Outsiders and Daydreamers

Adelaide Mackenzie, 16 years of age.
The daydreamer.
An outsider.
She always has her head buried in a book or up in the clouds, dreaming of magic, shape shifters and witches. Hoping to break free of her seemingly ordinary life. It all seemed so real, so much so that she feels she has the power to make such things happen.

Jasper Drake, 16 going on 17 years of age.
The young hunter.
An outsider.
He sees the world through different eyes, and would much prefer animals to people. From a young age he has learnt that keeping the ones you love close to you could cause them great harm. But behind his cold mask he hides a vulnerable heart.

Someway or another, Adelaide becomes involved in an secret organisation. There she meets an elusive boy, her "protecter" Jasper, and almost immediately forms mixed feelings for him.
The one question she keeps asking herself is;
What is Jasper supposed to be protecting her from?