Status: Please leave any comments or suggestions because I really want to make this story good.

You Were Always on My Mind

The Bonfire

*Jacob’s Perspective*
We finally get to go to the bonfire. It’s always the high point of the summer for Sammy and I. This year, Tim and Alex can make it and Alex decides to invite Claire. My dad, Claire, and I all have lunch at Tim’s house before the bonfire. When my dad and I get there, Claire and Alex are sitting in the living room talking, Tim is cooking and Sammy is no where in sight.
“I think she’s upstairs,” Tim tells me. I head up to her room and find her staring at herself in the mirror.
“Do I look funny to you?” She asks catching my eye in the mirror.
“Well, I mean you have two eyes which is just weird and look at that nose, it’s right in the middle of your face! Your eyes are the exact same distance from each other. You just look so weird,” I answer sarcastically.
“I’m serious, just after the transformation I feel so weird. I grew like four inches and my face looks thinner,” Sammy comments. She turns around on her chair and looks at me with a worried expression.
“Samantha Ann Reed,” I state, “you look amazing. Sure a few things have happened, but soon enough I may go through the same thing and I’ll change a little too. I still think you look perfect and I will never stop thinking that.”
Sammy gets up from her chair and walks over to me. She kisses me deeply then smiles up at me.
“Thanks Jacob,” she says.
We walk out of her room and walk downstairs.
“Finally,” Alex says, “I’m starving and he wouldn’t let us eat until you two came down.”
Claire laughs at him a little and shakes her head.
“Ignore him. The food isn’t even ready yet. Billy and your dad are finishing up the last of it,” Claire informs us.
They turn back to the TV and we join them in the living room. Sammy and I take our spot on the loveseat and enjoy Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Alex’s and Sammy’s favorite show.
“Food’s ready,” my dad calls out. We get up and head to the large dining room. Even though there’s six of us, there is still a lot of space that can be filled at the table. The other dining room only fits four, so we have to sit in here.
“Excited for the bonfire?” Sammy asks Claire.
“Yeah, I love hearing about the culture of places. I’ve also heard that there’s a lot of food and I love to eat,” Claire answers giggling and blushing a little.
“The food is amazing,” I tell her. They always buy the best hot dogs for the barbeque and we get to roast them on the fire.
“That’s what Alex told me. Is it bad that it’s what I’ve been looking forward to the most?” Claire asks.
“No, but it does shock me how much you eat yet you’re so tiny,” Alex says squeezing her hand.
“I’m the exact same way, Alex makes fun of me for it,” Sammy tells Claire.
We eat our lunch slowly and talk about the bonfire. After we all finish eating, Sammy decides to clean up and shoos everyone away. I help her clean up everything from the table then we wash the dishes. She washes, I dry. Of course, Sammy finds this appropriate timing to get me soaking wet and soapy.
“Really?” I exclaim. I splash water onto her and we end up in a water war. The floor is covered in water and soap and we end up slipping on the soap and falling. I fall onto my back and Sammy falls right on top of me.
“Are you okay?” Sammy asks worried yet laughing.
“Just give me a second,” I say trying to breathe again.
She rolls off of me then Tim comes running into the room.
“Is everything alright?” he asks opening the door. He spots us on the ground and just shakes his head. “What happened?”
“Soap miraculously got everywhere so we decided to add water so that it cleans away and boom, the soap trips us,” Sammy tells him laughing.
“Of course that’s what happened,” Tim says shaking his head, trying to hide a smile, “clean the rest of the dishes then clean yourselves up. I’ll take care of the mess you made before this happens again.”
“Thanks dad.”
We get up, I take a little bit longer, but Sammy has some new found strength and helps me up. She kisses me once I get up.
“Sorry, hope it doesn’t hurt too bad,” Sammy tells me smiling.
“I’ll be fine. I’m strong, I can handle it,” I reply winking at her.
We finish the dishes then head our separate ways to get a change of clothes. Claire notices us slip out of the kitchen sopping wet and just smiles then turns back to the TV. I notice my dad in there and see a huge grin on his face, but he doesn’t turn around to look at me. I change into a gray v-neck and a new pair of jeans then head back over to Sammy’s. When I enter the house, Sammy is walking down the stairs in a tight shirt under an open flannel and a pair of skinny jeans. She’s sliding around in her socks and playing with Shadow until she notices me watching her.
“Oooo, you look nice. Who are you trying to impress with that tight shirt?” She asks winking at me.
“Just this really pretty, yet funny looking girl. You might know her; her name is Sammy,” I inform her winking back. She grabs my hand and takes me to the living room.
