Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 15

I woke the next morning to an empty bed. Which doesn’t surprise me anymore. After spending that first week in New York with Curtis, I have come to expect it. He is an early riser when he has to be. I sat up stretching out my arms and legs. I reached over on the night stand and picked up my cell phone. Checking my phone every morning has become an automatic response for me. I see there is a new text message and several new emails. No doubt the message is from Curtis. I opened and read the content. ‘Morning Beautiful. Come down for breakfast when you’re decent.’ I cant help but to smile at this. I just know that’s code for the guys are still here and they cant see what’s “mine”.

I get out of bed pulling a robe on and headed for Asia’s room. I knocked but there was no answer. I slowly opened the door and tiptoed inside. I could here the shower going. I knocked on the bathroom door. “Yeah!” She yelled out sounding almost startled. “Hey, Asia breakfast is being cooked. So when you’re done go on down.” “Yeah, okay. See you down there.” I went back to Curtis room to shower and get dressed.

Keeping in mind that this is Connecticut I drop down in front of my suitcase. It is much colder here than the Texas weather I’m use to. Unzipping my suit case I search through its contents for something cute to wear. Finally deciding I pulled out the clothes. Once dressed I walked over to the full-length mirror to check myself out. After reassuring myself I looked pretty good I head downstairs. At the bottom step I wait and try to get a sense of which kitchen everyone is in. I stood there for a moment until I heard Bizarre laughing off to my left and headed in that direction.

I found everyone hanging out in the big kitchen. It seems that the teenagers are cooking breakfast for everyone. “Morning all.” I called out to the room. Everyone’s attention snapped to me and a chorus of Good Mornings resounded in the room. I walked over to Curtis and took a seat on his lap. He wrapped an arm around my waist tightly. I smiled gently down at him. He only smirked at me and pulled my head down with his using his other hand. We kissed each other with more passion than I knew the world possessed. We finally pulled back at the sound of faking coughing. “When is everyone leaving? We really need alone time.” I whispered into his ear so no one else could hear. Before he could answer breakfast was served. It was at this time that Marshall decided to join us. Curtis gave him a curious glance as he sat next to us.

After breakfast everyone started to leave slowly to catch a flight home. Marshall and the girls were the last to leave. I made a promise to them to visit in Detroit before Christmas. Curtis and Marshall were talking by the car while I stood in the doorway. It looked like Curtis was trying to get information out of him but Marshall wasn’t budging. It was around this time I began to notice Asia never came down for breakfast. I ran upstairs to her room. I knocked and waited. Just as I was about to knock again the door opened. “Hey, you okay. You never came down for breakfast.” “Yeah, I’m fine. I-I just couldn’t decide what to wear. I just put on these yellow shorts and white cami.” She is acting so weird. What the hell is up with her? I saw that combination sitting on top of her suit case. Most be pregnancy brain or something like that. “Um okay. Why don’t you come down and I can make my breakfast tacos for you.” Asia’s eyes widen comically as she nodded profusely so we headed for the kitchen.

Curtis P.O.V.

“That’s what she said.” I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at Bizarre’s lame ass joke. He seriously can make anything into a joke or try to. He just kills me. “What’s so funny?” We all look over and see Hailie, Elaina and Whitney step into the dinning room. “Nothing!” Bizarre spoke to quickly for that to be believable. Now everyone else laughed at him. “Okay.” Hailie dragged out a bit. “Hey guys why don’t we make breakfast for everyone?” My mini me asked the other kids in the room. That made me proud to see him take the initiative. The teenagers in the room all walked into the kitchen. This area was an open concept so I could keep an eye on them. I took out my phone and sent a quick text to Mykaela. ‘Morning Beautiful. Come down for breakfast when you’re decent. The guys are still here and I don’t want her to come down in those sexy little Pjs she has.

I really hated to leave Mykaela this morning. Me and some of the guys got up for an early morning work out. After all that food we ate yesterday we needed to be sure and keep it tight, so to speak. I think about that night of the accident all the time. I was scared shitless when I realized she was in that car. It helped to put my feelings in prospective for her. I wont ever let her go again. Loosing this woman is not an option.

Thinking about it now I should’ve stayed in bed and made her moan out my name. If I had of gotten off that stupid phone last night I could have had her going all night. By the time I was through with my emails she was sound asleep. I’ll make up for lost time tonight though. I pulled out of my thoughts in time to catch another one of Bizarre’s jokes. I pulled in a deep breath. Smells like breakfast is almost done.

“Morning all.” The voice that I just love to hear reached my ears. I looked over at her and nearly came in my pants. She is in this dark gray sweater dress that is cling to all of her curves just right. Luckily she has on those black tights or would have to put over my shoulder and carry her back upstairs. Damn those matching gray heels and the sound they make on the hard wood floors as she walks. She walked over and sat in my lap. Without thinking about it I put my arm around her. As if I have to make sure she doesn’t fall off my lap. She looks down at me and flashes me that sweet smile of hers. The need to taste those lips was overwhelming. I reached up and pulled her head to mine. Capturing those luscious lips.

I have no idea how long we were like that before everyone in the dining room started to “cough”. She pulled away from me slightly and whispered in my ear causing my arousal to increase. Luckily she wasn’t sitting right in that area so she didn’t feel it. Before I could respond to her the kids brought in breakfast as Em walked into the dinning room. He was dressed before I was after the work out this morning. Where the hell has he been? I can feel the curiosity getting the best of me as he sits down next to me and Myk. I will have to ask him about that later. I know how he hates everyone in his business.

