
2. To School!

Delilah's POV:

I woke up the next morning at 7am, God! Why the hell am I awake this early?! I mea- My thoughts were inturrupted as Allie shouted, ''LILAH! IT'S MONDAY MORNING, TIME FOR SCHOOL!'' OMG, we have school today? Why put me through that terrifying experience?

I slowly got out of my bed and walked towards my bathroom, I had a quick shower and blow-dryed my hair. Next, I walked towards my walk-in wardrobe and picked out this:


As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Harley, Jade and Addie eating some pancakes and there was some left over on the side... I'm guessing for me? Oh well, I'm going to eat them anyway. Jade started the coversation with talking about the neighbours that moved in yesterday, ''So, Addie. You took the cookies to our new neighbours right?'' Confused, Addie asked ''Yeah...?'' Jade continued, ''Well, are they guys? Oh, are they cute? How old are they?'' We all looked at her with wide eyes, Addie replied with, ''Uh, yeah their guys, I only met one of them and he was about 16, ish?'' After she said this, she looked at the clock which showed '8.15am' ''CRAP, WE NEED TO GO... LIKE NOW!" Me, Addie and Harley all rushed to put our plates and glasses into the sink, Jade didn't need to as she doesn't go to school anymore as she's 18, lucky bitch.

We rushed out the door with our bags and started walking to school, I wonder if the new neighbours would be going to our school, I mean... it's the nearest one. Oh well. As we arrived at school, we went straight towards front reception to get our new timetables for the year, thank god it's our last at the school. We all picked ours up and Addie started to state what she had today, "I have English first, then Maths, then Science, then P.E and lastly I have Photography'' I looked at mine and found out we had all of our lessons together, YES! Someone who I get along with. Harley told us she had Maths, Religious Studies, Science, P.E and lastly English,at least we had some lessons together. Me and Addie started to walk towards English after we said goodbye to Harley. We took our seats at the back of the classroom, but as our table had 4 chairs, hopefully the other two people would actually be nice enough to socialize with. If not... Well, this is going to be an interesting year. Our teacher, Mr Sands walked in and started to say what subjects we will be covering this year, he got interrupted half way through with our Headteacher walked in with 2 boys walking behind her, she said ''These are 2 of our new students this year. Just, treat them with respect alright? And make them feel welcome!" And then walked back out again, well then! The 2 boys introduced themselves as Calum and Michael, they seem nice enough, Mr Sands sent them to sit opposite us as the 2 chairs were still free, they sat down and Mr Sands started talking about our first project of the year. ''In this project, you have to pair up with someone of the opposite gender, it will be a 2 week process and in that time, you need to get all the information you can about that person and create a video explaining their life pretty much. You can pair yourselves up, but remember; opposite gender!" As he said that, one of the new guys sitting opposite me, Calum I think? said to me, ''Do you want to be my partner?'' ''Of course, I'm Delilah Evans'' ''Calum Hood'' and we shook hands, I turned around towards Addie and found out that she paired up with Michael.

As we left our English class, Calum turned around to me and said, ''Can I have your phone number? So we can talk about how we are going to do this project?" I replied with, "Of course" and gave him a slip of paper with my number on it.

The subjects up until lunch were horrifically long and when it was finally lunch time, me and Addie walked towards the canteen and paid for our lunch. We then walked into the seating area talking about the English project and we found Harley sitting down with our other best friend, Jamie. Jamie, was really pretty, and by really, I mean REALLY! She was about 5'6'', she had long blonde hair and brown-ish eyes.

We sat down and immediately started talking about things like, our lessons, our teachers and 'hot' boys this year.

Luke's POV - Lunch Time:

Me and the boys got our lunch from the canteen and walked towards a seating area and almost immediately found a table with 4 seats, even though there was only me, Calum and Michael actually going to school. Calum and Michael started talking about some English project that they got and their partners, Calum said ''I got a girl named Delilah, really nice actually and she's pretty cute too!" and Michael replied to that with, ''Oh yeah, one of the girls sitting opposite us? I got the other girl, Addie. And when I tell you she's cute, I mean like stunning-ly? cute... Oh look, there they are'' I looked towards where he was 'discretly' pointing and found a table of 4 really pretty girls, but one stood out for me. She had beautiful brown eyes, and a smile that instantly made me smile. Oh dear god, this girl's smile is going to be the death of me, I swear. By the time I actually got back from cloud nine, I found out that the boys were staring at me with smirks on their faces. ''What?" I asked them, Calum answered with, ''Love at first sight, eh? Which one?" I stuttered out an answer, ''I-I-I-I don't kno-w-w w-what your talking a-about'' Classy Luke! ''Come on, what one caught your eye?" Michael asked. ''The one with brown hair? Beautiful smile, and sitting towards us?'' I questioned, Calum finally got who I was talking about and asked, ''Ah, Delilah huh? She's the one who's my English partner'' ''You said your English partner was 'cute', she is not cute! She's... stunning'' I said dreamily.

With A LOT more teasing involved from the guys, it was finally the end of the day. We walked outside of the building and started to walk home, and it finally turns out that the beautiful angel that is Delilah lived next door to us with her friends.

Huh, small world.
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Kinda crappy, but was in a rush.

Thanks anyway,
