Status: Please leave any comments or suggestions because I really want to make this story good.

You Were Always on My Mind

Beauty All Around

Today, I dressed nicely but with clothes that I could easily hike around in. Dad smiles at me and then insists that we eat breakfast at Tim’s house. I don’t know why it’s so important for him to eat breakfast there today, but I don’t want to miss the opportunity to be with Sammy. I roll my dad over to Sammy’s house thankful that they made the driveways smooth and connected. Most of the houses are separated by a lot of land or natural hedges like trees. Sammy’s house and mine are connected by an oversized driveway and field.
“We have to go to your house next time. I want to go horseback riding again!” Sammy insists.
“You don’t have any horses in San Diego?” Nicole asks jokingly.
“I wish! City folks don’t exactly like the smell of horse poop in the morning,” Sammy says laughing.
Once we get inside the house, my dad starts pushing the wheels on the wheelchair so that I can sit with Sammy. Tim has gone all out this morning with breakfast. There are scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, milk, orange juice, coffee and hot chocolate.
“Hey Jake,” Sammy greets. I sit between Sammy and Alex. I grab her hand under the table, interlock fingers and scoot a little closer. I listen as she talks to Nicole about random things.
“Want to go search for parts later?” Alex asks me.
“Actually, Sammy and I are heading to James Island today,” I inform Alex. He notices our hands interlocked and just smiles.
“So can I book you for tomorrow then?” He teases.
“Sounds good,” I reply filling my plate with food.
“Theres some sandwiches in the fridge if you guys aren’t going to be back for lunch. I thought you might need them,” Tim informs Sammy and I. She blushes a little.
“Thanks Dad, we’ll definitely eat those,” Sammy tells him. She lets go of my hand and starts eating so that she won’t be questioned about anything. Throughout breakfast, we have side conversations and conversations with everyone. After Sammy finishes eating, she heads upstairs with Nicole and gets ready for our day together.
“So, you and Sammy..” my dad starts as soon as they get up the stairs.
“Well, you said do something,” I comment smiling, but I feel the heat rush to my face.
“I always thought that you would be my son in law,” Tim comments.
“Dad, don’t rush your only daughter to get married,” Alex says laughing.
“No rush, Jake. Just treat my baby right. Don’t forget, I have a rifle and I have a permit to use it,” Tim states winking at me.
“And I’ll have a third daughter, but there’s too many girls in the family. We need more boys Jake,” my dad joins in.
“I’m leaving,” I state and outside to wait for Sammy. The guys are laughing behind me. I wait for about ten minutes then see Nicole leave the house.
"Have fun today," Nicole says with a wave and smirk. Sammy joins me a few minutes later. She's wearing pants that hug her perfectly and a flannel with her bright teal bikini top showing under. She's carrying a picnic basket and blanket.
“I packed everything we need,” Sammy declares. She comes toward me then trips falls into my arms. “Whoops hahaha.”
“Are you falling for me Samantha Reed?” I say jokingly and watch as her face turns pink. I tilt her chin up with my finger and kiss her softly on the lips. “Ready for our day together?”
“Let me tell our dad's we're leaving," Sammy says and we slip inside.
Don’t wait around all day for me,” Sammy tells her dad kissing him on the cheek. “Alex, I’m stealing your car.”
“Enjoy it, but remember you’re washing all the mud off not me,” Alex replies tossing me the keys.
“I’ll see you later dad,” I tell my dad. Sammy and I hold hands as we walk out the door. I think I hear Alex whistle quietly, but I’m not too sure. We quickly get into the truck and Sammy plays with the station as we pull out of the driveway. It doesn’t take us long to reach a parking lot across from James Island. We unhook her dad's little boat that he uses for fishing from the dock and row out to the island. Sammy insists on bringing the blanket onto the island and wears it like a cape on our adventure to the highest point of the island. She randomly runs around, blanket flying behind her. Her long hair flows along with the blanket and when she turns back and smiles she looks like an angel... with a cape.
It’s about a two mile hike up to the top of the mountain. It takes us thirty minutes since Sammy took many detours. Once we reach the highest point, Sammy decides to climb a tree to see how far she can see out. She finds a nice oak tree to climb and she almost falls several times.
