Zombie preparation and Defense


Here is a short list of supplies that you definitely need if you want to survive

Water (1 gallon per person per day)

Food (non-perishable items should be stocked up)

Medications (both prescription and non-prescription meds)

Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)

Sanitation and Hygiene (bleach, soap, towels, toilet paper etc.)

Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)

Important documents (copies of your driver's license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)

First Aid supplies (you'll need supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a fight with a zombie...or a tornado or hurricane)
Bug Out Bag Supplies

A helmet will not only protect your brains from being eaten in case of a zombie attack, putting the face shield down will keep infected blood spatters from dying zombies from getting in your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Survival Hatchet. This hatchet is lightweight and sharp as a knife. It can double as a kitchen knife, and is small enough to be carried in a purse. This is probably not the kind of ax you'll need to kill zombies with, since the handle is so short. You'd have to get way too close to the zombies to be able to kill them, but it is a great all around tool where chopping or slicing is needed.

Para-Cord survival bracelets enable you to carry several feet of Para-Cord (parachute cord) that can be used in an emergency for countless survival applications. There is approximately one foot of Para-Cord for every inch of your wrist diameter The Para-Cord bracelet uses a 5/8" curved side release buckle for maximum comfort, convenience and strength.

Many people are under the misguided belief that zombies only eat brains. Not so! A zombie will eat any human flesh they can sink their teeth into. If a zombie can't get to your brain, they will go for any exposed and vulnerable flesh they can get. That's why, along with your helmet you should have a neck guard to stop them from taking a huge chunk out of your jugular.
You never know when a shovel will come in handy. Not only can you use it to dig holes and bury things, it can be used in an emergency to kill a zombie. It's always good to have options.


Many things are needed to survive when the zombie apocalypse happens including guns, equipment and shelter. But even more importantly it is necessary to have a food and water readily available. Some foods will help keep up energy during the zombie apocalypse and some foods will last forever. The best foods to keep on hand are foods that can be eaten without the need for heating or cooking. The best food to have on hand during a zombie apocalypse are non-perishable goods. Milk can sour, bread can mold, and cheese can harden. Food that can be preserved are recommended highly (canned specifically). Old sodas have been proven to have a surprising amount of carbonation after 25 years if perfectly preserved.

One interesting canned product available is the Candwich. Literally, a canned sandwich. Unfortunately, it's one of those ideas that sounds cooler than it really is. It's not pre-made inside the can, you have to make it yourself. And I hear the "candy surprise inside" tastes terrible. Still, aside from "some assembly required," the Candwich should provide just what you need to get through the day running from zombies.

Zombie Apocalypse Grocery List-

Hot Dogs: A must have food for the zombie apocalypse since they can be eaten hot or cold without the need for cooking. Don't be afraid to splurge on the high end hot dogs either since they are a good source of protein.

Twinkies: “Where are ya, you spongy, yellow, delicious bastards!" said Tallahassee in Zombieland. You will get a hunkering on for Twinkies when the zombie apocalypse happens. Be prepared and add them to your grocery list. (Sadly this is no longer an option)
Canned Meats: Spam, potted meat, tuna fish, corned beef hash, etc. Meat equals protein and iron. These are necessities when battling the undead who want to eat your flesh.

Olives: Who said you can't have fine dining when the zombie apocalypse happens? Olives, both canned and jarred, do not have to be refrigerated, can be eaten right out of the can or jar, and are an excellent source of monosaturated fat (a good fat), iron and vitamin C. Olives are also an excellent source of fiber. Olives will keep you in tip-top shape for when you need to beat down the undead on your doorstep.

Bread: Carbs are good. Bread is full of carbohydrates and you will need them from all the exercise you get running. Remember "Rule #1: Cardio- Be sure that you can outrun the zombies! If you get caught, you become a zombie too! "

Potatoes: Potatoes are a must to have on your zombie apocalypse grocery list. Not only will potatoes keep you hydrated (they are full of water) but they are also a great energy food.

Fresh Vegetables: If available and accessible, then fresh vegetables are great energy foods. Do not, by any means, decide that a carrot is worth fighting the undead for. Just eat the potted meat instead.

Canned Fruits: Canned fruits can be stocked up on early before the zombie apocalypse takes place. These fruits have a long shelf life and can be eaten directly from the can.

Peanut Butter: Smooth or Crunchy doesn't matter. Peanut Butter is a great source of protein and is the perfect food for keeping up your energy when running from zombies. And you will be running from zombies.

Bottled Water: Is not a necessity but good to have on the list. It is debatable whether the disease of the undead can be passed through water or not. Best to be on the safe side and have bottled drinking water on hand.

Granola Bars/ Power Bars: Another energy food that should be on the zombie apocalypse grocery list. These bars are also small enough to fit in backpacks for when you must leave your shelter behind because it has been overrun by the zombie horde.
Remember to make sure all food can be easily transported from one shelter to another when fleeing for your life.