Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 19

“Pooh Bear, is that you?” Asia called out to me from somewhere in the house. “Yeah it is. Where are you?” “Pool.” I walked through the house toward the backyard leaving my purse and phone on the dinning room table on the way. Asia sat on the stairs at the shallow end while Tyler did laps. “Hey, how’d it go?” I sighed deeply in reply. “Wow, that good, huh?” I nodded at Tyler who had paused in his laps. “Well my dream became a living nightmare. Richard jumped up to come at me but Dean was there to stop him. Here’s the best part. I have to go back tomorrow. Please note my sarcasm.” “Sounds like you had a rough day.” I just nodded at Asia’s statement. “Yeah I did. I’m going up for a shower. See you guys later.” I turned on my heels and headed for my room. Once in my room I headed straight for the bathroom. I opened the door and was hit with the memory of the last time Richard was here.

I’m screaming so loud my ears hurt. My eyes open when I realize it’s me. I can see I’m in the bathtub. I tried to get up but he pushed me under the water. His psychotic face is smiling down at me. Someone calls for me and then there’s the crash. Then just darkness.

I take a deep breath. This is normally the part where I would cry but I’m not. “I’m going to be just fine.” I smile softly to myself. I know that no matter what I will be okay. After my shower I put on a pair of light blue short shorts and a white v-neck shirt with matching socks. I just want to be comfortable sitting around the house. I let my hair stay down and air dry.

As soon as I step outside the door a smell, I haven’t smelled in so long, hits me. There is only one person who can make that smell. I ran down the stairs heading for the kitchen. As soon as I step into the kitchen there is Aunt CoCo. “Oh my gosh!” I start jumping up and down clapping my hands in excitement. Can you tell that Aunt CoCo is my favorite Aunt? We don’t talk much because she is normally on some fabulous vacation. I run over to her and hug her as tight as I can. I can feel her arms around me as her body shakes from laughter. I breath in her white diamond scent. She has not changed in all of her fifty-seven years. “I missed you so much Aunt Coco! Where have you been? We left you messages but you never called back.” “Well missy if you loosen up maybe I can talk.” I pulled back with an oops expression. “Sorry.” “Its fine. I love those welcomes from my girls.”

I gave her the most brilliantly loving smile I could muster. “Well I was in the Caribbean with Paulo. Oh that man oh that man.” “Auntie!” “Oh sorry. Any who, I didn’t get your messages until I got state side. I rushed right over here with some help of course.” My brow furrowed. Seeing the confusion on my face Aunt CoCo turned me around. My eyes landed on him and focused in on nothing else in the room. With no hesitation I ran to him. When I reached him he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. “I missed you babe.” He whispered right into my ear. I smiled against his neck and whispered back. “I missed you to James.” We pulled back slowly from each other. I looked over and saw Marshall sitting at the table. “Oh hey.” He chuckled and said. “Hey Myk.”

Still holding on to Curtis I turned to Aunt CoCo. “So Auntie I smell something delicious. What are you cooking?” I asked with a huge smile. “Could it be Chicken Tetrazzini with Garlic Toast?” Aunt CoCo turned around and pulled the food from the oven. “It sure is. I see you still have a nose for my food.” I just nodded in reply. “Okay. Everyone serve yourself. There aint no maids ‘round here.”

We were sitting at the table eating and talking. Aunt Coco and Tyler sat at the heads of the table. Asia and I both took the seats closes to Aunt CoCo. Curtis sat next to me and Marshall took the seat next to Asia. “So..” Aunt CoCo trailed off. We all looked at her expectantly. “How did you and Curtis meet?” I frowned. “Oh, Mykaela please. Not everyone sits around watching gossip on television.” I just nodded in agreement. My Auntie has never really been a television person. Only if she’s watching Criminal Minds. She has a thing for Shemar Moore. If she was just years younger. Well you put your on spin on the end of that statement.

“Well-” We both started and I laughed while he chuckled. “How about we tell it together.” So Curtis and I sat there and explained the whole story to Aunt CoCo. Beginning with the first morning he saw me. Even explaining when we started falling for each other. How even the media new we were together before we did. We all sat around talking more about random topics.

It had been a long day. I made sure everyone had a spot to sleep for tonight and went to bed.

The next day Dean picked Curtis and me, dressed in matching black suits, up for court. We didn’t have to wait in the hall like yesterday. We went right in and I took the stand. After I took the stand for the last time the judge made his ruling. Richard was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole. The judge stated that his actions yesterday had sealed his fate.

