Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 10

I can feel the sun coming through the window. I still haven’t woken up completely. I can feel his arms around me. Part of my mind wonders how on earth did he find me. I guess he is a resourceful guy. Besides I’m not mad any more. I snuggle my back against his chest more and he wraps his arms around me securely. I let a sigh of contentment escape my lips. I love nothing more than being in these muscular arms. Finally let my eyes open and my brows instantly furrow in confusion. I sit up in bed, no doubt giving my ‘WTH face’, looking around the room I shared with Richard. My eyes finally land on the body laying next to me.

I bolted up and looked around. Scanning the room for Curtis unconsciously realizing I’m on the couch in the hotel. I release the breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. Absent mindedly I run my fingers through my hair. Trying desperately to calm my racing heart. Curtis was laying with me in the bed I shared with Richard. Well there is no doubt at what my dream was about. I’m in the same situation with Curtis that I was in with Richard. I cant allow myself to go back down that road. I have to cut things off with him while I still can.

I look over to the digital clock and see that it reads three a.m. “Damn nightmares cant just leave me alone.” I grab the remote from the coffee table and turned on the television. TMZ was on of course because there can’t be anything better on, note the sarcasm. I cant watch this show I just now that Curtis and I are on here some where. I channel surf for a moment and come across Get Rich or Die Trying. I try to hold off the tears that are forming. I can feel my heart start to break all over again. I feel like the stupidest person in the world. How could I have been so dumb? I should have known that this would happen eventually. I mean he is 50 Cent after all. I better just got back to Texas. Yeah. That sounds like the best plan yet. I pick up the hotel phone and call the airport and get a seat on the next flight out of here.

I didn’t go back to Curtis’ to get my stuff. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I know if I saw him I would be putty in his hands. Here I was on the plane back to Texas. Still wearing my dress from last night. I trying not to wallow in self pity because really where is that going to get me. Another deep sigh escapes me as last nights events runs through my head. A lone tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe it away. I will not spend any time crying over him like I did for Richard. I am so much stronger than that. I have to be.

Before I knew it the plane landed in Love Field Airport. Asia was there to greet me. I called her before I left the hotel and she decided to go home with me. She had already grabbed a cab and the driver was loading her bags in when I walked up. She turned and as soon as she embraced me a new wave of tears started to flow. “Its okay Mykaela sweetie don’t cry please.” I could her the pleading in her voice. I took a deep breath and pulled away. I could see where her own tears stained her cheeks. “Now you know that pregnant women are overly emotional.” She complained wiping her face. “Sorry Pooh Bear I think that was the last of them, I think.” I gave her weak smile and pulled her into the cab.

The next afternoon I woke to the sound of the phone ringing, again. All night long the phone rang. It almost made me happy that I left my phone at Curtis’ house. No one knew I was here at the moment. I could hear Asia talking on the phone. “Hello?” There was a short pause. “HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THAT?!” The sound of her voice woke me completely. Who was she yelling at and why? “Of course I didn’t tell you. You said you didn’t want any more.” I got up from the bed and quietly opened my bedroom door. “Are you kidding me with that? Then next time don’t say what you don’t mean!” With that I heard the receiver being slammed down as I stepped into the living room.

“Pooh Bear, you okay? Who was that on the phone?” As soon as she heard my voice she whirled around. She was looking quit nervous. “Um…..well….nobody.” She stammered and took off to her room. I knew that had to be the father of her baby but she still wont tell me who it is. I cant even begin to speculate who it could be.

I walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot. I just knew I wouldn’t be able to deal with too much more without a cup. I only drink coffee here at this home. It was just something that Mom and I did since I was ten. I know that may sound really young to drink coffee but mom was six when she started. I grab moms coffee cup and pour in the coffee as it finishes brewing. After fixing it just the way I like it I hop on the counter to drink it. Mid way through my cup the house phone rings again. I reach over and grab the wall phone. “Hello…….Hello?” I hang up the phone. I really don’t have patience for prank phone calls. If you cant say anything by the time I say hello the second time then I hang up. Just as I finished the cup and set it in the sink the phone rings again. I reach over and pick it up.

“Hello.” I could hear someone breathing on the other end. “Who is this? What you don’t have a life so you have to mess with mine, really?” “Myk…” The oh so familiar voice sounded in my hears. “Curtis?” I asked breathlessly. God knows how much I miss him. “Yeah its me. Um I got this number from your phone and thought I would try it.” “Yeah well I guess using your birthday as my security code wasn’t a great plan then.” He let out a small chuckle which had a smile threatening my lips. “Yeah that is true. Its was Marquise that figured it out. Look I was calling to talk about what happened.”

