Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 1

“I love you baby please don’t leave me!” I keep screaming over and over at him. He just turns as if he doesn't hear me. I try to scream louder but is that even possible. He walks out of the door without even a second glance. I drop to me knees. The tears are flowing like the Nile River. The room starts to fill up with all my tears. My arms flail around trying to keep myself afloat. The tears reach the ceiling there’s no where for me to go. I’m drowning. I try to yell again but the water rushes in and takes my last breath.

“Ma’am please wake up!” I woke with a start. The flight attendant was shaking me rapidly. “Are you okay ma’am?” I took a look around. Everyone was staring at me. I realized that that awful day was behind me now.

I was sitting in first class on my way to Anaheim, California. “I’m fine. Sorry, it was just a dream.” I smiled weakly at her. “Could I have some water please?”

The flight attendant smiled and walked away. I took a deep breath. I had to get a hold of myself. I haven’t slept very well since the day my life went to hell. My husband had come home and announced that he was leaving me on our seven year anniversary. Not only that but he was leaving me for my yoga instructor Evan. When my mom found out all she said was ‘I told you so.’

Finally I was stepping off of the plane. I grabbed my luggage and headed for the taxi stand. I gave the cab driver the hotel’s name. It took about forty-five minutes to get there with this California traffic. The hotel’s staff met me in the front. A staff member opened the door and another got the luggage out of the trunk. “Welcome to the Villas at Pelican Hill Mrs. Smith.”

That felt like a knife straight to my heart. “Please call me Ms. Washington or Mykaela. Better yet call me Myk please.” I smile exhaustedly at her.

“Sure thing Myk. I’m Cara. You are all checked in. Here is your key and Carl here will take you up to your destination. Please enjoy your stay.” She finished.

I followed Carl to my suite. He showed me around. There is a nice kitchen to my right. With black marble counter tops, black cabinets and stainless steel appliances. We step straight into the mainly white living room. There were splashes of floral print here and there. The walls remind me of a clear day in Texas. It was too beautiful a place to be depressed in. He led the way to double doors. He opened them and gestured for me to enter first. This room is spectacular. A California king size bed with blue accent pillows that matched the living room. A long dresser against the right wall and a chest in the left corner opposite the bed. I scanned the entire room again. “Is there no televisions in this suite?”

“Yes ma’am.” he picked up the remote from the bed. He pressed a button and the TV popped up from what I thought to be a chest.

“Oh thank you.” I handed him a tip and he left me alone. Alone is not a very good thing. Alone physically leaves me with my thoughts. I don’t want to think but anything. I sit on my bed. Take out my phone and turn it back on. When it comes to life I have thirty-five messages. I instantly press delete. I’m just not ready to face anyone right now.

Dinner time came around. I argued internally about going out. I had spent the rest of the day crying. I finally stopped about an hour ago. I couldn’t hold off my stomach any longer. My eyes are finally back to normal. So I opt to go down to the hotel’s restaurant.

“Hello there miss, a table for one?” the matre’d asked.

“Yes, please thank you.” The restaurant wasn’t crowded at all for a Friday night. There were plenty of couples out on dates. There was only one guy, whose back was to me, that was alone.

“You’re waiter will be here in a moment.” Then he walked away.

“Myk, is that you?” The familiar voice came from behind me. This is the last voice I wanted to hear. Evan and Richard stepped in front of me. Evan looking sympathetic and Richard very uncomfortable. “That is you! How are you?” Evan said chipper.

I sat back in my chair and crossed my legs. “Well I’m a hundred and fifty pounds lighter and two hundred million dollars heavier. So I won’t complain. How are you and this Dick?” I said coolly.

Evan flinches and Richard grimaces. “Well we are quite well thank you. So who are you here with?” Richard inquired jokingly.

This is the moment my entire life changes. Out of the corner of my eye I see the man in front of me stand. He turns and heads in our direction. “Excuse me.” He steps past Evan and Richard. He leans into me and kisses me very lightly on the lips. He lingers a bit and says breathlessly. “I have been looking every where for you beautiful. How was your day?”

I am completely stunned but I respond flawlessly. “It’s starting to look up. Thank you for asking. I hope you accomplished everything you needed today.” I asked because he is in a three piece pint striped suit. “Well actually I have a dinner meeting here. I hope you don’t mind.” “Not at all. I would love to meet your business associates.” Someone cleared there throat, Richard I think. “Oh I’m sorry I forgot your were there.” “Curtis darling this is Evan and my ex-husband Dick.” “Ex. Well thank you. If you hadn’t left her then I wouldn’t be the happiest man alive right now.” 50 Cent, himself, turns back to me. “I’m going to use the men’s room.” He picked up my hand and kissed it. “I won’t be long honey.” 50 Cent walked toward the restrooms.

Richard’s face was completely red. Evan looked stunned into disbelief. It was Richard who spoke next. “So you dating guys like that now?”

“What jealous?” I inquired in the best redneck voice I can spit back.

If I had to use one word to describe Richard’s expression it would be rage. He has been against the rap world since we met. He hated everything about it. Basically if its not country he hates it. I always waited until I was in the car alone to listen to my music. I have a love for all music not just one genre.

When Curtis returned to my table Evan and Richard were gone. He pulled a chair from another table nearby. “Thank you so much.” I repeated several times as he sat down. “That was my pleasure. It was kind of fun actually. Your lips are really soft by the way.” I blush uncontrollably at the compliment. He smiled his very confident smile I see in the music videos all the time. “I’m Mykaela Washington.” I offered my hand and he took it. “Nice to meet you….” I trailed off. “Curtis. I prefer Curtis.” I smiled.

We ordered dinner and talked a bit. I told him the story about Richard and Evan. “He’s a fucking retard.” Was his only response. He told me stories about his life. I was laughing at a story about his son when his meeting arrived. He waved his party over. “Thanks for dinner it was fun.” “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Can I see you again.” “Sure.” I reached in my clutch and handed him my card. “Here’s my card. It has my cell at the bottom.” I got up from the table as his associates reached the table. I heard someone whistle low. “Man, who was that?”
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Hope you liked it.