed her hand as I drove her to my second favorite place, Glacier National Park. In my bag I had a canvas and paints, hoping that she would let me watch her create. I would take her to the lake, where the Mountain View was perfectly reflected on the crystal waters. If I could be inspired in that spot, I am sure she will be inspired there too.

“I got you something.” She said as we pulled through gates of the parking lot.

“Oh,” I couldn’t keep the shock out of my voice, “what is it?”

She handed me a cell phone, “My number is programmed into already. I just didn’t want to leave here with some way to communicate with you, it would kill me.”

I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it; I was a bit uncomfortable with the grandeur of it. Yet, I was as happy as a rabbit with a carrot in its mouth, that I would have a way to talk to my baby while she was back home in Texas. I could text her while I was in class, and call her before I dream of being with her. I felt sadness creep over me; I didn’t want to think about her leaving. Even if we would still have our dreams, I love having her with me always. I didn’t want our moments awake to come to an end, even if it’s only a temporary one.

“Thanks baby.” I kissed her, “I will be harassing you all the time. I promise.”

When we got to the lake, I put the picnic basket I prepared the night before, down underneath the perfect tree. She took the canvas out of my bag and set up so she could paint. When started to paint the scenery around us, I watched in awe of her talent. I knew that this kind of a big deal for her since she only paints in private. Yet she chooses to share this moment with me, my heart swelled over with love for her. My beautiful Ruby, whose red locks fell shoulder length in soft curls gently across back of her neck. Her eyes filled with determination.

I watched her from the blanket, the sun shining around her, basking her in its warm glow. She was so focused, each stroke of her paint brush getting her complete attention. She looked even more beautiful, something I didn’t think was possible. I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around her waist, not wanting to break her focus. I just kept admiring her until she was done. The painting looking like an exact replica of where we were, if anything it was more perfect because she added colors that weren’t currently around us. Then she threw herself onto me while laughing and painting her name on my forehead with her paint brush. I laugh and flipped her over, placing myself over her. I started to tickle her and she giggled while trying to grab my hands to stop my attack. I finally stopped when she could barley breathe from laughing so hard. I kissed her all over, when I remembered to ask her about tonight.

“Hey beautiful,” I pushed a strain of paint covered hair out of the way, “want to have dinner with me and my folks tonight?”

“Of course,” she said confidently, “I want to be a part of everything in your life.”

“You are so perfect.”I run my fingers across her jaw-line, “will you guys come to Gram’s with me this weekend?”

“Heck yeah baby, I would be honored. Plus I want to see if I could make a good farm hand.”

Have I mentioned how perfect this girl is? I fell more in love with her every second I spent with her. By the time Nick and Dixie got to us we were already started on lunch. They had water guns, so after we ate, we had at it. Nick and I laughing as the girl squealed when we surprise attacked them. It was the perfect afternoon, I really like her friends. They were good to my Ruby and that’s what matter. I was excited for tonight; it was on my mind while I threw a water balloon at Ruby. Today is turning out perfectly.
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