Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 20


The babies were a few weeks shy of their due dates but healthy as can be. Asia had taken great care of them during her pregnancy. She gave some of that credit to me. Which made me smile. We are all crammed into Asia’s hospital room. Everyone gushing over one baby or the other. Every hour that passed I would sing happy birthday to which ever one of them I held at that moment. Currently we were on hour seven, since they came back from the nursery.

That whole birthing process is something great and hard to witness. I will not go into detail but say woooo! Finding out that Marshall was the father really surprised me. Although, when I look back on everything it shouldn’t. The signs were there I just never paid attention. As long as they are happy I am happy for them. I know Marshall is a great father and will take care of them. That wasn’t the only surprise of the day. Baby-B turned out to be a girl. Which pleased Asia to no end. One of each on the first try. Every woman’s, who doesn’t have a high threshold for pain, dream.

Around the time I was singing happy birthday for the tenth time I looked around the room at everyone. It was only then that I noticed that someone was missing. “Um, I know I’m really late at asking this but where is Aunt CoCo.” At that moment she came through the door. Aunt CoCo has always been one of those people that you can attach the saying ‘speak of the devil and the devil will appear.’ I was about to ask where she had been but she spoke up first. “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. Look at my beautiful babies.” During her statement she had walked across the room to stand at Asia’s side. “I must say you and Marshall sure do make some beautiful babies.” Asia’s eyes widened in shock. Aunt CoCo just smiled as if to say ‘how could you doubt me knowing it all’. “Yeah, I know. I saw the way you were looking at each other at the dinner table last night.”

Why was I the last person to find out? I mean really Aunt CoCo was around them for like twenty-four hours and already guessed what I didn’t in a year. I really need to be more observant. I can only blame that on the spacing out. “So….what are there names?” Aunt CoCo asked. “Well I don’t know. I really only came up with boy names. I don’t have any girl names. I was thinking about Sir Ronald Mathers.” Asia said looking at Marshall hesitantly. Marshall spoke up then. “I really like the name. Sir Ronald Mathers. It sounds like a name fit for royalty. Ronnie for short of course.” He smiled over to Curtis at the thought of his Uncle. He was thoughtful for a moment before he continued. “What about Lady Duprie Mathers for my baby girl. Yeah I really like the sound of that.” He had a rare smile on his face as he stared down at his youngest daughter. Me and Asia smiled briefly at each other. Duprie was our Grandma’s name.

Sir Ronald and Lady Duprie left the hospital at three days old. During that time we set the nursery up in Asia’s room and moved her to the suite across the hall. Of course, Marshall immediately moved in. I wasn’t sure what they would do about their situation yet. Marshall does live in a completely different state with his three daughters. I hope they could make it work though. Ronnie and Lady deserve to have their dad at all times.

~One Month Later~

Luckily Aunt CoCo decided to hang around a little longer. Before heading off on another one of her adventures. I had been practicing a lot for the fast approaching Grammy’s. Leaving Asia to sort out her own issues and handle mother hood. Aunt CoCo has been there for her at every moment.

Curtis has me working with the choreographer. I wont be doing much dancing but there is still a big production going on on the stage. You know all that awards show entertainment people love so much. Rehearsal officially starts on Monday. Today is Friday and we’re all heading to Detroit. The girls have yet to have a face to face with the babies. Asia has been so adamant they all needed to meet. They are a little upset at me for not visiting before Christmas like I promised. Although they do love the charm bracelets I sent them.

Marshall, of course, hired a private plane. He had been flying back and forth the entire month and is just not having his babies on a commercial plane. Driving was out according to Asia. We headed for the airport after Asia packed everything but the kitchen sink. Part of me feels like she might not be coming back. Aunt CoCo was parting ways with us at the airport. She was heading to Bora Bora. Compliments of her favorite nieces.

