Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Family Values

We showed up to James’ home soaking wet from a water fight that carried on for hours earlier in the day. It ended up with all of us in the lake, almost being kicked out of the park. We headed back to James' house in the back of his pick up, laying out in an attempt to dry before we got there. James drove in his boxer, a very huge distraction, at least for me. His parents, on the other hand, didn't even bat an eye when they opened the door and found us in that state. I guess in a small town the word does spread fast about your whereabouts and activates. They hugged me, wet and all, before I even walked into the house. Mrs. Clark, gave me dry clothes, and put mine to wash. She asked what I would like to eat and then we sat in the living room looking at baby pictures until dinner was ready.

James sat next to me, Nicky and Dixie sat in the living room watching TV. The Clarks said they wanted to spend time with James and I alone. This would have made me nervous if I wasn't so happy to be here. I mean I was sitting down to dinner with the love of my life and his family; what could be better then that? James’ hand never left mine while we sat side by side at his dining room table. I felt so honored to be having dinner with his family. As I heard the witty banter between him and his dad, and the loving way his mother spoke to him; I wished that I was raised this way. I wished that I had a warm loved filled environment, where I could have been nurtured instead of tormented. I reminded myself not to cry, I didn't want to alarm anyone or upset my superhero love.

My superhero, laughed at one of his Dad’s football stories, while stroking his thumb against mine. I watched as laugh lines bloomed on his face and as his shoulders shook with laughter. He was so happy that I couldn't help but feel joy fill my chest. This was all I wanted for him, his happiness. Did I mention James had even helped his mother cook this delicious meal for me? Could he be more perfect? I was already eating my second plate of mashed potatoes, collard greens, steak and corn bread. The corn bread was homemade, even back at my house with my 'rents I never have mom made food. We have chefs and all that other showy stuff that makes people swoon at the amounts of money that we have.

I felt like that kind of house was so cold. I mean our house was way too big for just four people. I know that my 'rents are trying their best but now that I have seen this, it just wasn't enough. I wanted to be loved, not pampered. I couldn't hold in anymore, mid bite I started to cry. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by everything this home had to offer. I never wanted to leave; his parents are so sweet, funny, and just protective enough of him. Their home was warm and looked lived in. I wanted this life, and I wanted it with him.

“Don’t make me go back to Texas. I want to stay with you guys.” Great, now his parents think I am a nutcase.

“What’s the matter honey?” Mama Clark, as she told me to call her, crossed the room and put her hand on my back. “Is there something you would like to talk about? You can trust us hon, we will do what we can to help.”

“Thank you Mama Clark, I just have never felt this much love before. I was raised in a group home and people weren't this kind. New York isn't famous for its kindness, and the foster system is the least kind of them all. If it wasn't for your son, I don’t know how I would have made it.” I smiled at James looking into his eyes. “I can see where he gets his kind and gentle nature from, not to mention his heart of gold.”

“Yeah well his gets his temper from his pap, and his control issues from me. So even my boy ain’t perfect.” She ruffles his hair, “but I sure am glad he found someone as special as you Ruby. You, sweetheart, will be the perfect daughter-in-law.” Then she kissed the crown of my head, which made my eyes well up again. “Now who wants pie, James made it himself.”

“I do!” I kiss his cheek, “you never told me you are such a wonder in the kitchen.”

“I didn't want to reveal all my talents. I still want to be able to surprise you.” He pushed my hair out my face. “Let me help mama with the dishes then we will bring out the pie. So go into the living with your friends and pops, I am sure there is a game on that he is dying to watch. Do you want coffee with your slice of pie babe?”

“Yes please.”

“Three milks, four sugars.”

“You know me so well.”

He kissed my forehead and headed into the kitchen with his mom. I sat on the couch with his dad, Dixie, and Nicky, we watched a football game. I savored every moment I spent with the Clarks. Everything, when we ate pie, the stories we shared, and even the small spat James and I got into about musical taste. Every moment was dear and special to me. It was the most perfect night and in those moments I hoped for many more like it with these wonderful people.
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I am so so sorry I took forever! I have been very busy with hosting, chores and family life that I haven't been able to write in a while! Forgive me! I hope you enjoy the update, its not much but its focused more on Ruby's feeling about family. Please let me know what you think ♥