
Chapter Two

King Valmire was a wise, ancient man with a good sense of humor and a kind heart. He'd ruled over Gulgal from before any of the citizens could remember and many loved him. In his day, he'd battled vikings who tamed dragons and knights that rose from their graves. He'd brought peace to his small corner of the world - And even in his dying days, it was that peace to continue he wished for most.

"My most noble knights," he began, sitting as tall in his chair as he could manage. The queen's lay empty, as it had for quite some time now, being that the fair lady had passed away. He glanced briefly at the chair, as if to see if she was indeed still gone, as though he expected her to be sitting there, smiling reassuringly at him, "My strongest warriors. My loyal subjects. I bring you together, today, to send you out, beyond the castle walls, to complete a quest. It is these quests that will determine whether you are worthy of taking my place on the throne, as I will soon no longer be able to carry on, by myself. No that many of you will complain, either way. 'Enough with that old man!' you'll shout, 'He's ruled far beyond his welcome!'" A chuckled sounded throughout the room. Lizzie smiled as well, but it was a sad smile. The old king had been like a second father to her; giving her motivation at a young age and then accepting her into his garrison as she became older.

"It is not yet my time, however," he turned a bit more somber, "Now, it is time to give you your missions and, for some of you, your purposes. You must carry with you, not just your sword, but also your heart and your mind. For it is these that will keep you alive, not the blade you bury into another man." The king's eyes wandered the room and landed on each of us, finally settling on me.

"The first quest shall be to retrieve the center of a young viking's pride," he declared, "To acquire a baby dragon's heart. And this quest... Goes to Lizzie."

Her head shot up as the king summoned her forward. He placed a golden band on her wrist, symbolizing her special purpose.

"This is a worthy quest for you, Lizzie," he assured, quietly, "I have faith you will make me proud."


"I can't do it," Lizzie demanded, swinging her sword at Anna as the two of them practiced in the courtyard.

"I don't know," Anna sighed, "At least it's more exciting then catching a sprite in the West Forest. Mine's just time consuming."

"If you think it's so great, then why don't we just trade," Lizzie grumbled. She liked that the king thought so highly of her, but it wouldn't matter if she failed and had no heart to present him with.

"You know we can't Lizzie," Anna reminded, "You'll do fine, okay? Stop doubting yourself... Jeez."

"Let's hope you're right." Lizzie smiled.