The Dammed

The one damned enough to get their facts right

"Come on guys we got to get to the cliff"

"But isn’t that where what’s his face lives"

"Yeh. But he’s got no reason to hurt of... at least non that i can think of"

Confused Hara asked Greg and lee

"Sorry but who is at the cliff"

" Umm well he’s Umm" lee answered

"He’s our true farther ok when you meet him your understand" greg said still running making the point that this convocation has ended

The streets were caked in dead children’s bodies by the time they got back into habitation the demonta as they were known their many different forms floating in and out of vision the stench of the dead rising thick in the Halloween air.

“What’s happened?” Hara asked Greg as she clung to his bulky arms

“It’s the demons”

“The what?”

“Demons can’t you see them?”

“No but I can feel something”


As the roads twist and turned throughout the city the never ending torture of humanity came clearer the amount of death and damage that the demons had created forced the message that they were inferior the demons only strike fear into the hearts of the living for fun.

“Greg isn’t it just over the corner now?”

“Yup how do you know”

“I can hear the sea”

As the carnage cleared it revealed a demon feasted beach the sand stained crimson with blood the bodies of children and adults scattered among the seaweed but the cliffs remained untouched the cliffs of the damned the only place people and demons get along because they have no wear else to go the place wear their farther was exiled to .
As they reached the foot of the cliff the old faces of the dead reached them as well as being a place for the living damned it was the wall of sinners full of criminals with their sorrow came great relief that the families they ruined have now got revenge as they sever a thousand years or unrelenting torture.

The door way into the cliff face was an old iron door held underwater so no one could escape once placed their the only freedom they got was when they died if they were good in the cliffs many rooms then they were set free but if not they would sever a thousands years of torture then get sent to hell to be disposed of forgotten instead of remembered.

“So umm how do we get in do we ask the faces?” Hara asked Greg still clutching his arms her soft cheeks pressed against his own bare shoulders

“We swim to the cave over their or we wait for the tide to go out but then the only gives us 5 minutes”

“Umm but what about our cloths keep them on or off?”

“up to you completely” Greg said whilst taking off his shirt to reveal his chest the muscle tone stood out like a sore thumbs but his back was covered in scars.
Hara started to blush at this point and turned away.

“Umm guys is it alright if I keep mine on?”


“Lee shut up of course it is” and with a swift movement of his hand he hit lee’s head and made him fall over.

“You ready?”

“I think so”

“Come on Greg stop talking to your girl friend”

With those words Greg and Hara went bright red but Greg was the first to say anything.

“She’s not my girl friend”

“Sure” lee soothed whilst rolling his eyes.

“Sorry about him he’s a bit of a wanker sometimes”

“Don’t worry about it I don’t mind”

“God your at it again come on you two stop talking we might draw attention and then have a mass of demons on us”

“Ok lee. And I’m sorry about him Hara”

“Don’t worry” Hara replied with a slight grin on her radiant face

“ok everyone follow me”

Greg was the first to drive into the blood stained waters of the beach searching for the door getting closer and closer to the depths of the sea they finally found the cave it was dark at this time they couldn’t see anything but they were conscious of the many sharks swimming in the waters closer to the center of the beach collecting the dead bodies dripping with blood as they entered the cave Greg realized that they need some form of lighting but before he could signal anything lee swam over winked then turned on his diving torch and they swam until the underwater cavern came to an end they were faced with a solid wall but above they could see space so with the last of their effort they swam upwards to the gap in cave.

“Holy shit its cold”

“Hara that’s the first time Iv heard you swear”

“But it is”

“yeh but give me a few minutes and we should be able to us the drift wood to make a fire”

The large pile of drift wood was stacked randomly in piles all around the large entrance of the cliffs door which sat in the middle of the cliff face they were at least 3 meters tall green and looked like they were made from iron

Greg pulled him self out and offered his hand to Hara but before Hara could reach it lee snatched it from her.

“Lee your heavy”

“And I know you can pull me out”


And with a very quick tug lee came flying out of the water and as he landed they was a crunching sound at that sound Hara jumped out of the murky waters and rushed over to see if he was ok.

“Don’t worry I landed on drift wood I should be ok”

Suddenly the giant door creaked open inch by inch the solid iron moved to show a small person clocked in black he said nothing but created a fire from the tips of his fingers and walked away from them and back into the cliff leaving the door open.

“What? Who? How?”

“You’ll find out soon enough Hara”
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personally i like this one

but leave a comment and tell me what you think

or email me if you don't what everyone to see it