Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 16

Normally these type of things take months to prepare. I had to pay extra to get it in the time frame I needed. Christmas is two days away. I was so exited that the artist was having such a happy day and agreed to work day and night to get it done and I think I got the perfect present. I really hope that Curtis loves it. I don’t know what I’m going to do if he hates it.

I’m do to fly out to New York in a couple of hours. Asia left heading back for Texas yesterday. For some reason she wouldn’t let me take her to the airport. I seriously can’t put my finger on it but I’m sure it has something to do with the boys’ father. Maybe he was meeting her at the airport and they were flying back to Texas together. Why doesn’t she want us to meet? Is he some deranged person? All of my theories are making my head hurt. I have to leave this alone for now.

I went back to focusing on the task at hand. Packing. Can you hear the eye roll in that statement. I really hate packing! All of this traveling is awesome but I just cant stand packing. I know what you’re thinking. You have all that money just buy new stuff when you get there. I’m just not like that. I don’t just buy things because I can. Wouldn’t that be frivolous of me?

Curtis informed me that they always put on a Christmas eve party. I’m just not sure what to wear to the party. He said its not a formal type of party. I still want to wear something that shows of all my curves though. A smile spread across my face as I remembered a black and green maxi dress I bought in New York. That would be prefect and almost festive. I ran over to my closet and pulled it off the rack. I also grabbed my fish net stockings and black strapped heels. Oh yeah that’s the perfect ensemble. I sigh in relief. That was the last thing I had to worry about. Curtis’ gift is to be delivered later in the evening at his house.

A couple hours later I’m finally on the plane. After all the security checks and paparazzi getting their pictures in. They finally stopped asking questions because I never respond to them any way. I’m sitting in first class waiting for the plane to take off. I realized that this is the first time in along time that I’m traveling alone. Normally Asia is with me or I’m with Curtis. It feels so strange.

I pulled out my phone to shut it down when I saw I had a message. Its from Curtis so I open it instantly. “You look beautiful J” Oh did my face scrunch up in confusion. “How do you know?” I text back. I mean what would you say? “You always look beautiful. Especially when your face scrunches up like that.” I was about to respond but he sent another message. “I’m not on the plane with you. I just need to know you are safe. Please don’t be mad.” I couldn’t help but to smile at this. I don’t know where I would be right now if he wasn’t over protective. My phone dinged again. “There is that smile I love to see. See you soon Love.” A small tear escaped my eyes. I looked around briefly to see if I could tell who it was he sent. I know it cant be Dean. I know what he looks like. I didn’t recognize a single person here. Nor is anyone looking my way. Now I am so anxious to see him. I go ahead and turn off my phone and settled in for the flight.

Finally the plane landed in JFK just before the sun set. I was so anxious. I was jumping around in my seat. Finally the call to de-plane came. Thank God I sat in first class so I could get off faster. I was out of my seat in a flash. As soon as I hit the terminal my eyes were searching for him. I was walking at a brisk pace. Practically running as I scanned the crowd. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm. I spun around and there was a smiling Dean. “Dean, what the hell?” “You should see your face right now.” Dean chuckled to me. “Dang Myk you were walking like a possessed woman. Mr. Jackson is waiting for you at the door. Too many people for him to come in. Your bags have already been taken to the car.” As he spoke he navigated me through the crowds of people waiting for there loved ones.

Finally we broke free at the door and there was an all black Tahoe with blacked out windows at the curb. Dean pulled me over to the car and opened the back door for me. There he was smiling at me. I wasted no time and jumped at him. I threw my arms around him and put one leg on either side of his body. I was half aware of the fact that the car was now moving as I held on for dear life. I felt his lips on the side of my head. “I missed you.” You just know he gave me the famous chuckle I love so much. “I can tell Myk. I missed you too, Babe.” How can someone make you melt with just one word?

Finally I pulled back and our lips connected innocently. His hand stroked my jaw line as we stared at each other. “This is for you.” My eyes caught a single red roses in his other hand. Gosh he can be so sweet. We must have been sitting like that for a while when Dean knocked on the window. Curtis rolled the window down. “Uh, Mr. Jackson sorry to interrupt but we have arrived.” We finally looked around noticing that we had parked outside of Curtis’ building. He chuckled lowly and opened the door. I rolled off of his lap and stepped out of the car. Thanking God that I had overly bundled up. Jack Frost has definitely landed. Curtis followed close behind. He reached for my hand at the same time I reached for his. Once my suitcases was retrieved from the trunk we headed into the back of the building.

On the way up the elevator I turned to Curtis. “So what’s the plan for today?” He looked at me as he pondered that for a moment. Then he shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing that I know of. Why?” “I just want to spend the day with you. We can just sit on the couch and watch a movie.” He just nodded his head almost absentmindedly. As if it didn’t matter one bit to him. I wasn’t sure how to take that. Sometimes I have to wonder, am I to boring for him?