Someone must have tipped off the news that Curtis was here. When we stepped back into the hall there were everywhere. With the help of the bailiffs the three of us were able to get back to the car. It was not easy what so ever. When we stepped outside paparazzi were there. People were going crazy. If it weren’t daylight out I’m sure the flashes would have blinded me. It was like a small army surrounding us.

There was no time to eat lunch earlier. So I was starving by the time we got back home. My mind was firmly on the kitchen when I walked through the door. I was almost to the kitchen when heard someone scream in pain. I heard someone upstairs running towards Asia’s room. I ran behind Curtis up the stairs heading in the same direction. When I walked in she was bent over in pain. Marshall on one side and Tyler on the other supporting her weight.

Tyler looked up when I walked through the door. “She’s in labor we have to get to the hospital.” I nodded and ran downstairs to the garage. Curtis made sure that the house was secured and joined me in the garage. I had the car started and had the garage door up. I threw him the keys for the garage door. Finally Marshall, Asia and Tyler came through the door. The three of the them climbed in the backseat. Once the door was locked Curtis was in shotgun. I pulled out of the garage quickly. Curtis hit the garage button and the doors began to close. I pushed a little over the limit to get the hospital.

Finally we pulled into the Emergency I looked over in disbelief. “Is that Dean?” Curtis just nodded. “I thought we would need him.” As soon as I stopped the car an unknown woman opened my door. “Myk, get out. Selena will park the car.” I didn’t hesitate at Dean’s statement. I jumped out and was following the everyone into the hospital.

Soon they called Asia’s name and she was rushed up to labor and delivery. The room is sizable for a hospital. I’m sure that Dean has something to do with that. I don’t know if most things would be possible without him. For the next five hours a nurse came in and examined Asia’s process. Once she was five centimeters they gave her the epidural.

A familiar doctor came in as a nurse was examining her. “Doctor she is at nine and a half.” He nodded at her. “Hello everyone I am doctor Fitzgerald.” Now I remember him. He was my doctor awhile ago. He explained that Asia’s doctor, who is Tyler, had her file sent over. She’s going to be scheduled and prepped for a C-Section if the sonogram shows that Baby-A has not turned into the birthing position.

Everyone but me and Tyler were asked to leave the room. The doctor turned on the machine and began his examination. Before he could say anything Tyler broke out into a smile. “Well it appears that both babies are in position. We are going to prepare the room for the babies arrival. Who would you like in the room with you?” Asia looked at me a little worried then turned back to the doctor. Which confused me. Why would she be worried about this. “Can I have two people in the room?” The doctor checked the room quickly. “Sure. There should be plenty of room.”

The doctor left the room and nurse began prepping the room. Before anyone came in I had to know. “Asia, who else do you want in the room with you?” She cleared her throat before she answered. “The father, of course.” I nodded in agreement. “Would you like for me to call him then?” She looked down at the bed when she spoke again. “He’s here already.” I laughed un-humorously at that response. Only one dark thought going through my head. “Asia, the boys father better be someone other than Curtis.” Her eyes shot to mine quickly in shock. Of course he isn’t the father. Eeww, that’s like sleeping with Lenny, Myk. I cant believe you would think something like that. Is that why you keep pestering me?”

I shook my head instantly. “No, its not why. I wouldn’t go there but you are being so cryptic about this whole father thing. Who is he?” At that moment Marshall walked in. “So what did the doctor say?” Then it dawned on my. “OM FREAKING G!” My head snapped back to Asia. She was watching me with wide eyes. “It’s Marshall?!” Not able to keep the smile off of my face. Asia just nodded. Curtis and Dean stepped in at the moment Marshall exhaled in relief. “I’m glad that’s out in the open.” He went over to Asia and kissed her full on the lips. Curtis walked over to me and closed my mouth with his hand. “You don’t want to catch flies do you. Well so to speak.” I looked at him in disbelief. “When did you figure it out?” He smiled over at Asia and Marshall. “When he demanded to come here with me.”

“You aren’t mad are you, Pooh Bear?” I looked over to Asia and smiled. Shaking my head in response. She smiled back at me as the doctor stepped in the room. “If you haven’t be designated to stay in the room I need you to go to the waiting room.” The room had been completely set up and the doctor was being dressed. Everyone but Marshall and I left the room. We were both on opposite sides of the bed. The doctor took his seat and said. “Push Asia.”