“I have not heard of her. Funny looking girls aren’t really my thing.”
“Do you mind keeping it down?” Alex asks staring at us and smiling, “we are enjoying superhero movies and you are ruining it.”
“Oooo superheroes heck yeah!” Sammy exclaims dragging me to our couch.
The Avengers is on and we all sit around the living room watching it. Tim is cleaning up the kitchen, but he finishes quickly and joins us.
At around 5, we head out to the bonfire. The bonfire is always held at the highest point of the mountain next to the ocean.Alex drives the four of us in the jeep since Tim and my dad left early.

“Hey Alex. Jake and I are walking back, so you’re taking the jeep home,” Sammy informs Alex.
We had decided that it would be nice to walk like last year and just goof around on the way home. Sammy sings along to all the songs on the radio on the way there and attempts to play along on the guitar that Nicole got her. Claire and Alex are talking in the front while I watch Sammy struggle to tune her guitar. When she gets it right, she plays along to most of the country songs and also sings. Once we reach the campfire, there’s a lot of people. Tim and my dad are already there telling people what to do.
“Hey Alex. Hey Sammy,” Emily greets hugging them tightly.”Hey Jake. How are you?”
“Good, tired. I haven’t really been able to sleep well recently,” I answer.
“Tim probably knows some remedy that's good for that,” Emily informs me then turns to Claire, “so you must be Claire. As much as Alex tried not to tell me about you, I found some things out. I’m Alex’s cousin Emily.”
“Hi Emily, it’s nice to meet you. Maybe we can talk sometime after the bonfire so that you can get to know me?” Claire says with a large smile on her face.
“That would be great, Sammy can bring you over sometime, I don’t live too far from them, but Alex seems to want to keep you all to himself,” Emily states. Claire blushes a little at this comment and Alex just holds her hand smiling.
Sammy and I walk around the campfire greeting everyone.
“How are you feeling?” Old Quil asks Sammy holding her hand in both of his.
“Good, thank you for everything,” Sammy answers and hugs him.
“Anytime my darling. Make sure he keeps in track though,” Old Quil whispers to Sammy pointing at me. Sammy smiles and laughs.
“I definitely will, take care of yourself,” Sammy tells him.
We pick a spot next to Nicole and Johnny who are pretty close on the log.
“Hey Jake, hey beautiful Sammy,” Embry greets with Quil trailing him.
“Hi boys. I’m surprised you actually showed up on time,” Sammy comments.
“We’d show up anywhere early for you,” Quil comments. They sit next to me since there’s no spots next to Sammy.
“So how are you Jake? We haven’t seen you around much,” Embry asks.
“There’s been a lot going on, but I’m good,” I answer thankful that Embry isn’t still staring at my girlfriend.
“I’m gonna go get the blanket out of the car,” Sammy whispers into my ear and heads off to the jeep. I watch as she goes, but talk to Embry.
“How are things for you this summer?” I ask.
“Obviously not as good as things are for you,” Embry answers following my gaze. I look back at him.
“Want to come over tomorrow and work on the car?” I ask.
“Sure, I think I found a piece at the junkyard that you need if you want to go. Just the two of us?”
“Yeah, I’ll bring Alex’s truck so that we can put parts in the back.”
“Sounds good.”
For the next hour, everyone sits around and chats as we wait for everyone else to get here. Becka shows up and Sammy and her go talk privately for a while. It’s probably about the transformation since Becka just went through it as well. The guys talk to each other in our group while the girls talk to each other. We talk about sports and my car. Sammy looks nervous and a little awkward since she can’t tell anyone about herself. She was only allowed to tell me because she imprinted on me. I hold her hand and squeeze it then go back to talking to the guys. She spreads the blanket over us and leans against me.
“Time for the stories of our people,” Old Quil announces and the whole circle gets quiet.
“The Quileute tribe settled in La Push and became efficient fishermen and shipbuilders. As time passed, other peoples coveted their land and moved against them for it. The tribe was small and could not defend themselves, so they took their ships and left the land. At sea, Kaheleha used the magic in their blood to defend it. He was the first Spirit Chief in Quileute history. He and all the men left the ships in spirit only, using the original power of Quileute Astral Projection, leaving their bodies behind under the care of the women. Though they could not physically hurt the enemy, the warriors had other ways. They blew fierce winds into enemy camps; they could make great screaming in the wind and could manipulate animals to do their bidding. Animals were the only ones that could see them and help. The invading tribe had packs of thick-furred dogs to pull their sleds in the north, and which were set against them. Bats were brought out of the cliff caverns. As a result, the dogs and bats won and the survivors of the invaders scattered thinking the harbor cursed. The Quileutes released the dogs, who ran wild, and returned to their bodies victorious,” my dad says. They usually let him start first. “The Hohs made a treaty with them, afraid of the magic and wanting nothing to do with it. The Makahs had the same powers, but different intentions. They just wanted to look over the people, not fight. Together the tribes protected their people. Generations passed and the last of the great Spirit Chiefs came to be. Taha Aki was a man of peace and was known for his wisdom. However there was one man named Utlapa who believed that they should use their magic to expand their control over the Hohs and the Makahs, building an empire. When the spirit warriors left their bodies their minds were all connected with each other. Taha Aki did not like what Utlapa wanted and banned him from the tribe. Utlapa left and hid in the nearby forest.
