There's Nothing as Strange as People

what it says on the tin. this is a one direction au based loosely off the american version of the show queer as folk. this au is the product of having no internet access for a week and marathoning the show with my best friend. as it starts they're all at university except for harry, here are the exact ages.

louis - 22
zayn - 21
liam/niall - 20
harry - 17

this is a work of fiction i don't know or own anyone mentioned in this fic but if you're in this (or you know someone in this personally) and you were directed here by someone please turn back now while it's safe! otherwise enjoy!!!
  1. Smells Like Desperation
    “Well, you like Liam.” Harry says. “Yeah…” Louis smiles, “I do, but he’s different.” He grabs Harry’s neck and pulls him forward until they’re kissing, “I don’t *** Liam though,” he says into his mouth. “I *** you.”