Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 17

We spent the entire day with Curtis’ family. Everyone had a story to tell about Curtis growing up as a kid. Not one time did anyone have anything negative to say. They are definitely a tight knit crew. Everyone love the painting that I gave to Curtis. It was the topic for the first hour as more people showed up. I was so pleased that everyone loved it. A couple of people actually took pictures of it with their phones.

Once the day ended and everyone went home Curtis and I stood on the balcony just watching the city. “Um, you know if you don’t want to leave the painting there you can always move it. I just wanted it to be in a place where you could see it.” He smiled at me. “That is the perfect place for it. I wouldn’t put it any place else. Thank you again. I never thought of having something like that done. Who did you get the picture from of my mom?” “Your Grandmother at Thanksgiving. She had it in her wallet. I just copied it and gave it back to her. I found a local Artist in Texas named Trish Howard. She did a great job too especially given the time frame.”

He nodded his head absently in agreement as he stared at the painting. He turned back to me and leaned in searing my lips with his kiss. “I love you Mykaela.” He barley whispered against my lips. I broke out into a wide smile and threw my arms around his neck. “I love you too James.” He chuckled at my use of his middle name. Then he pulled back with his eyebrow raised in surprise. “James?” “Yes, my good sir I think I rather like it.” I said in the best English accent I could muster. He looked quit impressed that I could do it. “You are just full of many talents aren’t you.” I smiled even more at the expression on his face. All the love and admiration lived there. I never had someone to ever look at me like that. It warmed my heart to its core.

New Years is just a few days away. As everyone already knows it gets crazy in New York at that time. Curtis planned a party at his house. He even invited Lenny, Asia, Tyler and Anton. I already rented an apartment in this building for them. They are due to arrive in a day or two. I chartered a private plane for them. I want Asia to be completely comfortable. As I understand it it will be the same people from Thanksgiving. I have been thinking non stop about seeing Tyler again. I missed my friend so much. After he was released from the hospital I hired him a medical team. Which included a physical therapist. Anton said his progress has been phenomenal. I cant wait to see everyone. I keep wondering if Asia would have grown some more. Its been a while since I’ve seen her.

The ding of the doorbell pulled me out of my thoughts. I got up from the couch in the living room and went to answer the door. On the way there I couldn’t help but feel confused. No one ever came by unannounced. Meaning I usually got a call from Curtis that someone might stop by or he’s here when someone comes by. Before opening the door I checked the peep hole like mom taught me. There stood a woman in a delivery outfit. So I opened the door. “Mykaela Washington?” “Yes, that’s me.” She then handed me a pad for signature. “Sign here please.” I did as she asked. She then handed me an envelope. Expressed her thanks and left. What the hell? I never get mail here, especially delivery. Anyone who knows me emails me. Slowly I closed the door. I opened the letter and read it. I gasped out loud at its content. I can’t believe this. How could I have not thought of this. I should have known something like this would happen. Something always has to happen. I hadn’t realized that I had sat down until I felt the need to run.

Curtis P.O.V.

Me and my boys step off the elevator of my building. They’re all going on and on about the delivery girl downstairs. I smiled to myself as we walk down the hall. Why? I know she cant hold a candle to the woman on the other side of this door. Unlocking the door I yell out for Myk as I breached the threshold. The only noise I hear are the sounds of my boys behind me. When I didn’t see her in the living room I thought maybe Dean took her shopping. Then I remembered Dean has the day off. Where the hell is she? I check my phone hoping she called or messaged me. Nothing. I instantly go to the bedroom. Checking the in suite closet and bathroom. Nothing. Kitchen. Nothing. Balcony. More nothing. Where the hell could she be? Panic started to settle in me. I don’t like not knowing where she is.

I went into my pocket ready to call Asia when I heard the door open and close. We all froze on the spot watching the entrance hall. When she stepped into the living room I breathed a sigh of relief. Until I noticed her standing in her workout clothes. “That’s not good.” I heard Lloyd say on the side of me. We all know what workout clothes means. She looked around the room. Her brow furrowed. Pulling the earplugs from her ear she asked. “What? Why are you guys staring?” I had to smirk a little at hearing one of my songs blaring from the ear buds. I noticed they are Beats as well.

