Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 18

My hands trembled as I walked down the aisle of the church. There’s so many people and not a dry eye in the place. I could see his Grandmother in the front along with his other family members. Everyone said that I was to sit in the front with the family. That he would want it that way. One of his uncles walked me to the third row and sat me next to Nicole. I looked over when she grabbed my hand. I could see that Dre sat next to her. Then it was Marshall and his girls and some of the guys towards the end.

I snapped around when Asia sat next to me. I was confused again she didn’t look right but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I sat here in a church pew again. My mom always said that death came in threes. How I wished that she was wrong. I don’t know if I could handle losing another person. I felt someone sit down next to me. I looked over to see Lenny. Where the hell did Asia go? The back of my mind wondered. I couldn’t process that though. “Why Lenny? Why did he have to go? I just miss him so much! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME PLEASE!”

“MYKAELA WAKE UP, WAKE UP NOW!” My eyes flashed opened. The light in the room nearly blinded me. When I focused there was no Lenny but Tyler. He breathed a sigh of relief. “Shit, Myk you sure can fight in your sleep.” I followed is eyes to the floor and saw that Lenny was sitting on the floor holding his jaw. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry Lenny I swear I didn’t mean to. I was just having a bad dream. Curtis had got shot and he died.” I started to laugh and looked around the room noticing I was in the hospital. “What happened?” It came out in a whisper. Lenny got up off the floor. He and Tyler took a seat on opposite sides of the bed. “He’s in ICU which is just a precaution. They removed both bullets. He’s going to be fine.” I nodded in understanding. “What happened at the studio?” “Someone came in to rob the place. They were just shooting randomly. Luckily no one died. He was hit in the shoulder and in the leg. Luckily they didn’t hit anything too important.” I made a face at that statement. Curtis is too important to me. Lenny continued on. “You know what I mean. He should be released in a couple of days.” Lenny informed me.

I let go of the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Tyler spoke up this time. “You’ve been unconscious since yesterday. You basically checked out and had to be given a sedative. The doctor said you should be better when you wake.” Lenny left the room at that moment. When he came back he wasn’t alone. “Glad to see you’re awake Ms. Washington. I’m doctor Lance Fitzgerald. How are you feeling?” “A lot better. I guess.” “Well what is the last thing you remember.” I thought for a moment. “The diner. We ordered food and then the news was on. I can’t recall anything after. What happened?” “Good that’s really good. Well you went into to shock after seeing the news. We had to sedate you. What we gave you basically let you sleep and restart your mind. Well so to speak. I will get your discharge papers and you can go.” I nodded and thanked the doctor on his way out.

When I was finally released from the hospital Dean was standing right outside my room. His face was unreadable as he escorted me to Curtis. Before we walked in I had to know something. “Dean, where was security when the robbery happened? I mean don’t they always have security at the studio?” Dean’s face went hard at that question. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I am going to find out.” I nodded my head in understanding. “When you find out then you let me know. I am so going to get a lawyer and sue there asses.” My voice came out in a deadly hushed tone.

I closed my eyes and let out a calming breath. When I opened them the surprised expression on Dean’s face made me smirk. I guess no one understands the protectiveness I have for my loved ones.

I only got one foot inside the door before I froze. He was laying there with his arm and leg bandaged up. There are all kinds of machines hooked up to him. I couldn’t move. “Its okay Myk. He will be fine.” I went to his side instantly. I slipped my hand into his I really thought I had lost him. What the hell would I have done if he was gone. His hand tightening around my brought me out of my thoughts. My gaze rose and our eyes met. The tears instantly started to fall. “Shhhh Myk, please don’t cry baby. Its okay. I’m going to be alright. Don’t cry baby.” He pulled me down to him and embraced me with his good arm. I buried my head into his muscled chest. “I cant live without you Curtis. Please don’t leave me.” The tears were very fierce and the sobs came non stop.

Once I gained control of my emotions I pulled back. It was then I felt a chair at the back of my knees. I turned to see Dean sliding the chair under me. “Thanks.” I said as I sat down. I slid my hand back into his. “Look I need you to call the party planner. Cancel the par-” “Um, Mr. Jackson I have already taken care of that. I know Ms. Parsons and I let her know that the party was canceled this morning.” Dean interrupted. Curtis just nodded once. Neither of us are surprised. Dean seriously knows everyone.

The next couple of days were hectic. I spent all my time at the hospital with Curtis or checking in with Dean. Of course the whole world came into check on him. When Marshall and Dre came in to visit I talked to them about a lawyer. Marshall gave me the name of the record labels firm. He said that they should be able to help me. I will not allow this studio get away with this negligence.

Curtis is due to be released form the hospital tomorrow. Asia and Tyler are flying out later today. Asia has a doctors appointment tomorrow so she has to go. Lenny returned back to work yesterday. I missed him already. “Earth to Myk!” I snapped my head to Asia. “Sorry.” I ran a had through my hair. “You’re stressed out to bad honey. What’s going on with you?” Asia and I are sitting at the kitchen table in their apartment. Tyler is in the kitchen fixing some brunch. “Never mind stupid question.” I gave her a weak smile and nodded my head in understanding. “Yeah I am pretty stressed. Shia called yesterday giving me her two weeks notice. I have to find a day manager for the restaurant. I thought about hiring from within. I realized I don’t really know anyone working their presently.” I exhaled loudly as Tyler entered the room. Tyler sat down the brunch and we began to eat in silence. “I’m sure you will work it out in the end.”