Taha Aki was vigilant and protected his people even when there was no danger. Every so often, the Spirit Chief would leave the village to a sacred and secret place in the mountains. He would leave his body behind and searched the surrounding areas for any dangers or threats. One day, Utlapa followed Taha Aki planning to kill him, but as he waited for him to leave his body he hatched another plan. Utlapa left his body, took Taha Aki's body, and killed his own. Taha Aki knew immediately what was happening when Utlapa joined him in the spirit world. He raced back to his sacred place but was too late. He followed his body in his spirit self down to the tribe. For weeks he watched with despair as Utlapa made sure everyone believed he was Taha Aki. Then Utlapa's first edict came: no warrior was to enter the spirit world because he had a vision of danger, but in truth he was afraid of Taha Aki. Utlapa took liberties with the tribe that no one ever dreamed of. He took a second and a third wife, even though Taha Aki's wife still lived. Eventually, Taha Aki brought a great wolf down the mountains to kill Utlapa and free the tribe, but Utlapa only hid from it behind his warriors. The wolf ended up killing a young man, making Taha Aki's grief greater.
Taha Aki had been away from his body long enough to be in agony. He felt doomed of never being ever to cross the line between life and death. The great wolf followed him through the forest and Taha Aki felt jealous of the animal; at least it had a body and a life. At that moment the Spirit Chief had an idea that changed the future of the Quileutes. He asked the animal if he could share his body with him and the wolf complied. As a single being, the wolf and the man went to the village. The people feared the wolf, shouting for the warriors' help. The warriors came with spears in their hands, but they stopped in surprise of what the wolf was doing: the wolf was retreating from the warriors and trying to yelp the songs of their people. The warriors realized what it was doing and could only think that it was being influenced by a spirit.
An old warrior, Yut, disobeyed the orders of the false chief and left his body. Yut gathered the truth in an instant and welcomed Taha Aki. Almost instantly, Utlapa realized what had happened and raced towards Yut's body with his knife. The other warriors were confused. Yut went back into his body but could not fight Utlapa off before warning the others, as he was too old. Taha Aki watched as Yut's spirit left the world and he returned to the wolf's body feeling a great rage. The wolf shuddered and transformed into a man before the eyes of the warriors. The man did not look like Taha Aki's body, but like his spirit self, which the warriors recognized instantly. Utlapa tried to run but Taha Aki had the strength of the wolf and killed him. Upon realization of what had happened, everything returned to normal. The only change he kept in place was the forbidding of spirit travel. From then on he was known as the Great Wolf or the Spirit Man. He led the tribe for many years because he did not age. He fathered many sons, who in time found that they too could turn into wolves on reaching manhood. However, they were all different because the wolf form reflected the spirit of the man. Some became warriors like Taha Aki and did not age, others did not like to transform, and started to age.”
After the story, we all started to eat before going into another story. We had enough food to feed a country since the Quileutes and Makahs always had a large appetite. I reflected back on the story they told. I would have to become a wolf according to Sammy and I know she didn’t want me to. She wouldn’t tell me where or who the threat was, but I could tell that they were near.
“Jake?” Sammy whispers.
“Yeah?” I ask.
“You’re hot dog is on fire,” she informs me.
I look up and my hot dog is beyond rescuing. I let it fall into the fire and get a new one.
“You okay?” she asks.
“Just thinking about the story,” I tell her. She squeezes my hand then eats her hot dog.
“Do I have a little something on my face?” Sammy asks. I look at her and she has a combination of mustard, ketchup, and relish. I laugh a little then clean it off.
“Not anymore,” I answer. I give her a quick peck on the cheek, happy to have her by my side.
Throughout the other stories, I kind of doze off. I never really found out what happened to Sammy when she had to go out in the forest. She never wanted to talk about it and I never asked.
The bonfire doesn’t end until after midnight.
“You still want to walk home?” Alex asks Sammy knowing it’s all her idea.