As breakfast was finished off the group dispersed slowly. Everyone had a flight to catch. Me and Myk stood at the door and sent out farewells to everyone as they left. Luckily Em was the last to leave. I walked over to the car with him while Myk spoke to the girls. “What’s up Fifty?” I just stood there a moment and looked at him. “You tell me. I’m wondering what took you so long to come down for breakfast. Last I saw you….you were already dressed and supposedly headed downstairs.” He shrugged his shoulders. A clear sign he was about to lie. “I head emails-” I waved my head in front of him. “Don’t even try it. I know you lying by your body language.” Em seriously looked down at himself. As if to say what I do? I notice the girls heading for the car and Myk watching us. We stepped around the car and I lowered my voice even more. “I know you Em and something’s up with you. You been acting weird for a couple of months now man. You would tell me if you were having “problems”, right?” Yes I used the air quotation marks. I need to know what’s up with my friend. I don’t want to think he has converted back to the dark side but we all know that’s a possibility. He crossed his arms in defensive mode. I knew I just pissed him off big time. “Wait before you blow up man. Just understand my position. You’re sneaking around and all secretive. I know something’s on your mind but you wont talk to any body about it.” His body relaxed a little and he dropped his arms to his side. “Look man I aint ready to talk about it yet. Its nothing bad but I just don’t want to talk about it. When I do I will give you call.” We did our usual hug and they were out of the drive way in no time.

I walked back into the house and caught the whiff of more food. Who the hell could be eating now? I thought everyone left already. Maybe its Grandma. She was staying out in the guest house. Hey don’t judge me. She asked to be out there. Didn’t want to “cramp” my style with her “old fashioned” ways. I love that woman so much. She has always been there. Raised me after moms died. Anything she wants she gets instantly.

I stepped into the kitchen to see Asia sitting at the table and Myk making those famous breakfast tacos of hers. I remember the first time she made those.

It had taken me a while to get through all of her brick walls. We’re at her house in California. I had been at the studio till three in the morning. I was sleeping when the smell of something delicious hit my nose and woke me up. When I opened my eyes Mykaela was no where in sight. That smell was so alluring I got up from the bed and headed down stairs.

I could hear one of Rhiana songs coming from the kitchen. When I reached the bottom step the radio turned off. As I rounded the corner into the living room I could see Mykaela spooning food on a plate filled with tortillas. “Morning Beautiful.” She whipped around dropping the pan in the process. I froze for a moment seeing the panic in her eyes.. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” She let out a shaky breath. “It’s okay Curtis. You just startled me.” I picked up the pan off the floor and sat it in the sink. Luckily she had already gotten all of the food on the plate. I turned to the plate. That smell is the best I have ever smelled out side of my grandma’s house.

“What’s this?” I could feel my brow furrow in confusion. I needed to know what this is. I was rewarded by Mykaela’s smile. When it’s a genuine smile it makes her eyes twinkle in the slightest way but I see every time. “These are my Dad’s famous breakfast tacos. He never told another soul other than me, of course. You want to try one?”

Myk’s hand on my shoulder brought me back to my kitchen. Hopefully our kitchen one day. She smiled knowing up at me. “You were remembering the first time you had the tacos, right?” I just nodded in response and returned her smile. She threw her arms around my neck as I snaked my arms around her waist to pull her tighter to me. The kiss started off soft but turned to desire quickly.

“Eeeww, take that to your room.” I laughed against Myk’s lips at Asia’s statement. I forgotten she was even here. Myk pulled out of my arms. “Gladly.” She took my hand and pulled me to the closest bedroom. As she closed the door behind us I couldn’t help but silently thank god for this woman.

Mykaela P.O.V.

Ugh! What do you get the man who has everything. I mean seriously someone say something! Christmas is quickly approaching and I still haven’t found a gift for Cutis yet. It’s three weeks away and I have no idea what to get him. I have asked everyone who is close to him but still nothing. Everyone is clueless about him. I got everyone something so far. I have been in every store imaginable. I have even taken numerous of people with me to find something but still nada.

I have been sitting in my living room for an hour trying to think of something for him. I am completely stumped. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Ask him. Well I have and he says that all he needs is me. Which is so sweet but I still want to get him something.

Asia and I decided to come back to California a few days ago. Curtis had to get back to New York for work. She was sitting next to me watching one of her many shows. Looks like Heroes. She was absentmindedly rubbing her stomach. We just gotten back from her doctors appointment. She is now six months along. Her and the boys doing just fine. Doctor thinks she should rest lot more now that she is entering her third trimester.

I don’t even remember her turning Netflix on. I have been doing that a lot more lately. Zoning out I mean. I guess I do that when I am stressed. “Myk, would you mind making me something to eat. We’re hungry.” I smiled over to her. “Sure. Got a taste for anything in particular?” She thought for a second. “Turkey sandwich with the works. Chips and picks on the side. Please and thank you.” I just nodded and turned to head for the kitchen. I stopped for a moment when something in the formal dining room caught my eyes.

I smiled and started to jump up and down. Like a kid who came down and found a Christmas tree buried in presents. Because I know exactly what I’m getting Curtis for Christmas.