
1. Moving Day.

Luke's POV:

Me and the boys were putting the last few things into our new London house. Wow! I can't believe we are actually here. I mean I- My thoughts were inturrupted with Ashton shouting.

''LUKE! Come and check this house out! IT IS AWESOME!" I replied with, "I'll be right there dude, just getting my things for my room". Before I got the chance to get through the door, a girl walked out of the house next to us holding a plate, she had blonde hair and was smiling. She then started talking to me, "Hey! I guess you guys are the new neighbours, so I convinced my friend to bake some cookies as a welcome to England thing!" I'm pretty sure I started grinning with the word 'cookies', I answered her with, "Yeah! Just came from Australia, and thanks, you guys didn't have to do that! I'm Luke by the way. Luke Hemmings" "I'm Addie Barker" she grinned. She then passed me the plate that she recently had in her hands, "Be careful with them by the way, Lilah only just baked them. I told her to bake them as soon as the truck pulled up!" I replied with, "Well, tell her I said thank you! She really didn't have to!" "Will do! See you later!"

I walked into the house with the plate of cookies and placed the plate onto the table in the living room. As soon as I did this, the boys came running into the room. Michael, being Michael, spotted them first and said "Are those cookies?! Where the hell did you get them?" "I got them off of our neighbours, she came out and gave them to me" Calum replied to this with, "She?! Is she cute?" "Uh, I-I-I guess?" "Oh, well! Just eat them!" Ashton screamed. We all picked up 2 each as there was enough, I bit into one of mine and moaned, these are the best cookies I've ever tasted... It just melts in your mouth! God! When I see that 'Lilah' girl, I'm going to give her the world's biggest fucking hug ever!

Addie's POV:

As I walked into our house after talking to that Luke bloke, I couldn't help but wonder he seems perfect for Delilah, I mean she once said that her dream guy would have blonde hair and blue eyes, and have an accent. Ok then!

As I entered the kitchen, Lilah was cleaning up after making the cookies. God! I really don't know how she's never had a boyfriend before. I mean she can cook, she's nice, she's kind, she thinks about others before herself.... and -no homo- but she's gorgeous aswell!

She turned around, oh crap! Did I say that out loud again?

"Hey! I'm guessing you gave the neighbours the cookies?" "Yeah, and the bloke that I gave them to seemed thankful! He said thanks, but apparently you didn't have to do that'' She replied sarcastically with, "Well, I kind of did as SOMEONE begged me to!"

Oh well.
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Hey, kinda crappy. But it is the first chapter, so...