“Please don’t die, I like you too much for you to die,” I tell Sammy laughing.
“Like me enough to be my boyfriend?” She asks sitting on a branch, biting her lip looking down at me.
“Like you enough to be your boyfriend,” I answer blushing a little but with a smile. She hops down from her branch onto another branch that’s not too far from me. She holds on to the branch and drops down into my arms.
“I knew I kept you around for a reason,” she says winking then pecking me on the lips.
She lays the blanket out toward the end of our plateau and sits down patting the spot next to her. I wrap an arm around her and look out over the edge.
“Look, that is the exact spot that we were at only a week ago,” I point out to Sammy. I found it when I was on Little James Island and had followed a small path that leads up to it. Sammy points out the cliff diving spot.
“We could always go there later.”
“I told you that you would like it.”
“I know, but it helps that I had the person I liked with me.”
She curls up next to me and looks down at the ocean. There are giant pieces of driftwood in the ocean today, they look like they’re good for a bonfire.
“The bonfire should be coming up soon. Do you want to go to that this year?” I ask. I just have to check with my dad for the date since he’s one of the head elders in the group.
“Definitely! I love going to the bonfires, plus I get to show off my new boyfriend this time,” she says winking at me.
“Only if I get to show off my new girlfriend.”
“Then there’s no way we’re not going!”
We travel around the island for a while, not wanting to go back too soon. We explore the caves and walk the trails. After spending two hours on the island, we take the boat ride back and head to the cliff diving spot. Sammy drives us, and it’s not the best drive since she isn’t used to the terrain. She knows exactly where to drive, what to avoid, and when to stop. When she parks, she hops out of the car quickly.
“I’ve actually been really wanting to cliff dive again since we came last time,” she confesses with this nervous grin on her face.
“I told you that you’d like it, but you never listened.”
She takes off her clothes and reveals a showy bikini. I take of my shirt off and she drags me down to the second highest ledge.
“One, two, three!” She yells then jumps off the ledge along with me.
For the next hour, we cliff dive trying new flips in the air, ways to slow down the fall, and ways to speed up the fall. Of course, we didn’t only cliff dive. Sammy took me down to the cave where we could have had our first kiss and we had some fun kissing. We also ran around teasing one another. I would grab her around her waist and twist her around when I caught her and she would hop onto my back when she got me. We get really hungry from all of the exercise and set up our little picnic. She sets down a thick blanket onto the trunk bed and adds the pillows under the back windows so that it’s all comfy. I grab the picnic basket and hop onto the truck. We eat our lunch nestled up to each other. I listen as Sammy talks about random things like gymnastics, Harry Potter, and how the new Hunger Games is coming out soon.
“You have to come watch it with me!” Sammy proclaims. She looks so excited talking about a simple movie.
“I haven’t even seen the first one.”
“Jake, you really need me in your life. We’re watching the first one when we get back to my house. Luckily, I brought it with me since I bought it on DVD. You’re welcome.” She grins teasingly at me.
Sammy grabs the guitar and starts to play around with it. She plays some disney songs, like Tangled songs and theme songs. She plays a lot of country since they are the easiest to play on guitar. She sings along to most of them and I’ve learned the lyrics since she plays her country music all the time.
“Girl you make my speakers go "BOOM BOOM". Dancin' on the tailgate in a full moon, that kinda thing makes a man go mhmm. You're lookin' so good in what's left of those blue jeans. Drip of honey on the money make it gotta be, the best buzz I'm ever gonna find… Hey, I'm a little drunk on you, and high on summertime,” Sammy sings adding a little country twang for the fun of it. She smiles down at the guitar goofing around. When she looks up at me, I lean in and kiss her; one hand on her face, the other on the window of the car. Her hands slowly go up my arms and around my neck.
“I will never stop wanting to kiss you,” Sammy says then blushes wide eyed, “I did not mean for that to come out.”
“I’ve been waiting to do that for so long,” I reply and she leans in this time.
