Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

Waking Up

I was awake, I could feel it but I didn't want my eyes to open just yet. Not when I had just had such a great dream, I wanted to slip back into it, but like all good dreams I knew that wasn't going to happen. So instead I admitted defeat and got out of bed. I headed towards the bathroom to shower, listening to the music of the world around me. The early morning birds, the hum of bugs, the slight rustle of leaves against the breeze. I felt a peace course through me and wished for the hundredth time that she could be here with me, my Ruby. My precious dream girl who I had went out and got a real tattoo for. Just to put a smile on her perfectly imagined face. Man, James you have a problem. I rubbed the gauze, wishing that like in the dream it was already healed.

I slowly peeled my striped bottom pajama pants from my body, and headed into the shower. The cool water reminding me of the water I just swam in. The cool lapping waves of the ocean, I dreamed Ruby being at. I dried off and threw on my working clothes. I knew Grams would be waiting since I had gotten off to a late start this morning. I could still smell the shampoo of Ruby’s hair in my nose while I eat my cheese grits and bacon for breakfast. I squeezed myself a fresh cup of orange juice and headed towards the stables.

I know Grams would be gathering eggs, so I will clean the stables for her. Not the most fun work but I did love being around the mares. I would get to brush and wash them with Grams later on but first I needed to clean out their stalls, and give them fresh hay. So I let them out to Gram’s large fenced in field, allowing them to roam about and eat breakfast. I know I would have to keep my ears peeled to make sure they didn't get themselves into any scuffles. Them Alphas are always at each other’s throats.

I went about my day and my chores as usual with Ruby in the front of my mind. Sometimes I felt as if I spend all my waking hours waiting to go back to sleep. Just so I can hold her in my arms again, and breathe in her sweet scent. All of this getting myself worked up over a dream girl. I sometimes wished that I would dream like normal folk, you know random, mixed up, never the same, I guess that would make thing easier. I wouldn't spend my time with thinking about the girl I could never really have but would always have. Maybe like others guys, I would fall in love with some girl I met in class, we would go to parties, lay on the grass under the stars. Now when I imagine those the scenes all I see is Ruby. Her red hair spread out under the night sky, her eyes fixed on mine, blushing under my gaze. She was everything perfect with the world, the best part of me. I wish she was real, I wish she was real, I wish she was real. I silently prayed that I would either get over her, or somehow find her.