Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Wedding Bells

I paced back in forth in my hotel room, my vest feeling tight. I adjusted it for the hundredth time. I was worried, that Ruby was nervous and rushing into this. Grams was wheeled in by my dad to see me. She smiled at me, and I could see the tears in her eyes. I moved towards her and felt her feeble caress on my cheek. I cherished the feel of her wrinkled skin, which was so soft against my skin. I held back tears and smiled at my second favorite woman in the world.

“I love you Grams.” I kissed her check and sat in front of her wheelchair.

“You look so handsome in that sand colored vest and pants set.” She pinched my cheek and handed me grandpa’s black cowboy hat. “To complete the look for my handsome boy. I want you to know that I am so very proud of you. I am so happy that you have found someone as incredible as Ruby. You two remind me of and your grandfather and I when we were young and in love. I miss him dearly you know. I hope that you guys have as a beautiful union as he and I did.” She gave me another frail kiss before being wheeled out.

I fiddled with my hat before my dad came and got me out into the chapel. This was the same place my great-great-great grandparents had gotten hitched at, I was so grateful that Ruby agreed to marry me here. I heard the keys start playing the wedding song, and the guitar slowly strum in tune. I turned and faced Ruby as she walked down the aisle. I felt my heart well up with an unexplainable joy as I watched her slowly approach me. Her red hair was in a fancy bun on her head, a veil covering her flawless face. The mermaid style dress showing off her curves, reminding me that she as all mine. I could make out a smile on her lips the closer she got. Nick was walking her down the aisle, she had asked him to give her away. I placed my eyes back onto my soon to be wife.

I felt a love so strong surge through me, this had to be the best decision I have ever made in my life. A flash of our lives together swarmed me. Us when she was three holding hands in the playground. I saw when she was six years old, us sitting in an empty classroom talking about family. Then when she was ten and we had our first kiss, how sweet and awkward it was. At thirteen when she told me that other boys didn't interest her, she could only think about me. At fourteen, when they asked her if she was asexual because she never had a boyfriend. We laughed so hard at that one. At fifteen when I started to think she wasn't real. It all leads to when she was standing there, a sign over her face confessing her love for me, at seventeen. I smiled as she stood across from me, ready to spend the rest of my life with the girl I knew I could never live without. I held her hands in my, looking into her veiled eyes.

My heart picked up pace as we exchanged vows, rings and finally a sweet kiss. The kiss that now marked the rest of our forever together. I saw all the smiling faces in our direction and heard us announced with the same last name. I couldn't be happier. I know had the best life partner a man could get. We walked hand in hand, down the aisle she had walked up alone a few moments ago. Never again would she be alone, she was now a part of me. We are now a unit. I kissed her again on the limo drive to the Grams’ farm where the reception will take place. We held hands through the whole party, danced, laughed. Our parents did a great job of decorating this place. It was so perfect but it all paled in comparison with my beautiful bride. I knew that I would never forget today, today was the day I became complete.
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Comment and let me know what you think! There are only two more chapters after this guys then off to the second. ♥ Please give me your thoughts