Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Just a Dream

I was sitting on a beach, in my black and white striped one piece bathing suit held on the sides by black bows. The water lapped unto my feet, causing the cold to creep slowly up my body. I was waiting for James. I was trying to will him here faster, while simultaneously hoping he doesn’t notice the new tattoo I have recently got in Texas. I have been in my new home for the whole summer. On the mark of two months, I got a small lone star on my ankle. I may not like Texas much but I love stars. I hoped he wouldn't make a big thing about it, I know how he hates tattoos. I just want to complain about school starting soon to the only person I would allow myself to complain too.

I felt him walking toward me. So I turned in his direction, my breath was caught in my throat. His abs glistened with a thin coating of ocean water. His hair wet, slicked against his head. His dimples bloomed as he caught sight of me on the sand. He picked up the pace and I got up to make my way toward him. My eyes traveled over the length of his body, I knew that when I stood next to him, I would feel so short. He was a whole foot taller than me at 6’1. The moment I was in arms length he pulled me into an embrace. I allowed myself to relax into him just for a moment.

“Ruby," he rested his head on mine, “I missed you so much.” He tilted my head up and our lips met.

My heart did a small flip and I let my fingers run through his wet hair. He pulled me in closer, pressing me against him. I laced my arms around his neck, knowing that this moment would soon end. He pulled away and smiled at me; I stared into his eyes and once again felt at a loss of words. He knew the effect his stare has on me, so I heard him chuckle softly, as he caressed my face. I leaned into his hand, and hoped his touch would linger longer. He sighed and stepped back allowing me the space I needed to clear my head.

“How’s life in Montana, farm boy?” I tried my hardest to regain my cool.

“Great! Today Grams and I rode horses bare back to some nearby mountain streams. You would have loved how beautiful the landscape was. You could have painted it beautifully I am sure of it. How was your day?”

“It was good,” I crossed my ankle in hopes that he would not spot the new tat. He noticed that small movement and I knew that I was busted.

“What is that Rubidium?” I could tell he knew what it was by the tone of his voice.

“I got a new tattoo.” I said barley above a whisper.

“Again Ruby,” His facial features visibly tightened, “I thought the UV one was your last one.”

“James, let’s not fight.” I started to plead. “I just want to talk about how bummed I am about stating school. I am nervous you know I am not a people person. Now I have to adjust to a group of all new people. That is not fun James. Please just no tattoo drama today.”

His face softened and I knew that this disagreement was over. I was surprised at how quickly it passed, I was ready to hold my ground for at least a few back and forth statements. He smiled at me and pulled us into the water. We splashed around like a cliche movie scene, I was all giggles, he would use any excuse to touch me. Brushing away my hair, throwing me into the water, carrying me deeper into the waves, kissing me between the times he would dunk me into the water. When he pulled me unto the sand, he held my hand as we sat side by side. I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped me in his arms. I knew that soon I would have to wake up and I would feel like another face in the crowd again, not special like I do here with James.

“There is something I want you to see.” He lifted up his arm, and inside of his bicep there was a tattoo. Not just any tattoo, a tattoo of the Rubidium symbol, my heart did a small leap. “I don’t want to fight anymore babe, so this is my sign for a truce.”

I gasped, “James you hate tattoos!”

“But I love you, so I thought one wouldn't hurt . . . well much anyway. I wish you could have been there Ruby. You would have known where to take me, what to say. I had no idea about anything but I just wanted to do something special for you.”

I smiled up at him, what a romantic fool I imagined up. I was smiling from ear to ear at the notion that this guy, who I imagined, loved me too. I heard my alarm in the distance and knew my time with James was coming to an end.

“Don’t leave yet, Ruby. We have barely spent time together.” He held me tighter as if to keep me here with him.

“I am sorry James.”

My eyes open and I felt my heart ache a bit, the pain on James’ face before I left still fresh in my mind. He felt so real; I didn't want to leave him there alone. But then again I never really wanted to be without him. I allowed myself to linger a few moments in my bed thinking of the boy I left behind. Finally, I rose, I knew today was Nick’s last day in Texas and he had plans for us. (As if I would get a tattoo from anyone else.) So I threw on a band-tee, so faded tied dye chucks, and a black jean skirt and was out the door. I knew no one would stop me since the ‘rents are at work and Dixie is with the cheerleaders from our new school. I tried to shake away the sad look on James’ face from my mind so I could try to enjoy my day.