We go back to cliff diving. She tries to swim away from me making it into a race or a game of chase. After another hour or so of hanging around, we head back to the house.
“Can I drive again, it’s just too fun,” Sammy asks.
“Of course,” I answer handing her the keys. She dries off, slips on her clothes while I slip on my shirt and clean off the truck bed. Sammy drives us home, a lot better at it this time, and we’re holding hands the whole ride. I draw circles on the back of her hand with my thumb loving how soft her skin feels.
When we enter the house, we hear the guys cheering in the living room. We walk in, hand in hand, and see my dad, Tim, Alex, and Charlie watching football.
“I’m just going to put the stuff away, but I’ll meet you back in here,” Sammy informs me.
She walks off with the picnic basket and blanket. She disappears into the kitchen and I choose the empty loveseat. The Seahawks and the 49ers are playing. All of the guys are cheering for the Seahawks, including myself. Sammy comes back and joins me on the loveseat. She leans against me and watches the game. She’s the only one cheering for the 49ers.
“Have I not taught you better?” Tim asks Sammy.
“I like California and I like the niners, now let me watch my game in peace,” Sammy says winking at him.
She gets into the game just like the rest of us.
“Want to make a bet on the game?” She whispers to me. “Loser makes winner dinner? And washes the dishes.”
“You’re on,” I whisper back.
She’s cheering on the 49ers and gets upset when they miss a pass and happy when they intercept another pass. She gets as into the game as her dad and Alex do. She fits in perfectly with everyone in the room and she’s treated like one of the guys it just makes me happy. In the end, the 49ers win.
“Dinner at my house?” Charlie suggests getting up and stretching a little.
“Sure, as long as you’re not cooking,” my dad comments laughing.
“Bella’s making dinner tonight, I’ll just tell her to make some extra. I hope that boyfriend of hers isn’t over,” Charlies says.
“I don’t think he will be,” Tim says somewhat suspiciously.
Charlie makes a call to Bella then we head over to his house. Sammy and I ride with Alex. She sits in the middle so she has the perfect spot to mess with the radio station.
“Does it have to be country?” Alex complains.
“Do not hate on Luke Bryan! His voice is just… amazing and mesmerizing,” Sammy defends.
“You say that about all male country singers,” Alex retorts laughing.
“Their voices are better than most of the crappy pop singers that act like they have talent,” Sammy states.
“True, but you don’t have to be obsessed with it.”
“Not obsessed, just passionate about listening to it.”
“And singing it.”
“Now you’re just hating on my skills.”
“Conversation over,” Alex declares laughing at Sammy’s responses.
“And country music on,” she responds smiling and laughing too.
When we get to Charlie’s house the guys are already there since Charlie has the cop car and clears the way easily. The front door of the house is open for us and I close the door behind us. Bella’s boyfriend is there and I grab her hand quickly. Edward has always seemed off to me and I don’t really trust him around Sammy. Alex feels the same way and walks in front of her.
“Hey Belles,” Sammy greets letting go of my hand and hugging Bella. Bella noticed us holding hands when we walked in and stares at me then Sammy a little wide-eyed.
“You two are dating?” Bella asks a little confused.
“Yup,” Sammy says blushing looking down then notices Edward next to Bella.
“Oh, sorry Sammy this is Edward, Edward this is the friend from San Diego that I told you about. Sammy, Edward’s my boyfriend. Maybe you and Jake could double date with us sometime,” Bella introduces still a little shocked.
“Sounds like fun,” Sammy says. Edward shakes and bows a little.
“Nice to meet you Sammy,” he says politely. Sammy steps back a little to grab my hand. She smiles up at me.
“You guys want to eat out in the backyard so the old men can have the room to gossip to themselves,” Bella says loudly so that Charlie hears.
“We aren’t old ladies, we’re strong men that talk about shooting stuff and fishing,” Charlies defends himself smiling to Bella.
“Bella, maybe I should go home and eat dinner with my family,” Edward states.
“Can you please just stay and tell them that you’ll join them later?” Bella asks.
“If you really want me to,” he says a little hesitant.
“Please,” she pleads.
