Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 13

Curtis P.O.V.

I really didn’t want to do this tour because it included Dallas but I couldn’t say no to Em. I have to say though that Dallas is a lively city. I always enjoy myself when I come here. I mean it’s no New York but still a good time.

As soon as I walk out on stage I spot her. Of course she’s in the front row because there are enough seats in the place. As me and Em are performing the remix of Wanksta I see who I presume is Tyler. A few times I think I see a tear in Mykaela’s eyes. I shook it off in the same instant. She has someone new so why would she cry for me?

Finally the concert is over and now we’re at the meet and greet for the fans who have backstage passes. Really its for Em’s fans but everyone always attends. As I’m standing their I notice the guy at the end of the line. I immediately start to scan the line of fans for her. She isn’t here. Where the hell did she go? Was I just seeing things? Naw, I’m not crazy. She must be avoiding this area.

I decide to play it cool and watch him a little. He buys two D12 and one G-Unit posters. As he progressed in the line I could tell something was “different” about him. That’s when I take in his appearance. He has on a black shirt that says Eminem in white letters. Half of Em’s name is stacked on the other half. With a red glowing mike off to the side. To match that he has on red skinny jeans and black converse. Now I’m no Einstein but I don’t recall straight males in Dallas dressing like this. Let me not assume anything though.

Finally he reaches Em. “Oh my gosh! I am such a huge fan. Will you and the guys sign all three of these? One is for my best friend Mykaela.” By the looks of surprise on the guys faces they caught that name. Best friend? I tried again searching my brain for the name Tyler. Nothing again. I don’t recall Myk ever telling me about him. Did they recently start hanging out? Who could this guy be? One by one we all signed the posters. When he was done he literally skipped away. That had us all laughing just a little bit.

Em turned to me as soon as he was gone and gave me a look. I hold my hands up in the surrender position. “I‘m not sure who he is. Asia called me a while back. Saying Myk was chillin with some guy name Tyler.” I just shook my head. “If that is him then I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I never let her get what she wanted to say out.” For a moment a look flashed through Em’s eyes but then it was back to his ‘fuck it’ expression. Em shook his head at me. Actually everyone did as they realized why had been a little reckless these past few months. “Yeah you did cause he’s super D duper gay.” Leave to Bizarre to say something ignorant. We all piled in to the party bus one of our managers hired for us and head for whatever club.

Once we were all settled I turned to Em. “So we headed Beamers?” Em shook his head. “ I thought so but Paul said some place called Toni’s.” “WHAT!” I didn’t mean to over react like that but really all the places in Dallas it had to be Mykaela’s place! Em gave me a ‘What The Hell’ look at my out burst. I leaned over to him to be sure only he could hear. “That’s Mykaela’s place, man.” Before he could respond the bus was jerked to a stop.

A chorus of profanities were thrown at the driver. “Sorry guys but an accident just happened up ahead I had to slam on the breaks or we would have been apart of that.” Everyone took a breath and got out of the bus. Partially to be nosy but then we saw that a couple of cars were turned over. Instantly we headed forward. I reached a white car first and helped two woman out. I could hear the sirens in the distance as I approached a town car.

“Can any one hear me in there?”

Mykaela P.O.V.

When I came to I could hear someone shouting. I groaned out loud and then opened my eyes. I could see the top of the surrounding buildings. The car is laying on its side. I try to remember what happened but the last thing I remember is watching Curtis performing on stage. I take a moment checking my body trying to sense if anything is broken. Satisfied that I’m okay, I turn and see a very bloody Tyler. He is some what folded up almost under me. I breathe a sigh of relief when I can hear him breathing.

“Hello is there anyone down there.” There was that voice again I should know that voice. “YEAH WE’RE DOWN HERE!” I scream back and partly wish I hadn’t. The little drummer man in my head starts to play. Instantly my hand goes to my head. I look around slowly as realization hits me that there was a driver. I look toward the front and he looks to be in the same condition as Tyler. “Myk, is that you?” Is that Curtis’ voice? What the hell is he doing here? I look up and see someone but cant make out there face “Yeah its me.” He sits back up and look over his shoulder. “Hey, Mykaela’s in here!” He screamed out. Yes, that is definitely Curtis. “Are you okay? Don’t worry we will get you out.”

I can hear a lot of people approaching. Who did Curtis call, the national guard? I can hear them trying to strategize about how to get us out. At that moment I heard Tyler groan in pain. I sit up instantly and move closer to my friend. “Tyler, try not to move. I don’t know if you broke anything.” “Myk.” He was only able to whisper. “Yeah its me. Just relax I can hear the sirens. Help is here.” “Okay.” He whispered and let his body relax.

A minute later Curtis comes back to me. “Myk, I need you to put this blanket over you guys. We’re going to break the back window and pull you out.” He tossed the blanket down. I threw the blanket over me and Tyler. Soon enough the window was broken and they were pulling me out. I could see the cars piled up all over. To me it looked like a war zone. Curtis carried me to a gurney were the paramedics began to work on me. I had some bumps and cuts, here and there. I watched as Tyler and our driver were rescued. I couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of my friend with blood covering his body. I sat there in a daze as people bustled around me.