The plane landed just after two-thirty. Ronnie and Lady were the perfect little angels and slept the entire time. Every parents dream. When we reached Marshall’s house I just stared out the window at the magnificence of the house. It’s not as grand as Curtis’ Connecticut home but just as beautiful.

The girls ran out to the limo to greet us. Well actually just to take the babies. Which they did and headed for the house.

“Girls?” Marshall called out into the house. “In the living room, Dad. Can we please hold them!?” Asia couldn’t help but smile. “Go ahead girls!” She yelled out to the girls then turned to Marshall. “I need to pump. They’ll be hungry soon.” He nodded in understanding. “Bathroom is down the hall.” “Down two doors on the right.” Asia finished as she walked off. How does Asia already know where the bathroom is? I feel like I missed something. I decided that would be a conversation for another time.

I headed in the direction of the girls voices as the guys headed off in a different direction. I stepped into the living room. I smiled at the sight before me. Hailie’s holding Lady and Laney’s holding Ronnie with Whitney in the middle. “Finally I’m the big sister! I have waited so long for this.” Whitney yelled out. I laughed at her declaration. Both babies started to cry. “You scared them, Whitney.” Both Hailie and Laney said at the same time. They all laughed out loud at that.

Asia stepped into the room after a few more minutes. “Time for food. Y’all want to feed them?” Both girls nodded without hesitation and took the bottles that was offered to them. Asia took the chair next to Hailie’s end of the couch. “They are so cute!” Hailie gushed. “I know. Ronnie looks so much like Dad its unreal.”

After the babies were fed and changed Marshall and Curtis finally joined us in the living room. I just shook my head as Asia said. “Just like men to wait for all the pamper changing to be done and then show up.” The girls erupted into laughter. Curtis sat next to me on the love seat and Marshall sat on the arm of the chair next to Asia. I looked over to Curtis. He took out his phone and snapped a picture. “I just had to get that one with my nieces and nephew.” Curtis chuckled.

~Later That Day~

Marshall P.O.V.

“Daddy will Lady and Ronnie be here tomorrow.” Whitney asked on a yawn. I couldn’t help but smile down at my little girl. “Of course baby. Now go to sleep.” I kissed her forehead and headed for the door. “Sweet dreams baby girl.” “No, Daddy! I’m not the baby any more.” I couldn’t help but to laugh lightly. Before I could turn out the light she was sleep. I guess being a big sister really tired her out. She’s been so excited since I told her about the babies. I just sigh. Life sure can be funny sometimes.

I walk to Hailie’s room. I cracked the door just enough to see inside. Strange. She isn’t here. Well no reason to panic sometimes she spends the night with Laney. I walk across the hall and open Laney’s door. Neither of the them are in there rooms. “Hails, Laney where are you?” I yell out down the hall. “In your room Dad.” That was Laney’s voice. Guess I should have known that’s where they will be. They basically took control over the kids since we got here.

When I walked into the room the girls had the babies again. Asia’s circling them snapping pictures here and there. I’m not worried at all. I have trusted Asia with them for a long time. Again Hailie’s holding Lady and Laney’s holding Ronnie. I guess they have there favorite to hold. “Why aren’t you girls in bed?” “Daaad.” Hailie whined. “We just want to help put them to sleep. Which they almost were until someone yelled out like a mad man.” Laney giggled. I sat down on the couch and just watched them. My girls have really grown up on me. Where has the time gone?

Finally Lady and Ronnie are asleep. Hailie and Laney laid them in there respective cribs and left my room. Asia came to sit next to me as the girls put the kids to sleep. I looked down to see her eyes are closed and her breathing is even. Definitely asleep. I stood up with her in my arms and headed to the bed. I pulled back the covers and laid her down. If she wasn’t so tiny I don’t think I could have done that. I walked to the foot of the bed where the babies are laying to check on them.

