Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

The Farm

It was four in the morning and time to start the day here on the farm. I stayed in bed for a few minutes and thought over last night’s events. My folks loved Ruby and she was very fond of them. They even asked her to come back in visit for winter break. Then we headed out here, to the farm. Grams had been thrilled that I had extra farm hands with me this trip. She was even more head over heels to meet my gal. She fell in love with Ruby the moment we pulled up to the farm last night. She greeted Ruby as if she had always known her, then hugged and kissed me too. My Grams gave me a knowing smile and showed my little lady and Dixie to the guest room. Overall yesterday was the perfect day. I was painfully aware that each day that passed means we were getting closer to Ruby leaving.

I got out of bed and washed up, not wanting to think about the time that was left. I wanted to focus on these moments with Ruby and make the very best of them. I would make sure these next four days were perfect. I walked down the stairs as quietly as these old creaky steps would let me. I didn’t want to wake no body. Nick was lying awake on the couch bed when I entered the living room.

“Mornin’ Nick, ready for the day?” I said while heading into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

He rubbed his eyes and followed after me, “I got no sleep dude. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything that’s happened this week.” He leaned on the kitchen counter next to me. “I mean this whole thing is crazy, you are literally the guy of Rubz dreams. Ever since you and Rubz got together all I keep thinking is I want something like that. I know I can’t get the weird dream connection thing but I wouldn’t mind a relationship. I want to hold her hand, and kiss her forehead. I want to make her laugh and feel special. I can be romantic.” He shrugs and pours himself a cup of the coffee I had just made. “When I think of all that, I can only think of Dixie. I just want Dixie to know what she means to me.”

“Dixie, huh? I figured you had a thing for her.” I said while cracking some eggs to get breakfast going.

“Stop that,” Grams swatted my hand lovingly, “Dixie, Ruby and I will handle breakfast for you two handsome men.”

She pinched our cheeks and we sat at the kitchen table. I didn’t bother to wonder how she got in the kitchen so quietly; Grams knew this house better than anyone. I looked towards the archway to the kitchen and I saw Dixie and Ruby shuffling their way to the kitchen. Ruby walked into the entry way, sleep still clinging to her. Her red hair was a mess; the pillow had flattened one side while the other stood up on end. She rubbed her eyes, and gave me a sleepy smile. I got up and pulled her into my arms. This was the first time I see her right after we shared a dream. My heart filled with joy, love and protectiveness for my sweetheart. She laid her head on my shoulder and I ran my fingers through her hair. I laughed as she mumbled a good morning into my shirt. She gave me a quick peak then headed straight to the stove to help Grams and Dixie fix up breakfast.

“Can you guys make French toast? It’s my favorite, oo oo with eggs and bacon!” Nick smiled as Dixie shot him a dirty look.

“Of course dear,” Grams smiled at him sweetly. “I’ll make some grits and cheese, toast and sausage too. A pair of growing boys like you has to eat. Ruby can you make the fresh squeezed orange juice?”

“Sure grandma Clark,” Ruby grabbed the oranges and got to work.

When breakfast was finished we all dug in. What an amazing breakfast it proved to be, not that Grams ever failed to impress with her cooking. She even made fresh baked muffins. Ruby was in food heaven, and boy can that girl eat. She was smiling ear to ear after that good meal. She hollered that she was ready to work, so Grams sent her to the barn with me. She wanted to me tend to the horses, said I had a way with them. She added that they needed exercising; maybe a ride would do them good. I knew what Grams was up to but Ruby and I were more than happy to except that job.

Ruby helped me brush the girls, feed them, clean out their stalls. Then we headed out on a mountain side ride. Ruby was nervous at first; never having been on a horse before, but two step was so gentle it calmed her nerves. She settled into a good trot by my side, a huge smile on her face. The other girls ran in the fenced area back at the farm while I had this moment with Ruby. I will never forget how her face lit up each time we saw something new. She was just like a kid in a candy store, aglow with wonder. When we got back to the barn, we rallied the horses back into their stalls. We gave them some more food and water, plus a special treat of sugar cubes. The sun was lower in the sky; it looked to be about two or three. Ruby and I were tired and hungry. She threw herself in the hay and sighed.

“I am so tired I am sure I can’t move from here.” Hay got into her hair and I lay besides her pulling some pieces out.

“I will carry you back,” I put my arm under her back to lift when she pulls me in for a kiss.

“I love you farm boy, never forget it.” She stared into my eyes as I ran my fingers across her lips.

“Never stop reminding me city girl.”

“I promise I won’t ever stop.” Then I lifted her into my arms and carried her into the house for a late lunch.
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Sorry, I am taking a while in between chapters. I have 5 other active stories and it being summer means I am busy with outings and stuff. I love my readers I want to have quality updates. That also takes time, so please hang in there with me! Thank you so much and continue to comment, recommend and subscribe.

Thank you for the support :)

P.S: I will do my best to update more often. Thanks for making this my most popular story on Mibba ever.