Sequel: Unspoken Voice
Status: This is the first book in my Hunger Games Fan Fic Seris

Quarter Quell

Part three Death

As I enter the launch room only moments from my death. I think of how it will end. Will an arrow shoot me from Katniss? Will I be poisoned, in conclusion how will it feel to see Iza once more? I dress in a blue jumpsuit that zips in the front a padded belt covered in a shiny purple plastic and a pair of nylon shoes with rubber soles. Then the voice tells us to prepare for launch. I look down and fiddle with the zipper. As I begin to rise I wave good-bye to everyone. When I reach my plate, I look all around me. Water. Good since my district was associated with water I knew how to swim.
“ladies and gentlemen let the 75th hunger games begin!” Says the announcer. I automatically switch into game mode and look for the cornucopia I found it seeming to be on a island. When the gong sounds I jump strait in. I swim all the way there and get the weapons I need. Then onto my second mission, find Katniss. I stand behind her but when she sensed me, she looked like she is about to attack me. I took stances and said
“hello crapness.” Finding my error, she lowered her weapon finding me no longer a threat.
“did you just call me crapness?”
“Sorry slip of the tongue.” She raised her bow and arrow again. “you liking the arena.”
“no I think they made just for you.” I smiled
“good thing we are allies.” I said taking to a normal stance. It takes her awhile to answer but then she says quickly.
“right.” We head out, away from the footsteps. Then she sends an arrow flying and she hits gloss. Then another one quickly right after hitting Enobaria. But she sees coming and dives back into the water. I shoot at someone who I think is Brutus but I wasn’t sure.
“do something about that would you.” I tell Katniss she tries and he blocks his arrow with a belt. Then all four Careers go to the Cornucopia. Then I found Petta. I start to go after him but then Katniss said.
“no let me go for him.” I shook my head.
‘couldn’t let you do to much.” I patted her abdomen. And I head off. I see Mags on the opposite side of Petta just heading in Katniss’s direction. Once I’ve reached Petta I tell him that Katniss is waiting for him and begin to tow him back to land. Once on land Petta says,
“hello again.” To Katniss with a kiss. We’ve got some allies.”
“yes. Just like Haymitch wanted.”
“remind me anyone else?”
“only Mags.” Katniss said.
“Well I cant leave Mags out there she’s one of the few people who actually likes me.”
“I’ve got no problem with Mags. Especially now that I see the arena. Her fishhooks are our best chance of a meal.”
“Katniss wanted her on the first day.” Petta says
“Well Katniss has a good judgment.” I say, and then I scoop up Mags in my arms. Mags say something then I make out the word “bob.” And pats her belt.
“Look, she’s right, some people already figured it out.” I point to Beetee who was struggling to stay above water.
“What?” Katniss said.
“The belts act as flotation devices.”
Mags chatted on to Katniss about something. I’m not sure. I was to busy thinking about Iza am I happy to see her, am I scared. Am I happy to die, am I scared to die. Mags claps the handle to her awl between her gums an I put the net over my shoulder. Then I put her over the net. We leave the Cornucopia and enter what seems to be a jungle. Once we enter it starts to get steep, we hike for what seems to be an hour before I tell everyone lets take a break, for Mags sake of course. As we take a break, once more I think of Iza. I look up at the sky and realized the sky was pink. Iza was somewhere out there. I wonder if dead people can think and if they can, I wonder if she thinks about me at all. I wonder if she is looking down on me. I sigh. When Katniss comes back down, I raise my Trident in a defensive stance and say.
“Hey there Crapness.” I put my head down.
“Did he just call you crapness?” Petta asks.
“Yea.” Katniss said. When I lift my head. They where both starring at me like I lost my mind. Mags were off elsewhere in her own world.
“Slip of my tongue again.” I said
“No.” she held out.
‘Your not crap and any one who says you are is pulling your leg.” They both stare at me. Petta turns away and Katniss just stares at me. “What did you find up there?” I ask her. “ Did they all join hands taken vow of no fighting and gave the capitol a bad name.”
“No.” she finally says still looking at me as if I was crazy.
“No.” I repeated.
“Because next time fate calls you your not going to make it out alive. None of was ever suppose to, well except Petta.” I said looking over at him. We stare at each other for a while then Petta steps in saying,
“So how many are dead.”
“Hard to say, at least six.” Katniss said.
“Come on lets keep moving. We need to find water.” Petta says.
