Status: Comments are greatly appreciated, please and thank you.


All Tied Up


Although I did my best to stay away from her, it didn’t mean I wasn’t keeping an eye on her. I watched her as she danced with my brother, exchanging quick, heated words before retreating to the other side of the ballroom where my brother and I would not be able to see her.

“What on earth were you thinking?” my brother said when he approached me.

“Whatever are you taking about?” I shot back, and he gave the ever-so-familiar impatient look reserved just for me.

“You have feelings for her, don’t you? I thought that was beneath you, brother. I don’t think you realize what this will do to you-“

“Oh, shut up, Mycroft,” I cut him off, walking brusquely past him, wanting to find Rose even if it meant having to speak to her.

I reached the door that led outside into the courtyard when I stepped on something. I looked down to see a familiar pale gold mask lying smashed on the floor. I recalled a few days ago when I was listening in on one of Rose’s conversation’s with John. Can you believe that this mask cost me nearly twenty pounds?

Rose wouldn’t have just left it behind.

I called the first person I could think to call when I knew something was wrong.

“Hello?” John’s voice answered on the other end.

“I think something’s happened to Rose. I’ll call you back later.” I hung up the phone and immediately dialed Rose’s number, pacing impatiently just outside the building. It went to voice mail.

“Hello, you’ve reached Rose Sparks. Sorry I couldn’t answer the phone, but if you’ll leave a name and number I’ll get back to you.”

“Rose, call me back if you can. I’m worried.”

I hung up the phone, knowing it was helpless to try and reach her is something happened to her. I saw something glint in the bushes, and retrieved a hypodermic needle. There was a bit of fluid left inside, which I squirted out onto my fingertip, smelling and touching it to my tongue.

Rose had been drugged and kidnapped. My worst fears were realized.

Just as I was about to hail a cab to get John to help me look for her s soon as possible, my phone started to ring.

It was her. Or more than likely, her captors. And I had a dreadful feeling I knew exactly who he was.



As I came to, I heard a sickeningly familiar voice whispering in my ear, “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. You’ll miss all the fun.”

The first thing I saw when my eyes opened was my phone. He was holding it in front of my face, and the caller i.d. told me Sherlock was calling me. I struggled against my restraints, realizing I was handcuffed to a chair and my ankles were zip tied to its legs.

The call went to voice mail, and I looked around the room, trying to gather every scrap of knowledge about my surroundings as possible. The room was cold and white, mostly bare except for a few scraps of refuse. It was probably some sort of abandoned building. It was cold, and had the musty smell of a cellar.

“What do you think you’re going to accomplish?” I spat, my head swimming with the aftereffects of whatever they had used to drug me.

“I think I am going to prove to our dear Sherlock just how hopeless he is.” He played around with my phone, and put my voice mail on speakerphone.

Sherlock’s voiced filled the room through the tinny speakers of my phone. “Rose, call me back if you can. I’m worried.”

“Sherlock Holmes is in looooooooove,” Moriarty said in a sing-songy voice. “Shall we return his call, or play hard to get?”

He waited for some sort of response from me, and when it didn’t come, he shrugged, putting the phone on speaker again, calling back.

The person on the other end picked up.

“Pretty girlfriend you’ve got, Sherlock.”

“Put her on the phone,” Sherlock’s voice demanded, a hint of barely controlled rage in his voice.

“Sorry, she’s all tied up right now,” Moriarty said, laughing mockingly as if he and I shared some hilarious inside joke. “You should have a package coming your way very soon. I hope you enjoy it.”

He hung up on Sherlock before he had the chance to say anything more, and then it was just Moriarty and me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I've been promoted at work. More hours and more money but less free time, which is why it has been a little longer than usual since my last post. I will try and keep posting at least once a week, and it shouldn't be too difficult since I've already outlined the rest of the story. After this there are only five or six chapters left, so I am already thinking about my next project. Considering doing a Loki fanfiction.