Sequel: Unspoken Voice
Status: This is the first book in my Hunger Games Fan Fic Seris

Quarter Quell

Part two Hope

As I stand there face to face with the last of the tributes. Him weaponless me with a knife. Still anyone’s game. I charge at him. He jumps back and I land on top of him. I slit his throat. I here the last canon being fired signaling that I was the victor of the 65th annual hunger games.
I stood there with a victorious smile upon my face. Now I can go home now I can go home to Iza. On the train, I instantly get praise from my mentor Mags she tells me what a great job I did and when things got tough how I didn’t give up. I thank them all but I was just truly exasted so I asked to be alone. On the ride home, I was sitting there just thinking on how worried Iza must be, and how proud she is of me now. When we finally came to a stop and the doors open there was an instant cheer. I stood basking in the limelight. My family and friends come and greet me with hugs and kisses. I look around, she wasn’t there where could she be for sure she had to know I won. And if she did why isn’t she here. I had made hunger games history by being the youngest victor. Therefore, they wanted me to do a short speech. I got up to the microphone and took a deep breath.
“Well um… I don’t know what to say but I fought hard and well therefore it lead me to a victory and speared my life!” the district cheered. And I step down I turn to Mags and ask her. “Do you know where Iza Reffile is?” she looked at me confused.
“Whom” she says. I shrug and wonder off. At first, I didn’t know where I was going then it hit me. I knocked on the house of where Iza lived. A man opened the door.
“Um is Iza in.” I asked he shifted his stance and eyed me.
“Why is the victor of the games knocking at my door asking for my daughter.” He said
“Because I want her to know I’m alive.” He shook his head.
“Sorry kid I was told she committed suicide on the day of the reaping.” My eyes filled with horror.
“Yea I don’t know why but she’s dead now…. I think you’re the only person who knows.” I looked at him questioningly
“You are the only person who asked. I mean ever sine the day of the reaping she left and never came back she’s been suicidal for quite some time so I assume she killed herself.” I nod and back away he shuts his door. She couldn’t be dead then her words rang in my ear “I love you and I don’t know what I do without you.” She thought I was going to die. That is what she would do without me kill herself. I had to sit down and take deep breaths. Then Mags found me.
“There you are.” I looked at her with tears streaming down my face. “What’s wrong?” I shrugged. “Now you said if I knew a girl named what?” I looked at her again.
“It doesn’t matter no one in this district knew her name but the very little family she has left.” I sobbed out. Mags put her arms around me.
“What happened to her.”
“She’s dead she killed herself.” Mags gasped.
“Oh no that is terrible honey. Tell me her name.”
“Iza Reffile.” Mags stood up.
“who told you such blasphemy!”
“Her father.”
“No that man cannot be trusted!”
“do you know her.” I asked
“Know her? She is my niece!” I stood up and looked Mags dead in the eyes. But there were silences. “ When did you see her last.” Mags asked me.
“The reaping after I was called. She ran away from the crowd.” Mags sit down again. I sat down next to her.
“She must have really cared about you if she told you her name.”
“She spoke to me too.” Mags eyes got wide. “She told me she loved me. And I loved her with all my being.” Mags sighed.
“We wait I believe she ran away in shock if she didn’t run to far she will return soon enough.” I hugged Mags and she hugs me back. And we sit there and we wait. I go home, I wait for her to return.3 days past, and still she has not returned. The 3 days turn into three weeks. Then three months. Then three years. Still I haven’t given up hope that she was out there somewhere and so did Mags. Those three years pass by with cameras and praise and then they turn into more years. Never forgetting her, I just numbed the pain and moved on. 10 years has passed sine the reaping of the 65th hunger games. I sit in my living room waiting this year quarter quell. I watch as president snow makes the announcement. I wasn’t really paying attention until he said.
“we honor our third quarter quell on the 75th anniversary as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot be overcome by the capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped by their existing pool of victors.” I drop my bowl of oatmeal onto the floor and stare at my television. “No freaking way!” I say to my self. at the reaping, I was tribute and so was another girl but Mags my mentor volunteer. Before the chariot ride I walk up to Katniss with a hand full of sugar cubes in my hand
“Hello Katniss.” I say putting a sugar cube in my mouth.
“Hello Finnick.” She says.
“Want a sugar cube.” I say offering her my hand. “There suppose to be for the horses but they’ve got years to live whereas you and I well if we see something sweet we better take it.”
“No thanks, but I will love to borrow your outfit sometime.” She said I was wearing a golden-netted outfit that was knotted around the groin so I could not be completely naked.
“You are absolutely terrifying me in that getup. What happened to the pretty little girl dresses?” I ask trying to seduce her buy wetting my lips ever so slightly.
“I out grew them.” She said. I grasp the fabric of the collar between my fingers then I say,
“It’s to bad about this quell thing, you could have bad a real bandit in the capitol. Jewels money anything you wanted.”
“I don’t like jewels and I have enough money. What do you spend all you spend yours on anyway Finnick?” Katniss asked me.
“Oh I haven’t dealt with money for years.”
“Then how do you get the things you want?”
“With secrets.” I shift my body so my lips are almost touching hers. “What about you, girl on fire? Do you have any secrets worth my while?”
“Nope I am a open book. Everyone seems too know my secrets before I do.” She said. I smile.
“Sadly that might be true.” I look over and see Peeta coming. “Peeta is coming so sorry you have to cancel your wedding. That must be devastating for you.” I pop another sugar cube in my mouth and walked away. As I walk away, I get a weird sensation. I hang around my chariot and Iza pops through my mind. Wow. It’s been awhile since I thought about her. I had the yearning to just hold her in my arms. But I push it away and head down in the chariot. During the chariot ride, I notice district 12 glowing. Their stylist has weird taste well to me he does. The first day of training goes by fine but all through out the day I somehow couldn’t help but to think of Iza occasionally. I look over and see Katniss struggling with some knots. I walk over there and help her. Since I spent half of my childhood working with knots and nets, I’m at an advantage. I’m also at an advantage because I am a career. I get the length of the rope, make a noose and pretend to hang myself just for her. She rolled her eyes. And move on to another station. Then I turn to Mags and help her with fishhooks. After awhile I take Mags and introduce her to Katniss. Mags showed her how to make a fishhook out of any thing. Once she was getting the hang of it, she left and went to the archery. I go back to netting together a basket. While the next couple of days, where in play I give Katniss an hour of trident lessons for an hour of archery lessons. The last day of training ends with a private lesson. When it was my turn to go I take some rope and wove it into a handy basket. When I was done, I headed back to my room. When it was time for dinner I washed and headed down. During dinner, it was quite. It was so quite I had to leave. I sit in front of the television and wait for my training scores. Every one else was well. Mine was high n 11 I continue to sit a watch the others scores when district 12 numbers popped up I was in shocked. They both zeros
“eh to bad for them.” I said. Everyone celebrates the high numbers I just go to bed early. I lie in bed just thinking. Thing about her the one that everyone calls “that one girl” the girl that only Mags and I know her true name. Iza Reffile. Then I drift off into a hard slumber.
In my dream, I was sitting on the roof watching the stars. Then there was a hug behind me. I turn to see how it was.
“Iza!” I yelled out in joy. “Oh Iza I missed you I love you so much!” I say hugging her. “sit next to me please I insist.” She shook her head, took out a bow and arrow, and pointed at me.
“Iza don’t please no you don’t have to do this love!” She nodded. “Please don’t love I love you mean…” then she shot at me. I shot up in my bed in a cold sweat. The sun was seeping through the windows. Today was the day of my interview with Caesar Flickerman. I thought about the dream I had although breakfast. Then I decided to write a poem about it.