“Better find some soon we need to be under cover when the others come hunting for us tonight.” We keep moving on then out of nowhere Petta slams into me knocking me Mags and Katniss down. Katniss tries to find a pulses and a heart beat.
“Petta!” she screams then she shakes him and slaps him. I push her aside and say,
“let me.” I was going to give him CPR when Katniss yelled,
“No!” and tried to knock me out of the way. I had to push her off once more. Then I continued to give him CPR. After minutes of trying, he finally comes to. I sit back. Katniss comes up to him.
“Petta.” She said quietly
“Careful there is a force field up ahead.” He said. I chuckle to my self and Katniss hormones start acting up from her pregnancy.
“Katniss!” Petta says
“Don’t worry it is just her hormones.” I say
“No it’s not…” she tries to say but she makes a strange noise. I give her questioningly look. We debate if Petta capable of moving on or not. We decide to keep moving forward slowly with Katniss in the lead. While we where walking there was a rustle in the tress.
“What was that.” Katniss said.
“I don’t know.” I get my Trident ready and Katniss gets her arrows and Bows ready. Then there was a silence. We keep walking parched and tired still searching for water. When Mags no longer can go on, we make camp. Petta roast some nuts while Katniss goes out to look for water I volunteer to go with her but she says she is also going hunting so I sit here eating the nuts. I remember the first time I was selected to go into the games I didn’t think of Iza as much I missed her like crazy but I never thought of her as I am now. Every time we are resting, I think of her she passes through my mind. I realize I didn’t know much about her except she had trust issues and I knew she was different then all the other girls I’ve been with. I knew she had a fiery power inside her and I knew she knew it too. When Katniss comes back with some sort of meat, I watch Petta cook it. Well rather, burn it. We eat the food while the pink sky turns dark. Then capitol emblem pops up showing the Tributes that are dead. When the sky goes black, there is darkness and silence I wonder if Iza felt like this most of the time. Then a small parachute comes in and lands. When Petta opens it, we are stumped on what it is. We try to find out what we can do with it until we all give up. Then Katniss shoots up saying.
“A spile.”
“A What.” I said
“It’s a spile of some sort, you put it in a tree and sap comes out.” she said
“Sap?” I said
“Yea for syrup but this must be for a different cause.” I try to jam the spile into a massive tree but then Katniss said,
“Wait, you might damage it. We need something to drill first.” Since we don’t have, drill Mags offers us her awl. Petta and I take turn drilling until we can put the spile in. at first nothing happens but once we move it around a thin stream of warm water comes out. We all drink up.
At night when we all are tired, we start to go to bed. I ask to take the first watch and Katniss says to wake her when I get tired. After awhile there where 12 gongs. I have no clue what that means. After discussing it with Katniss who also doesn’t know, she tells me to go to sleep. I don’t want to what if I have another nightmare about Iza. I sigh quietly and head to sleep. But my slumber was a woken by Katniss.
“Run.” She screams at us “Run.” I jump and get ready to attack. But when I see the wall of mist heading our way, I grab Mags still asleep and I start to run. It takes Petta a while to get the drift but Katniss pulls him along. When I see that they are having troubles I stop a tell then to come on. I notice Petta sprawling forward. Then Katniss limbs begin to spasm. I go back for them and help Haul Petta. We get a little away from the wall when I notice this was not going to work.
“It’s no use I’ll have to carry him can you take Mags?” I ask her
“Yes.” She said. I haul Petta over my shoulder. And Katniss is Squatting-taking Mags. As we where going Katniss fall a couple of times. One time she fell and could not get up. I run back over to her.
“it’s no good, can you take them both. Go on ahead I’ll catch up.” She said I looked at her with sad eyes.
“no, I can’t carry them both my arms aren’t working.” I said and my arms weren’t they where just flapping on my sides.
“I’m sorry Mags I can’t do it.” Katniss said. Then tears start to stream down my face when Mags stands herself up. Kisses me on the lips, and walks into the fog. I had to turn my head away so I wouldn’t see her die. My body flinches when I heard the canon shot. But I couldn’t stay I turn away.
“Finnick!” Katniss calls out.
I keep running until I cannot move anymore. This is how it ends. With some poisonous fog. Here it is the time where I get to be with Iza and Mags once more. Like they where in the good days.
“It’s stopped.” Katniss said.
I force my head to turn in the direction that the fog was coming from. Then before our eyes, the fog seems to be clearing up. Petta rolls off me onto his back and I turn onto mine. After a few minutes of twitching and pain Petta gestures upward and says something I can’t make out but I look to where his gesture was and I see what look like huge orange monkeys.