“You only run when you’re stressed.” We all nodded in agreement to Tony’s assessment. We all had our attention on Myk. In the time that she has been around she had grown close to everyone. She was like their little sister. Even to those she may have been older than. Whatever has her stressed will be dealt with if we can help it. “So fess up. What’s wrong?” She crossed her arms in fake anger. I could see the amusement in her eyes and a faint smile on her lips. I spoke before she could. “Before you say something smart ass Don’t.” She pursed her lips to the side. Then spoke dropping her arms to her side. “I got a summons special delivery from the California Courts. I have to appear in court for Richards trial.” I looked at her confused. Not fully understanding her feelings. Wouldn’t she wont to testify to be sure he was in jail. If you ask me he deserved a lot worse. She continued noticing our confusion. “Every time I’m most happiest he finds a way back in. I just wont to be rid of him.”

The exhale had me moving before I even realized. Immediately pulled her into my arms. Holding her as if our lives depended on it. Instantly her arms went around my waist. “Want to go out to eat? Or Something? I need out.” I smiled down at her. “Guess we’re hitting a club tonight.” I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

Mykaela P.O.V.

The day finally came for the guys to arrive. Of course I hired a car service to pick them up as well. I informed the doorman of their arrival and to send them to the other apartment. I was there less than half an hour when I heard voices coming down the hall. I already had the door opened.

Lenny was the first through the door. I ran over and hugged him. “Hey don’t hog my Pooh Bear.” I pulled back and there was Asia. Whoa did her belly grow! We hugged each other and stayed for a moment. I could feel Asia silently crying on my shoulder. Boy is she emotional. “Okay okay. Now its time for the best friend.” We all laughed at Tyler’s interruption. I let go of Asia and pulled Tyler in for a hug. I heard Lenny whistle very loud. “This place is nice! I could fit my entire condo in this place three times over.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “Glad you like it.” I pulled away from Tyler. “It’s not as grand as Curtis but still really nice. There are three bedrooms and two and half baths. Asia gets the master since she is the only female.”

I realized someone is missing. “Where’s Anton?” They all shared a knowing look. “Well Myk, we kind of broke up.” My eyes shot up in surprise. What the hell could have happened? He must have seen the question in my eyes. “Well the physical trainer you sent was so cute. We had been spending a lot of time together and he got jealous. We had one too many fights. So I moved out. You know how I hate insecurity. I have never given him a reason to doubt me. I moved in with Asia. Hope you don’t mind.” That made me feel so bad. If I had never sent the therapist to him they would have never broken up. “Don’t you even think of apologizing either. This is not you fault so stop thinking that.” I gave him a genuine smile and nodded in agreement.

“Okay lets get you guys settled in. Afterwards we can all go out for lunch.” They all nodded in agreement. I took Asia’s rollaway suitcase and headed to the master bedroom. The place already came furnished. Although I feel like Curtis has something to do with that. Hey I’m not complaining having a thoughtful boyfriend is always a plus. I just love the way he cares for me. “Okay lets put all your things in the dresser it will be a lot easier for you in the long run. Sit on the bed I will take care of it.” I added on the end when I saw her coming to help. She just let out a huff and sat in the chair in the corner.

Once everyone was unpacked and ready to go we headed out for lunch. We took a taxi to the same diner Shaniqua took me to months ago. There weren’t many people there so no one even looked up when we walked in. We took our seats and ordered food. As we waited we chatted about different things.

The sound of the name 50 Cent stopped me in mid sentence. I turned toward the television. The news was on and his picture was front and center. “Excuse me will you turn that up!” I basically yelled at the waitress. She turned the volume up with an eye roll that I did not acknowledge.

This is breaking news. There were shots fired at a local recording studio. Eyewitnesses are saying that masked men burst through the front doors. Shooting the receptionist sitting behind the desk. They then went to studio D and began to shoot. It has been confirmed that rapper 50 cent was been shot. His condition is unknown at this time. He was rushed to the nearest hospital. In other news….

I could barley hear any noise in the background. I can’t believe that this is happening. The tears were flowing before I realized. I was barley aware that Lenny and Tyler each had an arm. My legs gave out on me. They sat me in a chair that someone pulled up. What am I going to do without him? I wont be able to survive without him.