This poem
This poem
Was written for you
My beautiful angel
so shy so true
you are my star that shines through the night
so I will be there for you to make sure you’re alight
if I hurt you in anyway
you have the right to take my life away
I miss you so much when you’re away
I just wish that you would stay.
I Sigh and put my head down. At my interview, I see Katniss in her wedding dress. I say to her,
“I can’t believe Cinna put you in that thing.”
“he didn’t have a choice. President snow made him.” She said snappy.
“well you look ridiculous.” Cashmere said.
By the time it was my turn I was ready to go.
“so Finnick how are you feeling about this whole quarter quell thing.” Caesar asked.
“I think it is a complete outrage I mean I was enjoying a bowel of oatmeal when I heard about this, my oatmeal was completely ruined when I heard the announcement.” There was a scattered laugh throughout the audience.
“ok, is there any one special back home that you want to say hi to?”
“uh, yea kind of I wrote a poem for her can I recite it.”
“go ahead. knock yourself out.” I read the poem and when I was done there where awes across the audience. Then my time was up so I left. After Petta’s interview there was shock. I didn’t know Katniss was pregnant. as we all headed back to our rooms, the most weirdest thing happened. Victor by victor we all began to hold hands. I wasn’t sure what this meant but it made me realize. That I was going to be seeing Iza soon.

Before I went to bed my sponsor said
“So you understand the plan right.” I nod
“Do whatever it takes to keep them alive.” He nodded
“And here he wants you to ware this.” He handed me a solid gold bangle with flames patterned on it I was confused. “just trust me ok.” I nodded and said my goodbyes.