We finally reached his floor and the three of us stepped off the elevator. He pulled out his keys and opened his doors. “You can head on in.” Curtis instructed me. I stepped away from the door and headed for the living room with the rose still in hand. I bet he’s going to want to watch sports. I was midway removing my jacket when I stepped into the living room and froze.

Distantly I heard the front door close. In a matter of seconds I felt Curtis’ arms wrap, awkwardly, around me and he put his lips to the back of my neck. “I really missed you and just want you all to myself. So I thought you would appreciate this. A simple couch and movie on the TV just wasn’t enough. I remember you saying that your Mom would take you and Asia to that drive in. The one her and your dad had their first date at.” We stood their for another minute or two. My brain wouldn’t form the words I needed to express how I’m feeling. I cant believe he did this or that he remembered that story. I told him that at the cute little coffee shop in California. Before we ever started dating.

The entire living room had been transformed. It looked nothing like it did the last time I was here. The walls and ceilings have been painted a midnight blue color. With glow in the dark stickers in the shape of stars spread out everywhere. A projector was behind the seats and a screen sat on the opposite side of the room. There was no living room furniture to speak of. In its place was the back end of a 1974 Chevy Impala. It was then that my eyes fell on the table set for two.

Curtis took the rose from my hand and pulled my jacket off. I still hadn’t uttered a word. I was in shock. No one has ever done something so amazing for me, EVER. “Mykaela!” My eyes drifted away from the scene in front of me and landed on his concerned face. “If you don’t like-” Was as far as he got with what I knew was going to be a stupid statement. I kissed this awesome man for all he is worth. After a long moment I pulled back. A little out of breath I spoke. “This is amazing. Thank you.”

He gave me a breath taking smile and kissed me softly on the lips. “Good. Lets sit down.” He pulled my hand over to the half of car. We sat down and then a waiter approached us. “Hello I’m Billy. I will be your waiter tonight.” He handed over the menus. I opened the menu and laughed out loud. On the menu was Chicken Alfredo with Spinach Pizza and Strawberry filled Chocolate Cake. With two choices for drinks, wine and vitamin water. I looked over to him with a huge smile. He really knows me already. Curtis placed our orders and we were left alone.

“So what movie are we watching?” Instantly he shook his head. “Oh no you have to wait and see. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised.” I just nodded my head and scooted closer to him. His arm went up on the back of the seats. The waiter came back moments later with my wine and Curtis’ water. After Billy left the movie started.

I was adamantly watching the screen trying to figure out what this could be. I burst with laughter once I realized that we were watching Power Rangers the movie. Its even more funny that the waiters name is Billy, as in the blue ranger. “How did you know that this was my favorite childhood movie?” I whispered yelled at him. He just smiled and replied. “Your photo wall.” I smiled thinking of the few pictures of me and Tyler watching the TV show. One or two of me and some of the other guys dressing as the entire cast for Halloween. He is such an observant guy. I sighed in content and leaned into him and brought my attention back to the screen.

After the movie was over the waiter and chef left. For the last hour Curtis and I just sat in the “movie seat” cuddled up to each other. Neither of us saying a word just enjoying the warmth of the fire from the fire place and our bodies.

“So what’s your favorite movie?” I finally broke the silence. “Oh so you don’t know?” “Well we all don’t have a photo wall to cheat of off.” We smiled easily at each other. “Show Girls.” We both laughed out loud at that. Once we calmed down Curtis shrugged his shoulders. “I really love music so movies don’t get that much attention.” He claimed sarcastically. “Naw, seriously everything I’m in.” To back up his answer he playfully popped his collar. I just rolled my eyes playfully at the same time a yawn escaped my lips. “Alright time for bed.” Curtis stated and pulled me up with him.

I woke up the next morning with my head resting on Curtis’ chest. I didn’t move or open my eyes. I knew it was on of those rare days that Curtis slept in with me I didn’t want it to end. All of sudden he started to rub my arm that was draped over his torso. His other hand began to tangle itself in my hair. I knew then that he knew I was awake. I let a contented sigh escape my lips. His small affection is feeling so good.

I could feel the light chuckle that emanated through his chest. I knew it was at the feeling of my goose pimps on my arm. “What’s so funny?” I turned slightly to make eye contact. “Its crazy the affect people can have on someone. I don’t think I have ever given a female goose bumps.” He let go of my arm. Put his, now free, hand in my hair. While his other hand dropped down to my lower back. Snaking his hand under my shirt he began to rub my bare skin. My eyes closed on their own. “I love the way you react to me.” He then rolled me over onto my back. For the next two hours he showed me just how my body can react to him.

