A Life Less Ordinary


“You have to taper yourself off of the Venom.” Woodrue held out a cartridge. Bane stared at it suspiciously, large arms crossed over his chest and sighed. He took the cartridge and flipped it over.

“How long before I can stop all together?” He asked.

Woodrue leaned back in his chair. “Approximately two weeks per cartridge. Any shorter a time and you risk harsh side effects.”

“What side effects are to be expected?”

Woodrue looked at him over his bifocals. “Dehydration. Tachycardia. Hallucinations. Heart Failure. The list goes on. You are coming off of a medication similar to that of an opiate. I would treat the discontinuation as such.”

Bane grunted in acknowledgement.

“Two weeks, hmm?” he murmured to himself. He removed the mask and replaced the cartridge with the newer one.

“You should also understand, using a lower dose may cause you to feel fatigued. I would try to take it easy.” the doctor said.

“Doctor, what about this life is easy? It is not a term I am familiar with.”

Woodrue nodded and opened his tattered black notepad. “I have enough supplies to last you two months. That is four treatments at two weeks a piece. After that, you will need to gather a group of your men to search out supplies.”

“Whatever your require, doctor. Make a list and have it to me by morning.” He signaled for Barsad to follow, pausing at the door. “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you of the importance of secrecy with this.”

Woodrue nodded. “Of course.” Bane closed the door and locked it, tucking the key away in his vest.

“Where is Isla?” he asked, making his way to the stairs.

“The pool.” Barsad replied.


“I have Schneider and Coop at both entrances.”

Bane grunted in approval. “Ready yourself, brother. Once the doctor gives us his list you and I will be going to retrieve the items.”

“I am to assume Isla will be joining us?” Barsad asked, chewing on a toothpick. Bane paused.

“I would have her stay here. It is too dangerous for her where we are going.” he said.

“I understand that, but will she? I almost think it would be safer for her to go with us than to stay here. Look what happened last time.”

Bane sighed. “What you say is true.” He looked down at the men as they trained. “Alright. She goes with us. You may go, I will find you if I need you.” Barsad nodded and took his leave.

Bane made his way down the corridor to the pool. Schneider straightened up when he came into view.

“You are relieved, brother. I need to speak with her.” Schneider stepped aside. As Bane passed, he clapped a hand down on his shoulder.

“Thank you for keeping guard.” Schneider nodded.

Bane pushed through into the pool room and looked around. She was no where to be seen. He made his way to the edge of the pool and squatted. Isla broke through the surface of the water with a gasp. He smiled down at her from behind the mask.

“Enjoying ourselves, are we?” he asked, helping her out of the pool. Isla smiled as he wrapped a towel around her shoulders.

“You were gone too long. I got bored.”

“I was meeting with the doctor.” he replied, pulling her to him.

“And how did that go?” she asked, looking up at him.

“It went well, though we will be making another supply run tomorrow.” he said. Isla’s eyes widened.

“You’re not leaving me here again-you promised!” He put a finger to her lips.

“Calm yourself, girl. You are coming along.” he said.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Don’t worry yourself with the details.” he said, nuzzling her neck.


“You act as if you have never been on a plane before.” Bane mused. Isla smiled slightly.

“What gave you that idea?” she asked. He glanced down at her small hands, clenched white-knuckled, to his own and laughed.

“Irmão, que nos aproximamos do destino.” The pilot called over his shoulder.

“Muito bem.” Bane replied. “Strap yourself in, love. This may be turbulent.” he said quietly.

Isla pulled the harness-like belt over her shoulders and squeezed her eyes shut as the plane lurched.


“Where are we?” Isla asked as Bane helped her off the small plane.

“Rio.” he replied.

“What now?” Isla asked, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Now, you go with Barsad to the nearest hotel.” he held up a hand as she opened her mouth to protest. “And wait for me to return.”

“I want to go with you.” She replied stubbornly.

He shook his head. “Absolutely not. You will wait for me at the hotel.”

Barsad began to lead her away, but she turned quickly and leapt into Bane’s arms.

“Be careful.” she commanded, pressing her lips to the cold mask.

His eyes smiled at her from behind the mask.

“I love you…” she whispered. He nuzzled his face into her hair.

“And I you.” he said, releasing her.


Woodrue sat at his desk, glasses perched on the edge of his nose, meticulously filling a metal cartridge with the last of the Venom. A loud knock at the door tore him from his trance.

“Enter.” he called, never taking his mind off the task before him.

Victor walked in, apple in hand. “Doctor. Might I have a word?” he asked.

“You are having words now. I suppose a few more cannot hurt.” he jerked his chin towards the open door. “Close.”

Victor shoved the door with his foot.

Woodrue screwed the tiny cap onto the cartridge and soldered it in place. “What can I do for you, Victor is it?”

“It is. I’m more concerned with what I can do for you.” Victor replied, pacing slowly around the room.

“Don’t be ridiculous. What could you possible have to offer me?” the doctor asked, laying the cartridge down gently.

“Freedom. Anonymity. Unlimited funds and test subjects.” The latter sparked Woodrue’s interst and he slowly sat back in his chair, locking eyes with Victor.

“Do tell. Because I have been made a similar offer by your commander, nevertheless I am always open to better options.” he replied.

Victor stood with one hand behind his back as he continued. “I know of your experiments and the passion with which you conduct them. I believe you to be a creator of very powerful things. Those who create powerful things, are powerful people. One such as yourself is meant for more than working in bleak, drab rooms. You are meant to be feared and followed.”

“While I can‘t deny the ass-kissing isn‘t a boost to my ego, it is unneccesary. I know all of this.” Woodrue snapped.