“Marshall?” I looked over at the bed. I see Asia reaching out for me on my empty side. When she didn’t find me she sat up. “Is everything okay?” I can hear the worry in her tone. Looking down at my babies sleeping away I nodded in answer. She sighed and laid back down. “Well then come to bed Babe.” With no hesitation I walked over to the bed. I settled in wrapping my arms around her and pulled her close to me. “Um, Asia.” She raised her head to look up at me. I could barely make out her face in the dim night light. “Have you thought any more about movin in with me and the girls?” She sighed but nodded in answer. I raised my eyebrows at that. “You made a decision?” She nodded again. “Tell me.” At that her leg went across my body so she could straddle me. She leaned down to kiss me quickly. “I’m gonna stay of course, Marshall. I want to wait till Sunday to tell Myk. Although, she may have guessed it with all the things I packed. I want to enjoy this weekend with her.” I just nodded my head before I sat up and kissed her lips.

She let out a shaky breath and sighed. I knew exactly what she wanted with that sound. I rolled us over so that I hovered over her. It wouldn’t be the first time we “christened” my, I mean our bed.

Mykaela P.O.V.

To soon the weekend was over. Sunday just seemed to come so quick. I was in the guest room packing up all of my things. Asia and I had done a little shopping with the girls. I, of course, spoiled them rotten. Buying them almost everything they wanted. Trying to make up for the missed visit. They forgave me, of course. Spending this weekend with the Mathers was really eye opening. It’s funny how fast I incorporated Asia and the babies into the Mathers name. Any way, I have never given much thought of having a baby of my own. Saturday I found myself imagining a baby that had a mixture of Curtis and me in him, her or both.

Finally after packing everything I helped Asia cook breakfast. While Marshall helped Curtis bring everything down stairs. I had to buy another suitcase for my shopping. “Breakfast is done.” I yelled out once everything was on the table. Luckily they had just brought down the last bag.

Everyone just talked about random things or stuff that happened this weekend. Laney talked about school and Hailie talked about graduation. You could still feel the sadness around the breakfast table. Everyone seemed sad that the weekend had come to an end. You could see it in their eyes. Well except for Marshall and Curtis. Guess because they are so use to this. I really can see myself getting a house or condo here. I know Asia will be here a lot or moving here at some point. Don’t know how I will feel once that time comes.

“Myk, are you listening?!” I snapped out of my daze. I just shook my head. “Not at all. Sorry Asia.” Asia had started to clear the table. I check my watch and realized that we had to leave soon. Curtis picked up the tab for the private plane back to California. “I was trying to have a serious conversation with you. You just zone out on me. So not cool, Myk. Why do you do that all the time? Nope never mind. You really only do that when you are thinking about Curtis.” I had to laugh at that. Because yeah I do that. Something I cant help. “Again I’m sorry. You have my full attention now.” “Hey girls car is here and packed. We have to go Myk.” Asia sighed. I felt like I knew what was coming. “You aren’t coming with us are you?” I stated with my blurry vision. “I’m sorry Pooh Bear. Please don’t cry. I was trying to tell you but you zoned out on me.” I gave her a weak smile. We both moved to each other simultaneously. We hugged for a long moment. I heard foots steps approach. “What’s wrong?” That was Laney. We pulled apart and looked over to her. Hailie and Whitney were there too. “You finally told her you guys staying?” Whitney asked. Asia nodded her head. The both of us still crying. I stepped over to all three of them and held out my pinky. “Pinky swear you will take care of Pooh Bear.” They all giggled but one by one pinky swore. I hugged them all in a group hug.

“I will try to visit but don’t forget to call and skype. We have to keep in touch.” We were finally at the front door after so many hugs and more tears. “Myk, I promise to if you do.” I nodded in agreement. Curtis came over to hug everyone and Marshall pulled me into a hug. “I will take care of them. Don’t worry.” I smiled in response. Curtis and I went to the car and got in. I cried a little more before we got to the plane. I know I’m being silly cause we will see each other all the time. I will make sure of it.