He took a pause almost as if to see if I would protest. I just kept quite so he continued. “What you walked in on was not what you thought it was. It was a fan. She had just came into the room to say hi that’s all. I was trying not to be rude her. I was really hoping that you would come in and pull her off of me. Fans are really hard to come by so I try not to be rude to any of them. Man, I don’t think that made sense. I’m no good at this stuff Mykaela. I just want you to know that I aint Richard and I will never be him. I fell for you the first day I saw you. Please give me another chance. I wont pressure you…well…..not much.” He gave me that chuckle at the end. I could just feel my resolves breaking down. “Mykaela, let me have a second chance?” I stayed quite for a long minute. I wasn’t sure if that’s what I really wanted to do. “Curtis I don’t know. I just need some time. Can you give me thirty days?” It was the only solution I could think of. I really needed sometime for me. It felt like I went from Richard to Curtis. Even though Richard left me over a year before I met Curtis. He cleared his throat bringing me out of my thoughts. “Yeah I can. Just give me a call when you have put your thoughts in order. Bye Myk.”

With that farewell he hung up. I slowly placed the receiver in its holder. It took several deep breaths to stop the tears that pooled in my eyes. I just wanted to so badly to break down crying but I had to be strong. If I decided to be with him then I will have to be a stronger person. With that thought I went back to my room to start my day. I haven’t been into the school, recreation center or the restaurant in a really long time. After dressing in by black skinny jeans, white button down and white flats I left for the school first.

When I walked in everything looked the same as I had last seen it. Just off the foyer was a large stairs case going up the center of the room. Right behind the stairs was the entrance into the cafeteria. From the sounds and smells coming form there I could tell that its lunch time. I turned to the left heading for the east wing, which held the office and library. I walked in to the office to see Lana, Vice Principal, speaking with what looked like potential parents and GG’s office door was closed. I took a seat because I knew that GG only shut the door when she was out.

Fifteen minutes later a bell rang out indicating that lunch had ended. Not to long after GG walked in. “Well, well, well if its not the future Mrs. Curtis Jackson.” She teased with a smile. Although that comment had me thinking. Did no one catch the scene at the restaurant a few days ago. Well if no one knew I wasn’t going to tell. “What are you doing in this neck of the woods.” “HaHa very funny Georgia.” My smile widened and she grimaced when I used her given name. She had always insisted that she be called GG. For some reason she did not like the name Georgia. “Whoa no need to get hostile.” She walked over to me as I stood and we embraced. “It is so good to see you… person.” We both chuckled at that comment. “Well come on in my office and lets talk. Suzie please hold my calls and appt. Thanks.” She nodded in agreement and gave me a smile but it was as fake as her press on nails. I knew she was a 50 Cent fan so I understood why she reacted that way. Jealousy.

“So talk to me Myk. How are things?” “Things are just fine. Just a little home sick so while Curtis is working I’m visiting. How is the school?” I know that is a total lie but I wont give anything away. “That’s nice to hear. Same o, same o. Nothing has changed much except we have had a rise in the number of students. It seems that we are doing something right.” I nodded my head in agreement. “Well is there anything you need and/or want from me?” GG looked thoughtful for a moment and I wondered why she needed to think about it. “Well I would like an invite to the wedding.” She said teasingly. I just rolled my eyes at that and left the office. Before I left I just walked around for a bit. The school is a mansion we had renovated to accommodate a school. This place is quite beautiful. Its wasn’t built that long ago but it had a lot of early English architect embellishments in it.

After my tour I headed to downtown for lunch. There is a great hamburger place in Bank of America Plaza. Parking downtown can be so problematic sometimes. Luckily its lunch time and some go else where for lunch. I finally parked the car and get out. As I’m walking across the lot I get this eerie feeling I’m being watched. Of course on instinct I look around. I don’t see anyone even looking in my direction, so I proceed across the street.

I had to take the escalator down but as soon as I turned the corner and saw the sign, Smelters, I couldn’t help but smile. I ordered a Bacon Cheese Burger meal.

I finally got my food and sat in the dinning area. It took me a good five minutes to get everything the way I wanted it. I have always been that person that had to set up everything before I ate. I was about to take my first bite when that feeling of being watched came over me again. I look around once again to find no one even glancing my way. I just don’t know where this paranoia came from all of a sudden. Then the memory of Jaeson, Richards brother, attacking me popped in my head. That sent me into a panic. I started to pack everything up when I was grabbed from behind. A scream started to come up my throat when the person turned me around. I was then facing Carlo.