“You sure you have everything you need for Curtis’ homecoming? I could always stay and help you out.” I nodded my head at Tyler’s question. We were sitting outside the gate waiting for boarding to be called. “Stop worrying. You helped me with everything I need. You even helped me find a nurse to help out as well. Don’t worry. Just take care of Asia and the boys.” Finally boarding was called. We smiled at each other and went into a three way hug. Which is not that easy with Asia’s belly in there. I stayed around the airport until the plane took off. I am really going to miss them.

“FINALLY! I really hate hospitals.” I couldn’t help but smile at Curtis. We had been home for a few hours watching TV on the living room couch. Well really letting MTV play in the background. Seriously we were not watching anything. I was sitting as close as I could get to him. My head laying peacefully on his chest. One arm around his waist and the other hand tucked behind his back. Letting his heart beat calm me. He was running his fingers through my hair and playing with my finger with the other hand.. Kissing my head almost absent mindedly. We were just enjoying each others company.

A little after six o’clock the door bell rang. I got up to answer it. Of course I checked the peep hole. What I saw caused me to open the door without a thought. “Hey guys. What are y’all doing here?” “Well since you wouldn’t allow him to come out we are bring the out to him.” I smiled and opened the door wider. “Well come on in.” One by one every rapper out there came in. Most of which I knew. Those I didn’t introduced themselves. I couldn’t help but think about Tyler. He would have been in heaven right now. In an instant the house was filled with laughter and music. Drinks started flowing and a haze began to form in the house. Everyone seemed liked they were having a good time.

Around one everyone began to filter out. I went into the room to grab one of the guys cells. When I stepped back into the room one of the drunk, uninvited, party girls basically sitting in Curtis’ lap. I set the phone down on the table. I walked up to them. “Well there un-sub its time for you to go.” She looked at me annoyed. “I’m not leaving. I was invited to spend the night.” I can see Curtis face of disbelief. I just nodded my head and grab the girl by her arm. I gave it a tug. “Its time for you to go. NOW.” Whoa where the hell did my mom voice come from? She reached out and grabbed Curtis. Her hand landed on his bandaged shoulder and he winced.

Seeing his face made something in side of me snap. Before I could stop myself, my arm cocked back and I punched her in the face. She rolled over the side of the chair and hit the ground. She was too drunk to hold her balance. I walked around her to stand in front of un-sub. “I told you its time to go but noooooo you just had to test me.” I couldn’t help but notice the mom finger that went into that statement. I bent down grabbing a hand full of hair. I basically dragged her to the front door. “Dean, she needs to go home right now.” He was standing guard at the door. “She is unwelcome no matter where we go.” He nodded and I thanked him.

I turned and head back to the living room. Marshall, Dre and Nicole were still here. They were all looking at me in amusement. “What?” I shrugged. Marshall smiled and said. “I never want to get into a fight with you. Did you even realize that you broke her nose?” I looked down at my fist to finally notice the blood. They all chuckled at my surprised expression. “Thought so. You guys have a good night.” The three of them left together. Curtis stood from his seat he remained in all night. “Come on lets go to bed.”

It’s a week later and I’m back in Anaheim. I’m due in court this morning and I am dreading it completely. Curtis couldn’t make it this morning but he is suppose to be here later today. I’m having anxiety about facing him in court. Dressed in my charcoal grey pant suit I walk downstairs. I can hear Tyler and Asia in the kitchen. “Morning guys.” I greet coming around the stairs. “Morning Pooh Bear. How are you feeling?” I just shook my head and sat next to Tyler at the bar. “Not so good. I had the dream again.”

I have been having this reoccurring dream for the last three nights. I’m sitting in the witness stand answering questions. Out of nowhere Richard jumps over the table and comes for me. Its like he moves at lighting speed. Just before his fingers reach my neck I wake up. Screaming of course. I really hate dreaming. I would stay up but I love my sleep to much.

I look over at the time. “I have to go now. Or I will be late.” Tyler jumped down from his stool and hugged me. “You will be fine. You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” I nodded in assurance. “Someone has to be here with Asia. Besides Dean is going with me.” As if on cue the door bell rang. I walked quickly and opened it. There stood Dean looking quite nice in a dark blue, three piece pinstriped suit. “Good morning Myk. You look nice.” “Thank you Dean you look great too. Lets go and get this over with.” With that I shut the door and locked it. We got in the car and drove away.

Waiting for your turn is the most nerve wrecking thing. Especially when you just want to get it over with. Bailiffs from different courts kept coming out. I expected to hear my name immediately. Finally I was the last person in the hall. The door to the court room opened and the bailiff looked at me. “Mykaela Washington, we’re ready for you.” Dean stood with me and we walked into the court room. Dean took a seat and I walked over to the witness stand. They swore me in and I took my seat.

Towards the end of the questioning the Prosecution asked a question I had dreamed for days. I hesitated in answering the questing because I just knew what would happen next. “Ms. Washington, are you alright.” I snapped my attention back to the D.A. I took a breath. “Sorry. I don’t care to ask why he did what he did. I already know. He was jealous that I had prevailed from his attempts to break me down. It pissed him off even more that I‘m with a rapper. Something he has always despised. If there is another reason I don’t care to know. I have moved on from this.” The D.A. nodded his head in understanding. “You bitch!” Here it comes I thought. Before he could make a move Dean was pulling him back in his seat. “Order! I will have order in this court.” I exhaled thanking God for Dean. I never thought about him being here during this situation.

The bailiffs took Richard away and the court room settled down. “Ms. Washington you may step down. This court will adjourn tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.” The judge hit his gavel and everyone filed out of the court room. Dean drove me home and promised to pick me up tomorrow for court. At that I was relieved. I don’t think I could do this without him.