Sequel: Painting Virgin Skin
Status: Super Mushy X3

Cracks in Reality

A Day Out

I stood with Nicky’s hands over my eyes, no idea where we were. All I knew was that was I let him convince me to trust him. I wished that I didn't agree because first I was blind folded while he drove us, to wherever, in his rental car. Now I was standing, who knows where, with his hands pressed against my eyes. He pulled his hands away and revealed South Padre beach, I gasped. I had never been to a beach in real life before, this was so nice. It was almost as beautiful as my dream with James, almost. Nicky, smiled at my surprised reaction and the lopsided curve of his lip, made a girl behind us gasp.

“He is so cute.” She whispered to her friend as they walked past.

“Hey Nicky, you have fans here in Texas too.” I punched his arm.

“I always have fans.” He winked in the direction of the girls and they blushed.

He and I laughed at their reaction as we continued walking on the boardwalk. We both agreed that being away from groups of people is the best. So we walked until we found and small stretch of empty beach. He threw a replica of my bathing suit from my dream at me. I gasped how he could have known that I would want a suit just like this. Then I shrugged, Nicky just knew my style is all. I quickly changed in bathroom and walked out to find Nicky waiting for me. His stood in his swim trucks, the black and white stripes matching mine. I had never seen Nicky shirtless, through I did suspect that he had muscles, I had no idea he was this nicely toned.

“Check you out dude. You look good.” I whistled at him.

“So do you Rubz, I had no idea you had such womanly curves.” I punched him and he laughed.

I had B cup boobs, and a small round butt. Everything was petite about me; I so did not have womanly curves. My hips just curved out slightly, so I knew he had to be teasing me. I didn't mind, that’s just how Nicky and I are. I was once again grateful that he came to visit me. It was nice to have someone to hang out with before going back to being alone. He led me to a spot on the beach and placed a blanket under us, with an umbrella over us.

“No need to ruin your pale skin Ruby.” Then he ran into the water, no hesitation for the cold I am sure the water held.

I watched him swim back and forth, such elegant strokes. I was surprised that he had grace at something besides putting ink on a skin canvas. I guess that I didn't know everything about Nicky. I got up and joined him in the water. The cold waves sending chills and goose bumps up my flesh, stopping me only knee-deep in the water.

“Don’t be such a chicken Ruby.” He mocked from a distant.

I refused to be called a chicken so I trudged in, forgetting only of a moment that I am significantly shorter then Nick (as I am with everyone.) So as I moved towards him I felt the ocean floor dropping out of my reach. I will myself to stay calm, not freak out that I couldn't feel the sandy ground. He watched to see if I would move towards him and for a moment I felt that ghost of James’ arms hold me fast against him. Then a wave pulled me under the surface, I saw Nicky’s legs move towards me. He pulled me up, a panicked expression on his otherwise mischievous face.

“Ruby, are you okay?”

“I am fine loser.” I saw flicker of a strange emotion in his eyes and then he resumed his regular playful attitude.

“Come on let’s get you on land. Want to go out to eat?”

“Heck yes! I can use a huge burger with cheese fries and a chocolate milkshake.”

“Well good thing this is Texas, home to huge food.”

The rest of the day went by like normal. We made fun of normal people, spoke about bands, tattoos, piercing and New York. He dropped me off home and said he will be back in late fall. Shouted for me to text him and drove off. In two weeks I would start school, I was not looking forward to this. I wished I could climb into Nicky’s suitcase and go back to New York. I yawned and smiled, I guess I will just have to tell James about how much I missed New York.
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Who do you want Ruby with more James or Nicky?

Let me know what you think so far ♥