Status: feedback for updates(:

Your Cheating Heart Will Tell On You


"Don't you have a degree in some snobby subject?" Sidneys eyes darted around the little cafe.

"Snobby?" His eyes met mine and he just shrugged. "I majored in neuroscience."

"Woah, woah, woah. Back up. You majored in neuroscience and you're a barista at a stupid cafe? That doesn't make an ounce of sense." I looked away from him and fixated my eyes on the door.

"Life doesn't make sense. Evgeni didn't want--" I closed my mouth and jumped a little when he dropped his head on the table, moaning. I instantly reached out and he lifted his head back up.

"Sid?" I spoke, concern clouding my voice. He wouldn't meet my gaze. His concussion, I instantly remembered and felt my pulse speed up. "Is it your concussion? Shit. Do you need me to call a doctor or something?" My voice rose more until he finally looked me in the eye.

"No, it's not my concussion." He bit out, a storm raging in his eues. "It's your boyfriends stupidity." I was confused and it obviously showed on my face.

"You work your ass off in something you were clearly passionate about, since you stuck with it, and you work at some little place that you are so overqualified for." He shook his head, a disgusted look on his face. "All because Zhenya dearest wants a fucking airhead trophy wife." I was taken back. I wasn't becoming one of those WAGs I couldn't stand, was I? Vero was the only one who never lost her head. She was also the only one who seemed genuinely happy with her relationship with her guy.

"I am not." I huffed. He rolled his eyes and propped his head up in his palms, not breaking our eye connection.

"You are well on your way, babe. That guy doesn't love you." Red flew into my vision and I hastily stood up, nearly knocking over my chair in the process. I had heard enough. He stood up and followed me as I walked towards the door. Frankie caught my eye as I was almost at the door and nodded, giving me permission to leave.

"You know I'm right." He said, arrogance painted on every word. I got to my car and he was still walking beside me. I stopped abruptly and spun around, a hurt and angry glint in my eyes.

"Please, Sidney, tell me again that the man I love doesn't love me. Please remind me again that I'm not worth it. Remind me of all the great things I'm never going to be." I hissed and all the fierceness in his expression instantly faded.

"Don't be like this, Zar. You know what I mean. You just shouldn't settle for less than you deserve." He floundered and I opened my car door and slid in. I yanked the door shut but he gripped it and forced it to stay open. I gave him the dirtiest look I could muster.

"If I did get what I deserved, I'd be dead in a ditch right now." His eyes flashed and I turned the key in the ignition, him still holding the door open.

"Don't talk crazy. I have a doctors appointment now. Text me so I know you got home safe, alright?" He shut the door and I rolled the window down .

"You don't have to pretend to care, you know." I informed him but couldn't help the warm feeling seeping into my insides. So much for a dramatic exit.

"I dont act, kitten." Without another word, he strolled lazily to the other side of the lot. Those words played through my mind the entire drive home.
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it's been a few days, apologies. i just haven't been in the mood to write. not my best, either but hang with me. next chapter will be better and not a filler.

comments to motivate me to write? :) do not be silent. let your thoughts be heard.