Victor smirked. “Of course you do. You are the one we should thank for giving us Bane. All of his strength and power are due to you. Should you not be credited with that? All of his accomplishments and victories would not have been had you not forced your serum down his throat those years ago. And he offers you what? His protection? A place to continue your experiments? For all you have given him, you deserve so much and more.”

“Get to your point, sir. I’m beginning to grow impatient.”

“He has commissioned you to aid him in coming off of the Venom, has he not?” Victor leaned against the table, biting into his apple.

“You know he has, otherwise you wouldn’t be here now.”

“It seems that Bane is unappreciative of you work, else he wouldn’t order you to discontinue it.” He said, mouth full.

“He didn’t order me to do anything. He asked, and I agreed.”

“Really doctor? Has Bane ever been known to ask for anything? What makes you think he wont turn you over to El Cartel once he has what he wants? The Pit?”

Woodrue was silent as he allowed Victor’s comment to sink in.

“What is it that you ask of me?” he said finally.

“We both want to be in positions of power. Bane stands in our way. We can only advance ourselves once he is removed. That is where I require your expertise.”

Woodrue arched an eyebrow questioningly.

“Kill Bane.” Victor said.

Woodrue laughed. “Kill him yourself.”

“The thought has crossed my mind. He holds the respect and loyalty of the majority of us. I could kill him, but I would never live to see power. He trusts you.” Victor replied.

“The man trusts no one. How is it you think I will pull this off unscathed?”

“This Venom works as an opiate, does it not?”

Woodrue nodded. “And a steroid.”

“You have been charged with creating more cartridges with lesser doses. What would the consequences be if instead of lessening the dose, one tripled it?” Victor sat in the chair before the doctor.

“Disorientation. Hallucinations. Paranoia. The consequences are many.”

“Therein lies the solution to our mutual problem. If there are signs of instability within the leadership, the men will seek to stabilize said instability. The death of Bane will be seen as necessary to continue the mission of this organization. With him suffering hallucination and God knows what else, he will be seen as weak. And there is no room for weakness within these walls.” Victor replied, producing a large wad of cash.


“He’s been gone too long.” Isla said, staring out at the ocean.

“Relax. He knows what he is doing.” Barsad sat on the couch, head resting against the cushions.

“What is he doing, exactly?” she asked.

“One of Woodrue’s contacts agreed to meet with Bane and deliver the medicines required for his serum.”

Isla looked down at the beach. The sun was setting, causing the mountains to appear as shadows. The blue waves pushed over onto the sand.

“I haven’t seen the ocean since I was a little girl…” she said. She turned to speak to Barsad, but found him sleeping.

“Barsad?” he never flinched. Without giving it a second though, she donned her sweater and slipped silently out of the room.
She was so used to getting stares from the men in the Hotel, she expected to receive the same reaction from the staff. Once she stepped off the elevator, no one seemed to notice her existence. Smiling to herself, she slid her sunglasses on and stepped out onto she sand.

It was silky and cool beneath her bare feet. A gentle warm breeze blew through her hair as she began to make her way to the water. It was warm as it splashed around her ankles. She began to walk the length of the beach, watching as the sun set, reflecting beautiful golds, pinks and purples off the water. She began to imagine Bane walking hand in hand with her, ocean water lapping at their bare feet but laughed at herself as she tried to imagine it. Normalcy didn’t seem to become him, no matter how she tried to envision it.

“A bela flor para uma linda menina…” A man handed her a large yellow lily.

Isla smiled and accepted it. “Obrigado..” she’d worked with a doctor once who was Portuguese, that aside from some choice insults were all she knew of the language. She tucked the flower behind her ear and continued her walk, scanning the wet sand for shells.

Lost in thought and scenery, time escaped her and before she knew it, the moon was high in the night sky, shining off the water like glass. Hands full of shells, she quickly turned and began the long walk back to the hotel. She wasn’t even sure which one was hers.

She could see the silhouette of someone walking towards her. Out of habit, she looked down at her feet as she made to pass them.

The man reached out and grabbed her by the arm. “Hey!” she cried, attempting to pull away. She looked up and met a pair of pale gray eyes.

“Where have you been?” She could hear the anger in his voice.

“Is that blood on your shirt??” Bane tightened his grip, causing her to wince. “I only went for a walk.” she said.

He pulled her close. “Do you have any idea how worried I have been?” he asked.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think there-”

“No. You didn’t think. Let’s go. We leave in the morning.” he snapped, still gripping her arm.

When they arrived back to the room minutes later, all eyes were on her. She gasped as she saw the large bruise forming around Barsad’s left eye. His lip was split and blood stained his shirt. The other two men averted their gaze.

“Get out.” Bane commanded. His voice was like steel. Without words, everyone cleared out.

Only when the door shut behind them did he release her arm, forcing her to sit on the couch.


“You stupid girl. You leave for a night time stroll after I specifically ordered you to stay here.” Isla was startled by the anger his calm words emanated. She shook her head slowly and tried to speak but he cut her off again.

“My face is plastered across the globe. We are here buying black market ingredients to take to a man wanted by the cartel. And you are out hunting shells.” He shook his head and rubbed his face. “This was a stupid idea. I should never have brought you with me.”

Isla’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m a stupid girl for going out for a walk on the beach to hunt shells.” she stood, letting the shells fall to the floor. Bane instantly regretted his thoughtless words. “I’m sorry for being so stupid.” she said with a sob and moved to walk past him. He held his hand up to block her but she reared back and slapped him hard across the face. “Fuck you for talking to me that way.” She shoved past him and slammed the door to the bedroom, locking it.
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OMIGAH. Sorry for the super delay in updating! Worst writer's block EVAR.