Night fall was finally upon us. The party starts in about an hour. I was firmly barricaded in the bathroom. Putting the final touches on my hair and make-up. My phone, sitting amongst the chaos on the counter top, began ringing. Knowing who it is just by the ring tone I answer it without hesitation.

“Pooh Bear! Merry Christmas. Can you believe this is the fist Christmas we wont be together? I miss you so much! How are the boys?!” Asia was laughing on the other end at my rant. “Whoa, calm down Pooh Bear. First the boys are awesome. Doc says I may have to be on bed rest as soon as next month or the month after at the latest. Merry Christmas to you and Curtis. You know it was going to happen at some point. The separation I mean.” I could hear the tears in her voice. “I really…I mean we really miss you too.” Now she’s full out crying.

There was a shuffling sound then Lenny’s voice came over the phone. “Hey Myk. Love and miss you lots. Now I have to go because the hormones are flooding my apartment. I laughed softly. “Love you too Lenny. Bye. I hung up at the same time Curtis knocked on the door. “Hey Myk are you ready yet. We need to leave soon.”

I checked myself one more time in the mirror then released myself. I smirked at Curtis’ jaw hitting the floor. I reached my hand over and closed it for him. “Don’t want to catch flies do you? Well so to speak.” I side stepped him and grabbed my clutch from the dresser. When I looked over at him he was still in the same spot but watching me. I walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips. Lingering there for just a moment.

When I finally pulled back he seemed better. “Better?” He just nodded before asking. “Do we have to go?” I gave him an are you crazy look. “Do you see me?” He just nodded and bit his bottom lip. “See that look is why we have to go.” I stepped in closer so that our bodies are pressed even tighter together. “I want to see you from across the room watching me. Knowing you’re thinking about this morning.” Then I turned on my heels and walked to the front door. It took Curtis a moment to recover then we were off.

As long as the procession of cars were you can tell that this is the place to be tonight. We could see the door but it looked like lighting was erupting from that direction. I didn’t even think about the paparazzi of course they will be here. I’m going to get my picture taken a lot. Not just as we walk in but I’m sure that there is a photographer. Feeling my mini freak out Curtis pulled out wound up hands to his lips. I smiled at him as the panicked feeling left my body.

Before either of us could say a word Dean opened the door. Curtis turned and exited the car. People began to yell his name. He gave a brilliant smile and a small wave. On person asked where I was. He then turned back to me. Offering his arm to me. I slipped my hand into the curve of his elbow. As soon as I was in view the cameras went nuts. They were shouting so loud I couldn’t even hear myself think. Curtis just pulled me towards the entrance.

When we were at the half way point Curtis turned to me and kissed me lightly. I couldn’t help but to smile in to the kiss. I have never heard so many clicks of a camera in my life. “Mr. Jackson, we need to get you guys in.” We pulled away at the sound of Dean’s voice and proceed into the building.

The decorations were festive but not over doing it. The best decoration was a Christmas tree made with nothing but music notes. It stood at the entrance of the party. As soon as we stepped in we were greeted with so many hugs. Of course everyone affiliated with Interscope records is here. Now that I’m looking around it seems they are the one throwing the party.

We have been here for almost three hours. I feel exhausted already. I have met so many people tonight already. A lot of people that I have seen on TV for what ever reason. I have yet to see Marshall though. I wonder where he can be. I leaned into Curtis and asked. “No Marshall?” He shook his head. “No, Christmas is reserved for the girls back in Detroit. He never goes any where at this time of year.” I just nodded my head in understanding.

“Hey Fifty!” We both turned to see Andre heading in our direction. I noticed that a woman was firmly tucked under his arm. I think it was Nicole but I couldn’t be sure. “Hey Dre.” They embraced and then he embraced the woman. “Nicole, I want you to meet Mykaela. Mykaela this is Dre’s wife Nicole.” She smiled over to me and I returned it. I stuck out my hand to her. “Its really a pleasure to meet you Nicole.” She took my hand and replied. “Pleased to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many things about you. All nice things of course. Happy that Curtis has finally met someone to make him happy.” My smile widened at that statement.

Someone’s arms went right around my shoulders. I immediately stepped away from the intruder and closer to Curtis. Looking over I noticed that it was Bizarre. “Dang, we get it you’re taken. Where’s the baby momma?” Nicole and Dre both had a confused look. “He means my cousin Asia.” I looked back over to Bizarre. “She went back to Texas. She had a doctors appointment she couldn’t get out of.” Nicole was the one to speak up. “How far along is she? Does she know what she is having?” “About six and a half months with twin boys.” An awe expression came over Nicole’s face.

“Myk!” A familiar voice called out. I looked over to see Frankie. What the what is he doing here? “Frankie what are you doing here?” I asked as I hugged him. “I invited him.” Curtis spoke up before he could. “Lets step over here and talk for a moment.” Curtis and Frankie walked away from us. Must be the whole boxing thing.