“Okay then,” he answers grabbing her hand in his. He kisses the side of her cheek, but it looks like he whispers something into Bella’s ear too. She gives a slight nod of her head. She grabs a tray of food.
“Hey Alex, can you grab the plates? And Jake can you grab the utensils?” Bella asks. We do as she asks and head outside while the men talk inside.
Bella has a pretty big backyard and we sit at the picnic table by the back door. We get our portions, and I notice that Edward doesn’t eat anything. I notice Sammy’s eyes travel there too, but she doesn’t make a comment.
“So when did you two officially become a couple?” Bella asks smiling at us.
“Today…” Sammy informs her smiling at me and blushing a bit.
“But they have spent everyday together this past week,” Alex informs Bella and Edward.
“What about you two?” Sammy asks quickly, blushing a bright red now, trying to move the conversation away from her.
“Ummm six months now,” Bella says looking to Edward for confirmation.
“I think we just hit seven months,” he says. She has a quizzical look on her face.
“Yeah, then seven months now.”
“And you never told me anything?” Sammy says exasperated with feign pain.
“You were in California, and I don’t know I was busy so I thought you would be,” Bella explains.
“You were the first to be told that we’re official,” Sammy replies making a sad face then breaks out laughing. I see Edward smile at Sammy’s randomness. He has this strange, curious look in his eyes. It puts me off a little, but I try and ignore it. Sammy and Bella do most of the chatting throughout dinner. Sammy leans against me interlocking her fingers with mine as she chats with Bella.
“So are you still doing gymnastics?” Bella asks.
“Yeah, I’ve actually convinced Jake to help me teach classes,” Sammy answers laughing.
“I would love to see that,” Bella says laughing as well.
“Feel free to join us anytime, I love visitors.”
“Just tell me when you head up there and I’ll join.”
“We can just pick you up,” Sammy insists.
“That would be perfect, but no mushy stuff around me,” Bella warns laughing.
“We’re not mushy… yet. Right honey bunches of oat?” Sammy says laughing up at me. I chuckle too and look at that cute little face of hers; it shines when she smiles. I notice Edward smile at me, again I find this odd but don’t say anything.
“We have to head back home,” Tim declares. We all say our goodbyes; Edward is careful not to touch Sammy noticing Alex’s protectiveness. He’s been a little stiff all night and I don’t know why.
“Camping tonight?” Sammy asks as we leave the house.
“Sure, but I did promise your brother a date tomorrow,” I respond teasing Alex. He smiles at me, much more relaxed away from Bella and Edward.
“Now don’t stay out too late kiddies,” Alex says in an old man voice laughing at how ridiculous his voice sounds. We all ride in the same car this time; Sammy and I in the trunk, everyone else inside the car. I watch as the wind whips around her; it’s gotten so long. I brush a few strands behind her ear hoping to stop the rest of it whipping in her face. She smiles at me then faces the front of the car so that her hair flies behind her like a cape. We reach Sammy’s house in about twenty minutes. I help my dad into our house, then meet Sammy at hers. She’s quickly doing the laundry and she still has the tight pants on. I wrap my arms around her from behind and rest my head on her shoulder.
“You’re a good height to be my headrest. That’s rare to find for such a tall guy like me,” I inform her.
“Are you calling me tall?” She asks laughing.
“Yes, but I’m taller and it suits me well,” I answer smiling, “you’re feeling a little hot. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’ve been feeling a little hot. Maybe this is my way of adjusting to the temperature. How did you just realize now?”
“Well I was too happy to notice earlier,” I inform her kissing her cheek
She finishes the laundry and changes while I change and grab all of the necessities for a night at the campfire and put them in Sammy’s little red wagon. She meets me outside in footie pajamas with a starry night design and Shadow follows her, very excited to go out.
“Our first night as a couple and you go from a really cute outfit to footie pajamas?” I question her trying to hold back a laugh.
“Of course! What could be better than footie pajamas?”
“I don’t know. A hot girl in footie pajamas that will let a tall guy kiss that girl.”
We head off to the campsite, set up our tent and cots, then enjoy our night under the starry night with Sammy’s starry night pajamas, Shadow, and a blanket.
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