Outsiders and Daydreamers

Ordinarily strange

Finally I emerged from the deep crystal water, sharply inhaling. I slowly swam towards the edge of the pool. Surly I was close to the class record.

"Goodness Adelaide, you were under for forty two seconds. That's a definite improvement for you." Ms Mahoney said delightfully as she glanced at her stopwatch.

Wild clapping came from my friends Alexa and Hayley at the other end of the swimming pool. Though they were twins, they were as different as chalk and cheese. Alexa - commonly known as Lexi or Lex- was alternative and a tom-boy, whereas Hayley was undoubtedly the most outrageously girly - yet sporty- girl I had ever met.

"You were just two seconds away from the record!" Hayley shouted, and the two of them begain to paddle towards me.

Sarcastic laughter came from our current record holder - for almost everything- Monica Holland.
"Too bad Mackenzie. But hey, if you were in better shape maybe you wouldn't always come second best."

Her mob of friends all chuckled mockingly, which was all those useless Barbie dolls were good for.

"I dare you to jump in and say that." I replied.

It wasn't going to do me any good to start another augment with her, but she was a magnet for trouble. Well, for getting me into trouble anyway.

"Bitch please. It takes a lot of work to look like this. I'd rather not."

She turned her head and looked down her nose at me. She and her henchmen sat in a line on the edge of the swimming pool, trying to flaunt themselves in front of the boys walking towards the change rooms. And for them begain the feast for the eyes of the boys, totally unaware of the disapproving teacher behind them.

"I say we drown her." Lexi plotted out loud.
Hayley began to giggle under her breath.

I certainly would have loved to end her - though I would have been more creative in my revenge after all these years stuck in her classes - at that moment though, I wondered what her reaction might be if someone bombed into the pool and drenched Monica. It was times like this that I wished I had power over water like in those super hero shows I watched with my brother Benjamin. For some strange reason I found myself switching my sight to the water around her feet. It was a stupid thing to do, but I stared at that spot until it seemed to move. It didn't miniver the way it was supposed to when there were people in the water. It began to ripple and splash about in quite an odd manner. Why was it doing that? Did someone turn the waves on? What am I saying? This isn't a wave pool. I glanced at Monica. Was it her doing?

She eyed me suspiciously, raising a thin eyebrow.
"And what do you think your looking at?"

I hate you. I glared.

Water burst upwards and engulfed her entirely.
She let out a tantrum like shriek. She was soaked head to toe in water, her golden hair springing out everywhere. Some of the girls laughed to the extent that they couldn't breath.

"That's enough for today girls. Out you get." Said Ms Mahoney, walking past with everyone's results and clearly oblivious to what had taken place.

I clambered out, and dried myself off. I was unable to ignore the humour of the event, nor could I forget the almost terrifying fact of what I had just done- if it was in fact me in the first place.

"Adelaide Mackenzie!" Monica rushed at me with outrage sparkling in her jade coloured eyes. Oh shit.

"Did you do this?! I know you did. You were staring at me."
"I thought you enjoyed the attention." I smirked.
"Yeah, but not from you." She placed her hands firmly on her hips.
"Well, I'm sure you would stare too if you saw yourself."

Suddenly she wasn't so confident in her self. "And what's that suposed to mean, huh?" Monica growled.

I couldn't hold it back any longer.
"Next time, wear water proof mascara if you don't want panda eyes."