Zombie preparation and Defense


I'm assuming the reader isn't currently experiencing a zombie Outbreak. If you are, Skip down to the next section.

Preparing now for Zombiedom is a good idea. Remember what the T.V Preacher said, "when Hell is full, the dead will walk the earth" even though that might be considered by most people to be ridiculous, if you read the bible (yes I have read parts of it, I am an atheist but that is no reason to be ignorant and not read up on other people’s views too)
you will know that there are many verses that describe things resembling zombies example ;

Zachariah 14:12:

And the LORD will send a plague on all the nations that fought against Jerusalem. Their people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.

Zachariah 14:13:

On that day they will be terrified, stricken by the LORD with great panic. They will fight their neighbors hand to hand. There are several other biblical passages that allude to a plague that will decimate mankind in the end times. Many people take the bible as the truth, and also see it as a book of prophecy. Could we have received warning of the impending rising of the undead from antiquity? We don’t have to go far to rationalize this. Prophets in ancient times may have seen exactly what happened, but didn’t understand the science behind it to describe it accurately. They may have seen the biological cause engineered in a lab and unleashed upon the world, but could only use simple words to describe it.

There are currently so many end times prophecies that it can make your head spin. Almost all of them don’t point to an exact cause of the apocalypse, but the bible seems to point to the undead several times

Revelation 11:6

these men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

Revelation 11:8

their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.

Revelation 11:11

But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them.

Ezekiel 37:10

so I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet–a vast army.

The bible is rife with resurrection, the dead coming to life, and stories and illiterations to the end of times. Perhaps, the plague God uses to wipe the earth clean is a plague of Zombies. You can also point to end times prophecy references of Locusts and say that zombies could also be considered as a locust, devouring all life. At this point, all we can do is speculate and prepare. We don’t know how or when the world will end, but we can be ready if it is survivable.

It's bound to happen sooner or later. Since it would look weird if you started bricking up your windows and stockpiling rifles, you have to be smart about this.

First, get to know the guy in town who bought a pallet of spam to survive Y2K. He probably has a ton of that stuff around, and knows all the good hiding places. Next, scout out all the big box retailers that carry ammo and food. Not too many eh? Tough-luck, blue-stater. Someplace like Wal-Mart is ideal, especially with the garden center for seed and stuff for long term survival. A big bonus would be a nearby Home Depot or some such place so you can get plenty of lumber and quick-mix concrete for fortification.

While your preparing, always keep in mind locations where people congregate-you're likely to find lots of zombies there when things turn ugly. Highways, malls, and schools are especially bad. You might also want to mention to your friends and family in passing how well your hiding place could be defended, etc. That way, when the zombies come, they'll remember you said that and come help you. I don't recommend that you're preparing for a zombie invasion.

First, the fun stuff

After your initial panic, it's important to remember that a significant component of your survival is the demise of the Zombies trying to get your tasty brains. Despite some reports to the contrary, the only way to completely and permanently un-animate a zombie is to destroy its brain. This isn't rocket science (although that would be a cool way to do it). A gunshot is the most direct way to disable a zombie, but not the only way. Decapitation also works, although it’s possible but unclear as to whether or not the head would still function after decapitation so just to be sure avoid going near the decapitated head. If you survive long enough, and society collapses along with any hope of rescue, you'll need to develop some means of skull penetration that doesn't involve guns- a professional bow hunting setup works if you can get it. You might be squeamish at first taking out your neighbors; with time this will pass, you might even develop a gleeful hangman's sense of humor in your executions.

Run or hide

This is a no-brainer. You got to hole up somewhere eventually, but pick carefully. Let’s say that the outbreak is localized to your city, but you know that the neighboring town is zombie-free. Flee to the neighboring town. I know this sounds obvious, but don't sit around and wait for grandma to bite you. Get to the safe town, find a gun store, and join the minuteman Militia.

But that isn't much fun, so let's think about what you'd do if the whole country is overrun. Since you already did your prep work, make a bee line for the Wal-Mart you picked out earlier. Hot Tip: Pick a new Costco if you can. Zombies tend to do the things they were doing when they were alive, so they're going to head to the mall, or Costco, or school... you get the idea. And since we're on the subject I am going to once again discourage you from going near the malls, it’s an almost guaranteed death sentence, and malls are a bad place to hole up in. Too many entrances and not enough goodies for long term survival.

In short, pick a new general merchandise or grocery big box store. You get lots of canned food to eat, and only one or two entrances to guard.

Use the buddy system
Don't be a dummy. If your buddy is bitten by a zombie, shoot him in the head and get it over with. Otherwise, Gather the refugees, Rambo, and lead them to safety. People will follow anyone who acts like they know what they're doing, and you need the manpower to subdue the throngs at Costco. Not to mention that a good zombie attack needs plenty of extras.

Since the Average Costco has enough food to keep a few thousand people fed for a week or more, you should have enough food to get by for a few months if you limit your group to around 100 people or so. There's a trade-off here between having enough people to defend your fort, and enough food to keep them fed. I don't know if zombies are edible, but that's a possibility if things get rough. It's not really cannibalism, is it?

The basic idea to get from this section is to have enough people to root out the zombies and block the entrances, but not so many people that you have to ration the food heavily.

Zen and the art of fortification
how lame is this....you and a few buddies are holed up in a mall, with who knows how many entrances, and instead of bricking up the glass you eat hot dogs on the fine china at Macy's?

First, you aren't going to do that, because you already picked out the big box retailer you're taking over. Second, you’re going to spend the first day sealing all entrances. If you chose wisely, you have a store with some kind of concrete mix in it, or a home building center nearby. As soon as you've cleared the store of zombies, and maybe even before, you need to brick up the glass entrances. You can worry about the others later; they're smaller and harder to open from the outside anyway.

Be generous and thorough with your fortification. A few pieces of lumber nailed up is OK for an emergency start, but don't forget to make it more permanent. You might consider some kind of buttress design as well, since I'm not sure what kind of force thousands of zombies could put on amateur brickwork.

Finally, don’t make the mistake of assuming your fortifications will hold. Check them every day, measuring the wall to make sure it hasn't moved. You might also consider building a second wall in case the first gets broken through.

T-shirts aren't bite proof

This is one I've never figured out. Zombification occurs shortly after being bit by a zombie. So why are people running around in t-shirts for days and weeks after Z-Day? Here is a great example of why it’s important to not wear t-shirts and nothing over it; for those of you who have seen the show The walking dead, You will know what I am talking about, There is a scene where they find a prison and are killing all of the zombies in said prison and one of the guys locks a gate full of zombies unaware of a zombie behind him who proceeds to bite him on his unprotected arm, ok seriously what the fuck bro? Get some freaking armor! Thick leather will work in the short term. Later on, get some aluminum siding or something else metallic and affix it to your clothes. Even zombies can't bite through hat stuff. Important areas to protect include the forearms, neck, and legs. Just make sure it's flexible enough to give you some freedom of movement. Helmets are a good idea too, but pretty much anything besides motorcycle helmets would just look dorky, and I'd rather be a zombie then a dork with a pail on my head.