It was such a surreal moment. One moment you were sitting talking with a friend. The next you’re being pulled from twisted metal. The entire time the paramedics bandaged me Curtis stood there holding my hand. Everyone else had gotten back on the bus and left before the news showed up. They allowed us to ride in the ambulance with Tyler. I barely remember being carried from one spot to the next.

Luckily, Baylor of Dallas is really close. Tyler was whisked away as soon as the ambulance stopped. It appeared that he had internal bleeding and needed surgery. Curtis and I were taken into a private waiting room. We sat there just the two of us in perfect silence and he never did let go of my hand.

“I’ve missed you.” He finally broke the silence. He looked over at me I guess to see my reaction. Which I didn’t have one. I just nodded my head and pursed my lips. Thinking for a moment. Then deciding to just go with the truth. “I have to admit that I’m pissed off at that statement.” Oh yeah he was taken aback by that. I didn’t give him a chance to try to defend himself. “I ask you for a little time. You say yes to that little bit of time but then decide what exactly? That you didn’t feel like waiting. So you start to fuck whatever girl opens her legs the widest. Like really?!” I take a deep breath and close my eyes to calm myself down. In my head I count to ten repeatedly. Its an old anger management trick.

“You’re right and I don’t have an excuse for it. All I can say is that I thought you moved on from me. So I was failing at doing the same from you.” He gave my hand a firm but gentle squeeze. He rose from his chair and dropped down on both knees in from of me. Still never letting my hand go. With his left hand he reached and cupped my face. Letting his thumb run over my lower lip. “If you ever tell anybody I did this I will deny it forever.” He licked his lips and starred me straight in the eyes. “I love you Mykaela Unique Washington.”

My face lit up, I just know it did. The happy feeling flowing through me was almost overwhelming. It felt so good to hear him say those words to me. That broke the damn on my tear ducts. “I love you to Curtis James Jackson the Third.” We leaned in at the same time ready for the kiss that should come with such a perfect moment. Just as we were a breath away someone bust through the door.

We both instantly pulled back a little. “MYKAELA! Oh my gosh! Are you-” Asia stopped mid step. “Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can come back later.” Asia started to back up out of the door. I looked at her in confusion. How did she find out so fast that I was here? Curtis nor I have had a chance to call her. Not that I would have any way. Stress is not good for the baby. “Asia.” I said her name like a mother about to catch her child in a lie. She looked at me cautiously. Not knowing what is to follow. “How did you know I was here?” Her eye brows shot up. I could see that she was flabbergasted. “I….I….THE NEWS!” Relief flooded her face at the that statement. “Yeah, I was watching the news.”

I pursed my lips at her about to shot down her alibi when I realized I hadn’t called any one. Not Tyler’s parents, nor his sister, Angel. Not even Anton, Tyler’s boyfriend. New tears pooled in my eyes as I started to panic. “Pooh Bear, what’s wrong?” My lip began to tremble a little. “I..I forgot to call Tyler‘s family. No one knows he‘s here.” “Stop worrying Pooh Bear. I called before I left the house. They are on their way. Anton should be here any minute. Just relax.” Man I can be such a bad friend sometimes. Curtis sat back next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder to continue the hurry up and wait game again.

I don’t know when I fell asleep or how long I had been out. I could hear someone around me talking. I could feel that I was in a bed too. I started to roll over but my entire body protested. I groaned in pain. The talking around me stopped immediately. “Kaela, try not to move around too much. Your body is just having a late reaction to the accident. I will get you some pain pills.” I could hear Lenny exit the room immediately.

I looked down at my arm noticing that I no longer had on Tyler’s jacket. I am just going to assume that Curtis undressed me. That is just weird to fall asleep in one outfit and wake up in something else. I finally opened my eyes as soon as I heard someone approaching the room. I’m back at home in my own room. I could barely make out my photo wall, in this position, on the other side.

I felt the bed dip down behind me as Lenny and Curtis came closer to me. Lenny handed me the pills. “Hear take these. It will take the pain away.” Lenny is a resident at Baylor of Irving. Since we were little Lenny had always wanted to be a doctor. It was the only game we could really get him to commit to. He has one more year of residency before he was a full fledge doctor. At least I believe that is how it works.

I put the pills into my mouth and sipped the water offered to me. “Thank you.” My voice barley came out. Took another sip of water before speaking again. “Will you guys help me to roll over on my back. I cant stay like this.” Curtis nodded just once. “Okay. Kaela try not to use your muscles. Just let us do all the work. It will hurt a lot less okay.” Lenny advised before gripping my upper body.

After they repositioned me I realized that it was Asia sitting behind me. She smiled down at me concern playing on her face while one hand rested on her protruding stomach. I cleared my throat and asked the questioned I had been thinking all along. “How long have I been out?” Curtis finally spoke since stepping into the room. “Twelve hours.” My mouth opened wide. I have never been able to sleep that long. “Tyler?” Even I could hear the sob in my voice. Curtis was instantly at my side. Holding me to his chest in comfort. “He’s fine. The surgery went great. Anton called an hour ago and said he was already conscious.” Thank God. I don’t think I could deal with losing anyone else.