The Dammed

The door bell

The garden looked strange in the moon light the dew glowing in the light making every thing look strange they would not of minded if it was on any other day but today, of all days it had to be Halloween the one night where anything could happen when creatures come out of the shadow just to hide as though children and death lingers in the air.

Ding dong. It came from the door.

“Should I go or should I stay.”

“We can both go”

“Don’t be silly I’m your brother I can go by myself Lee”

“It’s only a child nothing bad can happen here.” He tells him this only so it will calm him down but deep down Greg knows its only a lie

Greg slowly walked to the door. Ding dong. Again he froze at that sound regained his thoughts and then reached out for the sweets as he tried to lift it his arms felt like they had turned to lead weights looking down at the sweets only to see. Bugs. Lots of bugs sliming over each other making the bowl shake with their weight. Their slime and bodies every where. One jumped. He screams. Falling to the floor crawling away and then realize that his shaking caused the sweets to start jumping and moving.

“Calm down,” he kept on repeating to himself as he picked up the sweets and approached the door only to see a huge black figure in the door way looming in front of the hanging light.

The door opens slowly as though what ever was behind it was weak and not in a rush knowing how trapped they are how easy it world to kill Greg and his younger brother Lee only three years younger then his older brother who is fifteen.

An unearthly chill enters the house and lingers in the air cutting off the sense on heat, in this house of death and mistakes every surface coated in dust the black paint flaking off of the walls. Something like the scream of death a thousand years of pain in one sound. One sound. The sound only the dammed can hear.

“What was that sound Greg”
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its still not finished but its a story this is What happens to me when i let my mind wonder

storys=happy people
happy people=comments
comments=changes and updates=
changes and updates=everyones happy