“Monkeys.” I interpret for Petta. After awhile of twitching, gasping and overall being in pain. We crawl all the way out of the jungle and onto the sandy beach. I just lie in the sand in agonizing pain. This is it here I come Iza here I come Mags. Then there was darkness. When, my eyes flutter back open I thought I was dead.
“Iza.” I whispered. Then when I came to more I realized I had survived. In addition, I was being helped. Eventually I was able to lift my left arm above water.
“There’s only your head left Finnick it’s the worst but you will feel better if you can bear it.” Petta says to me. Then he says something to Katniss but I wasn’t paying attention. As I was in the water, once and a while I would test out my limbs in an attempt of trying to swim. Then I start to go under water and when I pop up Katniss says.
“don’t do that.”
“What come up or stay down?”
“yes. No. whatever just soaks in the water and behave. Or if you feel this good lets go help Peeta. And why do you keep calling me crapness? I just starred at her
As we go to help Peeta. Katniss touches my arm and I follow her gaze and up above us there where a ton of them. Orange furred huge monkeys. I adjust the trident in my hand as Katniss calls for Peeta then when he comes and within a few seconds, the monkeys are attacking us. Katniss throws some arrows at it and I stab some with my trident. Then a girl from district 6 came out and a monkey attacked her. Peeta stabs it repeatedly until it lets go of her.
“Come on! Come on! Bring it!” Peeta says expecting more. But as soon as they attack, they disappear. The girl from district 6 is dead because the canon sounded. Then there was another rustle in the trees. We to defensive stance and prepared for another attack.
“Must be a tribute.” Says Peeta. “Katniss throw your arrow!” so she did, but nothing fell from the trees. Then the arrow came down and stuck the ground next to Katniss.
“Yup defiantly human.” Peeta continued. “Who goes there?” There was no answer. Yet another rustles. “What district do you belong to?” then there was a hand that came out that said four. /Katniss got closer to me and whispered.
“Who is that.”
“I don’t know Mags was the other district tribute.” I say to Katniss. “Show your self.” I said ready to throw my trident. Then that’s when a short girl in a gray sweater and black sweats came out. Her hood was up and her messy hair was in her face but I could still see one of her sparkling blue eyes she had a bag on her back her head was down. I lower my Trident.
“She isn’t a Tribute.” Petta says. “State your name and your business here.” Petta said. There was nothing but a shrug. “ You better talk you life is on the line.”
“Finnick talk to her she is from your district.” Katniss whispered.
“Hey do you know who I am… I’m from district 4 as well uh…” I lost words as I just stared at her. She look too much like Iza on the day she left she acted like Iza. The only difference was she was older… much older like around 19-20. the same age Iza would have been if she was still alive. Looking at her almost brings tears to my eyes. I walk towards her. And start to climb the tree.
“What are you doing!” Petta said
“Trust me..” I said actually I had no idea what I was doing. I was just doing it. Her head still looked down and a frown was upon her face. she turns around to and goes back behind the branches of the leaves where Petta and Katniss could not see her.. but I met up with her. When since me next to her she looked down and away. I touched her and she flinched.
“You remind me too much of a girl I love. Who are you?” She reached into her bag and pulled out a knife. She carved into the tree. SOME GIRL AKA THAT ONE GIRL. Then I knew. It was she. Iza Reffile. I hugged her and cried.
“Finnick are you ok?” Petta yelled up to me. Iza’s eyes got big.
“yea.” She looked and me and said
“Finnick Odiar.” Her voice was soft and gentles a littlie cracky too. But to me she sounded like a million angels.
“Iza.” I said she tackled hugged me. And said.
“Finnick you alive I thought you died.”
“I thought you where dead!” I said.
“What’s going on?” One of them said sounded like Katniss.
“Come’ you must meet my allies.” I said getting up taking her hand. Yet she doesn’t move. I look at her then smile.
“you don’t know how much I missed you. You will probably never know how much I love you.” Then I see that heavenly smile on her face once more. I pick her up and head down. She whispers to me not to tell them her name. I nodded. They put their weapons down when they see me carrying Iza.
“She is not a threat ok she’s fine.”
“Who is she?” Peeta asked
“A girl from my district I have no Idea why but I’m the only one she would ever talk to. And she doesn’t want you to know her name.”
“Isn’t that kind of fishy.” Katniss asked. She shook her head.