I instantly began struggling against him. “Kaela why are you pushing me away. I love you baby.” I stopped moving trying to calm down. I don’t want to cause a scene and people are starting to gawk. I can see a few guys hesitating as if they should be doing something. I bring my attention back to Carlo. “Get your hands off me now.” I spit out through clenched teeth. He frowned at me. “You Bitch!” That was all he got out before a fist connected with his face.

As I was standing there I realized that it was my fist. I was shaking just a little. The last person to call me a bitch was Carla Santos in fifth grade. After that I was put in anger management. I started to feel the anger subside. I grab my food and my purse and head for my car.

I finally walk into the house. I can hear Asia crying. I got to her door and knock before opening the door and finding her on the bed crying. “Pooh Bear, what’s wrong.” I questioned sitting on her bed. I sat the uneaten food and my purse down on the bed next to me. She finally noticed me and sat up. She sniffled a few times and wiped the tears from her face. “My baby’s father told me awhile ago he didn’t want anymore kids. So when I found out about the baby I didn’t tell him. He’s upset because he had to find out from someone else.” I could only sigh. I have never been in this predicament before. I wasn’t sure what to do or what to say. Mom was always the best at these kind of situation. “Pooh Bear I really wished I knew how to help you. Perhaps you should talk to Aunt CoCo about this.” She nodded and put her arms around my torso. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

We stayed that way for moment and then I heard the sound of a bag opening. I had to laugh at that. When I pulled back from her embrace she had a mouthful of my Garlic French Fries. I scooted the bag with the burger toward her took my purse and headed for the kitchen. Now I am really hungry! I hit my forehead with my head. “Well duh.” I said to no one in particular. I still haven’t went to the restaurant so I can just get something to eat there.

I pulled up at my restaurant. I didn’t call head because I wanted to see how my manager Shia is doing. Shia is the manager for the restaurant and Dean is the manager for the club it turns into at night. I get out of the car after the valet open the door. Take a mental note at how quickly he was at the door. I then proceed inside to see a new hostess. “Hello. Welcome to Toni’s. A table for one?” She stated with a smile. Service with a smile is just how it should be. So far I am really please with the service but we have a while to go.

We stepped into the dinning room and everything was spectacular. There didn’t seem to be one thing out of place. The room is more that ¾ full. Business seems to be great. I sat down at a table close to the window looking out on the lake. “Your waiter will be with you momentarily.” With that parting line the hostess was gone. I already knew that I wanted to eat the Creole Fettuccini Alfredo. I took a second before the waiter appeared to check out the customers. Everyone seems happy and comfortable. Just the feeling I was hoping for.

The waiter approaching brought me back to my table. We smiled at each other when he reached the table. “Hello ma’am. Welcome to Toni’s. I’m Dylan you waiter. Do you know what you want to order or would you like another moment?” “I will have the Creole Fettuccini Alfredo and keep the Cherry Cokes coming. Also, is Shia in at the moment?” I shot him another smile and handed him the menu. “Very good I will be back with your Coke in a moment. Yes, Shia is in. Who should I say is calling for her?” “Tell her its Myk.” He nodded his head in acknowledgement and walked away.

I sat there less then two minutes before I spotted Shia walking over to me with a huge smile and belly. My jaw dropped in surprise at the site of her. I instantly stood up and hugged her. “Oh my word, Shia when did this happen and why didn’t you call me?” I scolded her playfully. I grabbed a chair from the next table. “Here sit down we apparently need to catch up.”

I sat there with Shia catching up for two hours. Dean showed up early. He has been coming in early for the last month in a half to relieve Shia so she can go home and rest. He has always been the best big brother I have ever seen. I have been friends with them since fifth grade. I knew that I put the best people in charge of my restaurant. Loyal and hard working. I really cant ask for better.

I left the restaurant after another hour of catching up with Dean. They are both doing wonderfully handling the business. I promised to come back and party a little with Dean at the club. I headed home after the best lunch ever. I still have a couple of hours before the club opens so I head to North Park Mall to find an outfit to wear. Luckily I didn’t take everything to California so I had clothes to wear today. I know for a fact I had nothing to wear to party in.

As I am shopping in the mall I notice that a lot of people are giving me funny looks. I really wasn’t sure as to why. Until a little girl about ten years old came up to me and asked. “Aren’t you Mykaela Washington, 50 Cents girlfriend?!” I just smiled and looked around and noticed that there were quite a few people watching and listening. I turned my attention back to the little girl. “Um, yeah I am.” “I knew it!” She jumped up and down and ran to a teenage boy. “You owe me five bucks Kyle that is 50 Cents girlfriend!” Oh how I wish she had of said that quietly. Before I knew it I was basically surrounded by a mob of girls. Oh this cant turn out good at all.