“Yeah, I still have energy. Jake, do you want to still?” Sammy asks turning to me.
“Of course,” I answer. I fell asleep during one of the stories and woke up to everyone laughing at my snoring, so I got a short, energizing nap.
“I’ll see you at the house,” Sammy tells Alex. She talks to her dad about walking first and we say goodbye to everyone then head off. I see Alex open the door for Claire. All night, he was watchful of her and protective of her.
“Do you think your brother imprinted on Claire?” I ask Sammy as we walk down the hill. Everyone, but the elders, left in their cars to go home. The elders stayed behind to clean up.
“Maybe, I never asked. Why?”
“He just watches her so closely and there’s just some weird connection between the two of them. You say you feel this strong connection and it’s just kind of weird that I don’t really feel it back. I’ve always felt a connection, but you said yours was a lot stronger after the transformation. What if that just doesn’t happen with me?”
“I don’t think it’s possible for one to imprint without the other imprinting, Jake. I guess you’ll just have to wait till you go through the transformation. I wish you didn’t have to, but it’s going to happen.”
“What’s wrong with me transforming again?” I ask curious as to her answer. We were halfway down the cliff and she stops walking.
“It’s really painful and the only reason you have to transform is because of the cold ones. You’ll be out there protecting the people and risking your life. There’s nothing I can do about that; all I do is walk around and make sure everyone is safe. All I do is heal people, after they get hurt,” Sammy says in a pained voice. She doesn’t even turn around to look at me. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder.
“Yes, there’s all of that, but I will be able to protect you from any harm. I’ll always be here and I won’t ever leave. No matter what happens, we’re meant to be together, that’s what imprinting is. If I don’t go through the transformation how can I make sure that you don’t get hurt?”
Sammy takes a deep breath and pulls away. She interlocks her fingers with mine, but she doesn’t turn around. We walk in silence until we reach the beach.
“Yeah Jake?”
“Don’t worry about it, okay?”
“Want to go in the water?”
“Yes,” she answers turning and smiling at me.
Sammy takes off her flannel and pants and I can see how her legs have changed too, there's new muscle and they're even longer. I pull off my shirt and pants as well then we slip off our shoes and run into the freezing cold water. I spend ten minutes in the water because that’s all I can handle. She splashes around and even dives under, not even bothered by the cold.
“Well I see the transformation suited you well. You couldn’t even last five seconds in the water last time!”
“It’s just a small perk of being a bear.”
Sammy slips her flannel and pants back on and I put my clothes back on quickly. She’s not even shivering and she has to hug me to keep me warm.
“You know, I have another idea of how to get your body to heat up,” Sammy informs me.
“Oh really?” I ask.
She winks at me and sits down in the sand then pulls me down with her. She kisses me first gently then a little deeper. Her lips are so soft, so warm. I put my arms on either side of her body holding my weight, but still feeling her warm body pressed against mine. She runs her fingers through my wet hair and it gives me a slight chill. We make out on the soft beach sand until we have to stop to catch our breath. I lean my forehead against hers and stare into those gray eyes.
“Warm?” She asks.
“Very,” I answer.
Once we catch our breath, I wrap an arm around her and pull her body close to mine, but it’s still not close enough. She has the same urge to be closer, but pulls away.
“Okay, that’s enough for now,” she says biting her lip wishing she didn’t have to pull away.
I get off of her and put my shoes on. She puts her shoes on then I help her up to her feet. We find a shortcut through the woods to the house although Sammy is a little iffy about going. Not far into the woods, I spy a pair of large yellow eyes staring at us. I look down at Sammy to see if she spotted them too and she’s blushing. The yellow eyes follow us most of the way to the house kind of guiding us, but never revealing what they look like. I can kind of see an outline of them although it’s hard since it’s so dark tonight. It looks like one of the wolves and it’s twice the size of a regular wolf. Will I be that big?
“Thanks Sam,” I hear Sammy whisper once we reach the edge of the forest. I see the outline of his head nod then the wolf quickly retreats. “So there’s probably no privacy on the beach anymore.”
“That’s weird,” I say gripping her hand.
“He didn’t watch, but he saw us and I’m pretty sure he saw some intimate moments. They’re all really anal about how dangerous it is. They made a treaty with the Cold Ones who have been around, but no one seems to trust them.”
“Why do you trust them?” I ask curious.
“Because, I’ve met one and they didn’t try anything. They’re different from the ones that we always fight.”
I couldn’t stop thinking about that last sentence. The only ones that were different were the Cullens. They can’t possibly be back.
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I took the Quileute story from Twilight and I do not take any credit for writing it