Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Simply Happy

I was happy here on the farm, it was a simple and yet very pleasant life. On my second morning here, I was up even before James. I climbed down the stairs, past a sleeping Nicky and went into the kitchen. Grandma Clark sat at the table a cup of coffee in her hand. She gave me the warmest smile I have ever seen and I joined her at the table. We spoke about James, and how much he means to us both then we got started on breakfast. I was already making breakfast with Grandma Clark when I heard feet shuffling upstairs. Today we had decided to make fired eggs, mushroom omelets, bacon, ham, sausage, pancakes, waffles, and toast, with grits. It would all be served with a pot of coffee and grapefruit juice. I could get used to huge meals like this; I mean I love this whole breakfast as a family thing. I was having fun bonding with Grandma Clark when everyone else started coming into the kitchen. I think the smell of good eats, as Grandma would say, woke them up. They all said good morning while taking their seats at the table and rubbing sleep out of their eyes.

“Help Ruby and I set up the plates, will you dear?” Grandma looked at Dixie and gave her a winning smile.

While Dixie worked on setting up the table, I put all the food on the serving plates. There were just these huge stacks of food on each plate, enough to feed a small army. I was proud of the hard work we both put into making this meal. It was a really good feeling to have. As I sat down to breakfast it dawned on me that this was my last day here on the farm. Of course I got a bit sad. That thought only reminded me that I only had three days left with James. I grabbed his hand as he reached for another pancake with his fork. He looked at me and I knew that he knew what I was thinking. I also knew from his facial expression that he preferred if we didn’t focus on that right now. So I decided to focus on the moment and I smiled letting go of his hand. I went back to eating breakfast and exchanging stories with everyone. The food was delicious, which surprised me, since I made some of it.

“Good eats Grams and sweetheart. You two have to be the best gals to ever be.” James kissed my forehead, “I amma go wash up ‘fore I head out to town and get you groceries Grams.”

“Oh good dear, can you please take Ruby with you? I would love for her to see the town.” Grandma Clark smile at him. “Don’t worry about us dear. Dixie is going to help me collect eggs and Nick said he will paint the barn door for me. We have it all covered. Oh and dear, please take the pile of letters on the front desk to the post office for me.”

“Of course Grams.” James kissed his Grandma’s forehead, “don’t work too hard, ya hear? Its gonna be hot out today so take it easy.”

“I should go wash up too then. Thanks Grandma Clark.” I hugged her and started heading up to my room.

“Ruby dear, I insist you call me Grams. I want my future great-grandchildren to know me by that.” She shouted after me.

I blushed, “Okay Grams.”

While James and I were riding into town I told him what Grams had said. He couldn’t stop laughing, which I adored, every time he laughed he looked even more handsome. He took one hand off the steering wheel to hold my hands in his.

“My Grams is something isn’t she?” He squeezed my hand and gave me a quick smile as the town came into view.

“That she is.” As the dust settled on the road I was looking at a very small town, it couldn’t be more than twenty, maybe even thirty businesses here. “Wow this look like one of those super small towns from those old western movies.”

“Well it pretty much is. Most of the people live on farmland miles apart, some of them live in the small apartments above some shops. There is a small hotel in town, doesn't get much visitors so the locals stay there from time to time to keep it open. When ma and pops come out here to see Grams they stay there.” As he said this he climbed out the truck, and came around to open my door.

“That’s sweet.” I said while taking his hand as he helped me down.

“Yeah, well that’s how people work here. We all just help each other out, we don’t have much else.” He closed my door and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go to the market first.”

“I like it here James.” I said as we walked into a small sized ‘super’ market. “I want us to live like this when we have our own family. So they can be raised with good values like you have been raised with, James.”

A smile lit up his whole face as he turned towards me, “You’re the best Ruby, you are aware of that fact aren’t you?”

I just laughed, stood on my tip toes and gave him a quick kiss. “What’s first on the list?”

It felt so, married couple, to be doing grocery shopping with James; but it also felt so natural. Being with him doing anything feels natural really. Our relationship felt like breathing, and given our strange meetings, I wasn't surprised with that fact. Don’t get me wrong James and I have argued quite a lot, over tattoos, careers, friendships with the opposite sex and some other more petty stuff. We always fixed it though, because in the end we both knew a relationship was work. Let’s be honest no one else will ever truly have what we have. This guy isn’t just the guy of my dreams, he is also my best friend, protector, family, my other half, and best of all my true love. I watched him as he picked up stuff off the shelves putting them into a basket. The way his hair peaked out from under his cowboy hat, was so cute to me. I smiled and thought to myself, I couldn’t have asked for someone more amazing.
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Their time together in real life is rapidly coming to a close :(. This makes me a little sad but don't fret there is still some more that need to be written. This story hasn't run it course yet, plus I would like to announce that it will have a sequel, from the point of view of our potential love birds Nick and Dixie. So let me know what you guess think about this chapter and the idea of a sequel. Thank so much for everything.