A Life Less Ordinary

It's Over

Three weeks later, Isla stood at the base of the stairs, her hand clenching the banister. She could hear Victor’s screams echoing up the basement stairs.

“Are you quite well my dear?” Woodrue asked as he passed.

His voice shook her from her daze and she blinked. “I’m alright. Is it time?”

“It is.” he replied, offering his arm.

Isla smiled and linked her arm through his, allowing him to lead her down into the cool basement. Bane stood waiting for her at the bottom of the steps. Isla locked her gaze with his.

“Are you sure you can handle this?” Woodrue asked.

“I am. This has to end so my life can begin.” she said, glancing at him.

He nodded and handed her over to Bane.

Bane nodded at Woodrue. “Doctor.” Woodrue retreated back up to the lobby.

Bane looked down at her, gripping her shoulders gently. “You’re sure?”

She looked up and smiled. “I’m sure.”

Bane looked at Cooper. “Bring him out.” He looked back at Isla, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

A moment later, Cooper and Schneider returned, dragging a beaten and bloodied Victor between them. They threw him at Bane’s feet.

Victor grunted, blood pouring from his mouth, and sat up on his knees. “Bane…to what do I owe the pleasure now?” he asked, spitting blood on Bane’s boot.

“This ends tonight.” Bane replied, resisting the urge to kick his face.

Victor let out a deep raspy laugh and looked up at him. Isla fought the urge to hide behind Bane, digging her nails into his hand. Victor’s left eye was swollen, black and caked with dried blood. His nose was visibly broken, his upper lip crusted with old blood. “I see the little beauty survived.” His eyes traveled up her body. “Well done…Isla.”

She visibly cringed at the sound of her name on his lips. Bane grabbed his face. “This is the last time you will ever speak her name.” he sneered, shoving him back roughly.

Victor rolled onto his side and pushed himself back up, laughing. “But it wont be the last time my name falls on her lips. And that wasn’t the only thing of mine that was on her lips.” He tilted his head, looking up at them with a smirk.

“Shut up!” Isla screamed, stepping forward.

“Did she give you all the juicy details of our time together? I commend you on your taste, brother. She was quite…exceptional…” he said.

Isla felt bile rising in the back of her throat. Her adrenaline peaked and she grabbed the gun off Bane’s belt, aiming it at Victor’s head.

Bane watched, breathing deeply as he tried to calm himself.

Suddenly, without warning, Victor lurched forward, pressing his head to the barrel of the gun. Isla gave a small yelp, the gun shaking in her hands. Cooper and Cortes made for their weapons, but stayed their hands with a look from Bane.

“Do it!” Victor barked.

“Isla…” Bane rested his hand on her shoulder.

“This almost seems too light a sentence for you, you bastard.” she whispered, fighting back tears.

He smiled at her. “I should have guessed as much.”

“I said almost.” she snapped. Before he could react, she pointed the gun at his knee and fired. Victor cried out painfully, falling on his side.

“You bitch!” he screamed, glaring up at her.

Bane smiled down at him, pressing his boot on the wound.

Victor glared up at them, breathing erratically through his flared nostrils. “You…should have seen the way she moved…while I was inside her-”

Aurora fired the gun a second time, hitting the opposite knee.

Victor screamed, falling onto his back. The screams soon turned into laughter. “I must confess-I believe I may have been just a bit too big for her…considering the blood afterwards-”

Bane brought his boot down violently on the other knee, resulting in a sickening crack. He grabbed him by the throat and forced him to knees. He squeezed his throat until Victor’s face began to turn purple.

“Bane. Stop.” Isla demanded.

Bane’s grip instantly loosened, leaving Victor gasping for air.

Victor spat out a mouthful of blood at Isla’s feet. “You waste precious time my beauty. Could it be that you don’t have the heart?” he asked.

“I’m not a monster like you.” she said, her voice faltering.

“Maybe not. But you allowed one to bed you. You carry his bastard in your belly, knowing the nature of his work.” He glanced at Bane. “Are you sure the baby isn’t Barsad’s?”

Isla closed her eyes, fighting back tears.

“Do not talk about him.” Bane growled.

“Why not? He died by your hand, not mine.” Victor replied. His eyes went back to Isla when he heard the gun click. It was aimed directly at his face.

“Isla…” Bane looked at her.

“You were right, Bane. He’ll never stop. We have to do this.” she said.

“Whatever you wish.” Bane said, taking a step back.

“You are right, I wont stop. I will find you, wherever you go. I will find you and I will fuck you again and again-”

Isla screamed and the explosion of the gun rang through the spacious basement.

Victor crumpled to the floor, gurgling as dark red blood seeped from the hole in the right side of his throat, just above his collarbone. He kicked his feet as breathing became more and more difficult and slowly began to drag his body across the floor, reaching out a bloodied hand towards Isla’s leg.

Bane’s boot collided with Victor’s face and he fell backwards. The gurgling increased and his body began to spasm violently before halting altogether.

Isla’s arms fell to her sides and the gun clattered to the floor. Bane rubbed her back gently, feeling her tremble beneath his hand.

“It’s over…” she whispered.

“It’s over.” Bane said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the super delay. Been pretty hard to focus on my writing of late. Emotionally strung out lately.