Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 5

No one said a word for a while on the way home. “Are you mad at me for putting you on the spot?” Curtis finally asked glancing at me for a quick moment. “Why would I be mad at you 50 Cent.” I said sarcastically. We both fell silent after that. I haven’t called him that since the day we met. Of course I wasn’t that mad at him but I really wish he hadn’t done that. After my dad died I swore I wouldn’t sing again. As soon as Curtis stopped the car I basically run for the elevator. That was another silent ride.

I only get just inside the front door when he grabs me. He pulls me back to him as the door slams shuts. I find myself between the door and Curtis’ pulsing body. His dark eyes are jumping between my eyes and lips. Anticipation causes my breathing to deepen as his lips inches closer. Finally, in what seems to be slow motion, his lips conquer mine. My arms claim his neck, he lifts me off the ground and my legs circle his waist.

I woke the next morning still straddling Curtis. My head resting on his chest, just the way I fell asleep. Surprisingly, he is still inside me. I can hear the birds but the sun hasn’t rose yet. Thinking back to last night, I passed out after my seventh climax. I looked down at him and smiled deviously. I started rocking my hips slowly. I kissed his chest and worked my way up to his neck. He moaned dreamily when I kissed the right spot. I can feel his member began to stiffen inside me so I pick up the pace a little. A moan escapes my lips as he begins to match my pace.

I leaned back a little and our eyes met. “Morning.” He breathed with a smirk. We kissed each other passionately. One hand slides up my back while the other went down my stomach. He began rubbing my mound and I broke the kiss crying out his name. I rest my forehead on his. He smirked up at me. Man how I love that smirk. He can feel as my warmth starts to flow heavily. “Cum for me Niq.” He growled softly at me. He calls me that during sex. My middle name is Unique. His other hand snakes into my hair. His grip tightens in my hair as he thrusts hard. My climax hits me hard. I’m breathing like I just ran a marathon.

In an instant Curtis’ arms are around my torso and he flips us over. He continues the pace, speeding up gradually. He pulls my hair to gain access to the sensitive spot on my neck. I hear his throaty chuckle when my body started trembling. Indicating another climax was coming. “Curtis.” I said breathy. “Wait for me, Niq.” His voice turns heightens my emotions. “I….I…can’t.” He slowed his pace down to make it last a while longer but it was too late. My nails dig into his muscular shoulders as the emotion takes over me. My body tightens around him triggering his own release. The only sound in the room for a while was our breathing.

I laid there with my eyes closed as Curtis puts his head in the crook of my neck. “Shower?” I smiled. “Only if you come with.” We got up from the bed and showered. We both went about our routines sneaking glances here and there. We were in the closet looking for clothes to wear. I dressed in my black cargo shorts, a dark green singlet with sexy printed all over it and my black and green air force ones. I looked over at him and he was watching me with this look in his eyes. It made me blush. He took a step toward me. “No, Curtis.” I said quickly. “We have to go to the studio we don’t have time for that look in your eyes.” He chuckled and nodded in agreement. He dressed in his g-unit gear and we were off.

Dre and Marshall were already there when we arrived. “Sorry were late.” Curtis said as I sat on the couch. “Your right on time. You’re up.” Dre smiled like he knew what we were up to. I glanced over at Marshall and he had the same smile. Of course I blushed. I’m not a completely shy person but I get that way time to time.

“Hey, Myk lets go down to my studio for your part.” I followed Marshall down the hall to a door that read Slim in graffiti. He took me into the booth explaining what he needed me to do. I put the headphones on and he sat in the producers chair. After we laid the track I sat next to him and listen to the play back.

When it was done I looked over at Marshall to see if he liked it. For a moment he looked like he was contemplating life. “You don’t like?” My voice barely escaped shaking. I was afraid that he wouldn’t like it. “Man that chorus is hot. Just what I wanted.” He smiled at me and I gave an exhale of relief. “Can I ask you something personal?” I instantly slowly shook my head no. “You can ask but I’m not promising to answer.” I laughed. He smirked a little and shook his head in agreement. “Well what do you do? I mean since I met you I have never since or heard of you working.” I smiled to myself. I knew this would come sooner or later. The are you a gold-digger talk. “I’m not using Curtis if that is the underlined questioned here.” Marshall smiled a little at that statement. Curtis walked in right after that. “Yo, you finished?” Marshall just nodded. “Good, I had that restaurant down the block deliver some food.” We both got up and walked back to the first studio. I realize that the studio says Dr. Dre, in Chiller letters, above it.

They played Curtis and my part back as we ate. They all seemed to really like the chorus a lot. Which made me feel confident. Wow, I just realized that my self confidence is low. I mean I already know that I can sing. So why should them liking it make me feel better. My face must be showing some emotion. “You aight?” Dre asked me. “Oh yeah, I’m fine.” No one in that room looked convinced.

“You ever hear back from GG?” I smiled because I knew that Curtis was just trying to distract me. Marshall looked confused. “Who’s GG?” “She’s my business partner and yeah she emailed me yesterday.” “What kind of business are you into?” I smiled at Dre. “I own a restaurant/night club, a private preschool and I have a recreation center back in Texas. I thought Curtis would have told you guys that by now.” Marshall shook his head. “Nope. He’s kind of private in that way.” I nodded my head in understanding. He doesn't share his love life just like I don’t. I smiled a little. “Is that something you always wanted to do or someone else brought you in?” Dre asked. “GG and I go way back. She always wanted the preschool. I always said if I had the money to then I would open a restaurant and recreation center for kids. So when I won the lottery-” “Wait, what?” Marshall interrupted with this shocked expression. I laughed thinking back to the night at the café when I told Curtis about it. He had the same expression.

I went on to explain to Dre and Marshall how I had been playing the same numbers for years. They never hit until, two days after, Richard left me. Which they thought was hilarious. It’s funny to me how all three of them react the same way. They wondered how much money I had to give to Richard in the divorce. I told them none. He requested that we get a prenup before we married. I happily signed it but after they added a paragraph. Which read that if either party cheated that they leave the marriage with what they came in with. Leaving me with two hundred fifty millions dollars after taxes. “It took six months of lawyers and judges before Richard left me alone. I took care of the family and moved to California.”