“Nope.” I said. We walk her out to the beach. Where we make camp. Katniss tells Petta to get some rest. And I tell her that I was going to watch guard. She wants to start an argument but I tell her to just go. I sit there next to Iza who I still cannot believe is alive.
“so what happened.” I asked her when every one was asleep.
“ when you where called I ran away thinking you where going to die. I dint want to see your death so I ran. I went home and packed a couple of things first. I also did not know where I was going until I remembered I had this.” She too out a old book that was very large she opened it and took out the map that was inside.
“see this is Panem.” She pointed to us. Then continued. “Along time ago way before the dark days. See there are other places there called Unknown Islands ever since the dark days began no one was ever aloud in or out of Panem. Look here” she grabs her book. “Look a long ago time this place that we call Panem use to be called America. Instead of districts their where states. fifty of them 50 states Finnick! They where like Districts but much bigger.” I looked at her with a smile on my face.
“You actually believe that.” I said.
“There are islands out there and I’m leaving this hell and finding them.”
“ok then why are you here?”
“there is a force field I can’t get out. I was running and got trapped here.”
“it took you 10 years to get here. Wow, we must be somewhere far.” I Said then Iza face lit up.
“Do you know Mags?” I frowned.
“Yes.” I said shakily
“she’s my aunt how is she doing!” I sighed.
“she volunteered to be a tribute.” Her smile got thinner. “We where running away from a deadly fog.” She frowned.
“Don’t.” she said
“We couldn’t keep going.” Tears started to spill from my eyes. She stood up. I grabbed her hand.
“Do you believe anything and everything I say knowing it is the truth?” I asked her. She nodded.
“She died today in that fog.”
“No you’re lying!”
“Does it look like I’m lying to you besides you said you trust me.” She jerked her hand away and began to back away slowly. She packed her bag and backed up all the way to Peeta. Then she knelt down next to him, took out his knife, and ran back into the jungle.
In the morning. I get two baskets of fresh water and a basket of shellfish. I sit here cracking them open when Katniss awakens.
“if your going to keep scratching you will only bring on infection.” I say
“so I heard.” She said she goes into the water and washes off. When she comes up she said.
“hey Haymitch if you’re not too drunk we could use something for our skin.” Then like magic a parachute comes in. inside was a ointment. Katniss started to put on her skin then I said.
“crapness!” I cough and laugh smiled. I see her smile a little I the corner of her mouth. “sorry I have a cold I think.”
“so do I prince uncharming” she coughed as I rubbed my skin with the ointment
“crapnap!” I cough
“Fin from adventure time.” I threw a shellfish at her. We keep making fun of each other until Katniss says.
“where is that girl.”
“she ran off.” Katniss just stared at me. Then said
“lets wake Peeta.” Katniss said. I nod we sneak over to Peeta and put our faces directly in his. When he wakes, he says
“ah!” then Finnick said
“its Peeta butter jelly time Peeta butter jelly Time.”
“oh god come on Fin Paste! Yea Fin paste that’s good!” Katniss said. We all laugh. Katniss hands him the Jar of ointment.
“where is my knife?” Peeta asked. Katniss shrugged.
“uh.. the girl took off with it.” He stopped oiling himself.
“she what.”
“what.” Peeta said
“Mags was her aunt I told her about Mags last night and she got upset and took your knife and ran off.”
“and you didn’t stop her now I’m defenseless”
“I couldn’t leave you guys unguarded.” Peeta sighed then a Parachute comes in this time with a load of bread. I examine the bread carefully looking for the sign. Then I say
“this will go well with the sea food.” We sit and enjoy our salty bread from my district and Shellfish. Then I see some one walking towards us. They weren’t wear a blue suite so I assumed it was Iza. I stood up fast. Peeta and Katniss follow my gaze. Sure enough, it was her. She was carrying her bag and Peeta’s Knife. When she approached us, she walked up to Peeta and threw his knife down on the ground next to him. he picked it up and examined it. There was blood on it. He looked at her then at me. I shrugged. I give her a piece of bread.
“you could at least clean it you know.” Peeta said. She shook her head and pointed to the water.
“what.” Peeta said he looked at me. I shrugged once more. “tell Finnick so he can tell us.” She shook her head again. “Then please clean it. It would be very kind of you.” She pointed to the water and then to her arm. “do you have a wound on your arm?” she nodded slowly.
“I know what to do! Here take off you sweater!” I said she shook her head.
“why.” she pointed to her forearm.