“So Myk are you excited about performing at the Grammy’s next year?” I looked at Dre as if he had two heads. “I take it that Curtis hasn’t talked to you about that yet, uh?” “Apparently not. Why am I performing?” “Well you remember recording that song with us a few months ago?” Realization hit me and I nodded in agreement. “Well we have been invited to perform at the Grammy’s.” “Oh.” Was my only reply. I’m not sure I can do this. I mean I promised not to sing any more. I cant believe that Curtis didn’t tell me.

I turned in the direction he was sitting in with Frankie. When he saw my face he walked over to me with Frankie hot on his heels. “What’s wrong?” “When exactly were you going to tell me about the Grammy’s?” I could hear everyone making a hasty retreat. Except for Frankie who had no idea what I was talking about. “Tomorrow actually after I gave you your Christmas present.” “What’s happening at the Grammy’s?” Frankie finally spoke up. “Well Myk recorded a song with us and we have been invited to perform. If you wait around a little longer you will here it. We are debuting it here at the party.” As if on cue the sound of my voice came through the speakers. I was so afraid that everyone would hate it. As I looked around I saw people nodding their heads along. The chorus picked up and some people even started to sing along. “Whoa that’s Mykaela singing that?!” Oh yeah he said that a little to loud. So of course the people standing the closets heard him. They all turned and stared at me. Most of them with smiles on their face. I just gave a small smile. I could sort of hear Curtis and Frankie talking next to me. I was to focused on the stares and whispering going on around us and rippling out to the rest of the party.

Finally the song ended and Dre took the stage addressing the entire party. “Hope you all liked the song. It was produced by Em and Me. Its going to be on Fifty’s new album that drops the middle of next year. That was just a taste of what is to come. Oh yeah the vocals come from Mykaela Washington the new lady in Fifty’s life.” When he was done the crowd started applauding loudly. The photographer came over to us and asked for a picture. Instantly Curtis grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arm around his waist and we both smiled over at the camera. Once the picture was done people came over stating how hot the song sounded. A lot of people complimented me on my vocals. Some actually asked if it was digitally enhanced. Which I replied with a live showing.

Standing here holding his hand I realize that Curtis completes me and gives me the confidence to do anything. I now its cliché but it’s the truth. I just hope that this all works out between us. I don’t want to live without this man.

The night came to end. Thank fully to my feet which are killing me now. We walked out of the building and headed for the car. Dean was there waiting with the door ajar. As I got in Dean whispered that my package had been set up in the living room as requested. That sent butter flies erupting in my stomach. I hope he likes it. With that thought we headed home.

I briefly noticed that the living room had been put back together. It now was decorated for the season. Not over doing it but just enough to get the Christmas spirit.

We were forced out of bed due to the constant ringing of both our phones. From family and friends wishing us happy holidays. Christmas morning was just me and Curtis. Curtis’ family was coming over at around three. He was currently in the shower giving me the perfect opportunity to put up his present. I took it out of the package and hung it up over the fire place. I heard the shower turn off and ran back to the room. Once he was out of the bathroom I went in.

I finished my shower feeling a little confused. I expected him to come back in saying if he liked it or hated it. There was nothing. Not one sound. The apartment was quite. After taking care of the hygiene I slipped on a pair of dark blue jean shorts and a green Hollister t-shirt. I stepped out of the bathroom but he wasn’t there. I walked to the living room and there he was sitting on the couch staring at the painted portrait hanging over the fire place. It was of him and his mother. I got a picture of her from Curtis Grandmother. I had the artist to paint Curtis at his age now. With his mother standing right behind him with her hand on his shoulder. I got the idea from my own picture of Asia, Mom and me over my dinner table.

“If you don’t like it I could get you something else.” Curtis then turned to me and smiled. He got up and hugged me so tight. Lifting me right off the floor. “Thank you.” Was all he said before he kissed me. “You’re welcome.” “Now time for your present. Its not as thoughtful as your gift. I hope you like it. Now close your eyes.” I did as I was told. I felt Curtis walk around and then something landed on my chest. “Now open.” I looked down to see a diamond in crusted necklace with the letters M.C. with a microphone hanging from the C. I walked over to the wall mirror to get a better look at it. “Wow. It’s beautiful Curtis. Thank you so much.” I then noticed that one of the diamonds in the M was the color of my birth stone. There was one the color of Curtis birthstone in the C. There was a spot on the microphone missing.

He must have notice my confusion. “That spot is reserved for our child’s birthstone.” The tears started to fall willingly. “You said it wasn’t thoughtful. That is pretty damn thoughtful to me.” He came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck lightly. “I’m glad you like it. One of these days I plan to ask you an important question and I hope the answer will be yes.” He backed away at the sound of the doorbell. I couldn’t wait for the day he asked me that question. It most definitely will be YES.