The Dammed

Death in the hallway


No response

“Oi Greg I said wat was that sound”

“You must being hearing things Lee” half hoping that it would sound convincing that nothing was wrong

The figure just stood their looming in the porch being impossibly tall and with its red eyes glaring at Greg’s blue ones as though looking at a piece of meat sizing up the fight next to come only moving ever so slightly as the rain hit it’s back so it would be easier to strike or it was just getting cold

Slowly it moved swiftly swaying from left to right forward and back as though floating on air lurching forward only draw back at the last minute

“No…….no please don’t hurt us”

But it only carried on moving. Hissing. Glaring. Waiting. For the meal to come to turn and run waiting for the chase to happen waiting for the sport to begin far to aware that it will be easy to catch to young teenagers awaiting to feast on their dead bodies

“Lee run!”


“Just do it ill meet you later!”

“What ok ill see you out back explain then?”

With all of this noise and distraction the creature stepped in the door way only to expand and take up the entire wall with its gruesome stench hanging in the air the stench of rotting flesh in it mouth its black wings spread out to clench the light and to be replaced with the glow of its ghostly eyes

This wouldn’t be the first time that he has seen this death demon he saw it before his farther died and he wasn’t prepared to let another person die as long as he was alive that was his oath and he wasn’t prepared to break it
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yeh sencond chapter tell me wat you think