“the wound is on your forearm.” She tilted her head then nodded. “We need to clean it.” I try to reach for her sweater but she backed away fast. “no what you don’t want to clean It.” She covered her eyes with her hands and then pointed to us. “she wants us to close our eyes.” Peeta and Katniss close their eyes. “you want me to help you?” she nodded slowly. As I strip down to my under garments I notice Iza doing the same but twice as slow. When she took off her sweater, I notice why she didn’t want to. She had wounds all over her body. Her wounds look like slashes, cuts, and there where fresh ones on her arms and her legs.
“Iza what happened to you.” She shrugged. Then I remember the knife. “Iza you didn’t do this to yourself did you?” she shrugged again.
“Iza.” Then she whispered in my ear.
“ I been doing this since I was 7 ok it’s a habit it’s the only way I know how to feel better, why do you think I don’t talk to any one.” I sat down and held Iza in my arms. “no one loves me no one cares so why speak hmm why should I even breath.” I looked her dead in her clear blue summers day sky eyes and said. “I Love you I care for you sure I haven’t been there for you but I always was thinking about you. you must know that because you talk to me and only me.”
“and its going to stay like that until someone worthy of my voice approaches.” I kiss her passionately the kiss last for a while until Katniss said.
“you guys aren’t in the water yet!” Iza looks at her arms then the water know its going to hurt like hell. I nod and say
“I’m here.” I take her into the water step by step. She gasps, moans, yips, and screams until she was completely under water. I take her out and she puts her clothes back on then cleans Petta’s knife. “she cleaned it Peeta.” I said he looks up at Iza who is now giving him his knife back. She sets it down next to him and hugs him. I was shocked. She hugged Peeta. she smiled and sat down next to me.
Days went by and our alliance grew. It was me Beetee there was Wiress but she was killed. Johanna who was quite jealous of Iza. And Iza if you count her and I did. Beetee had this plan with this wire to have tied to the tree that was stuck by lighting every day at noon and midnight and to put it the lake. We where all game but that’s not what the signs showed. They showed that it was time to take action. I looked at Johanna she nodded.
“Katniss you go with Johanna to uncoil the wire ok.” I said they sighed saying that they were not too happy about it.
“Ready?” she said to Johanna.
“sure.” She said with a shrug. I look around to find Iza she was nowhere near me. This was dangerous. I start to run off to look for her then I see the blood
“Johanna Katniss!” I said I continued to run off looking for all three of them. I kept running looking for them until I hear
“Peeta, Peeta I’m over here.” Enobaria and I run up to the lightning tree. But we see no one. We search all over the place for any of them. So far two more canons go off. Then the lightning hits the tree, I’m thrown back wards and I slam into a tree. Everything is spinning and on fire. I wonder if Iza is ok. Then I hear in the distance.
“Finnick! Are you ok.” I hear the footstep approach then I scream. Was that Iza being killed? No her screaming get clearer. She’s screaming “Finnick! Finnick!” at the top of her lungs I feel her gram onto me screaming my name repeatedly in terror. She let go I could dimly see her back away screaming “no why him take me instead please take me o god take me!” Then what comes out of her mouth next is tremendously shocking. She screamed Katniss on the top of her lungs. Then she disappeared but I could still hear her screaming Katniss. Then there was a hovercraft above me. Then it was black. When I wake up fully I was taken into a room.
“Who is that girl?” Plutarch Heavensbee the head game maker said. I shrug. “We need to know.” He took out a bag, Iza’s bag. He took out the map and said.
“This girl, knows about the time way before the dark days. These islands are the key to the rebellion. We need you, Katniss and that girl to help over throw the capitol.” Then Katniss came in with a syringe. Haymitch came, sat her down, and explained everything to her. She ended up attacking Haymitch. I finally told her.
“You are the Mockingjay. They need you me and you know her to help overthrow the capitol.” Katniss looked at me and said.
“Where is she?” I looked at Haymitch and Plutarch.
“She is in a coma.” My eyes got wide. “She attempted to kill herself so we saved her before the capitol got to her we need her.” Katniss looked over at me. Then there was a commotion out side. Every nurse was rushing to where Iza room is. I stepped into her room. I hear her heart rate monitor beeping erratically fast. I saw her body flopping around uncontrollably. She was having some sort of seizure. Her heart rate monitor was beating faster and faster.
“No!” tears where beginning to fall out of my eyes I stormed out of the room screaming.
“No! No! No!” she was dieing and it was my entirely fault.
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Next Book Unspoken voice