Status: Completed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 7

My heart took off at an abnormal pace. I could swear that everyone could hear it. I hadn’t told Curtis about Carlo and there we all were standing in the kitchen. “Hey Kaela, good to see you again. Looks like the years have been good to you.” Carlo stated with a smirk as his emerald eyes ogled me. Oh God, I am in real trouble. I just lost my mom I cant handle loosing Curtis too. At least that was the way I felt until. “I’m Curtis.” He stated pulling me closer. I couldn’t help the grateful smile that came. Carlo’s eyes finally landed on Curtis and they went wide. “Oh snap your 50 Cent.” Lenny and Asia burst with laughter. Carlo looked over at me with an expression that said ‘what the hell’. “Curtis this is Carlo, an old friend. Carlo this Curtis…” I trialed off at the end. We never had the talk about us. I looked over at him with my brow furrowed. The arm still around my waist squeezed tightly as he leaned in and kissed me briefly. As if to say I am his. That would have set me my body on fire if I hadn’t been depressed about my mom. Without looking away from his eyes I addressed the room. “I’m pretty tired I think I will lay down. Curtis would you like to come?” He nodded his head in agreement and followed after me.

Once inside my room he started to explore as I rest my back against the door. My mom hadn’t done much to it since I went off to college. My entire room was decked out in Cowboys gear. I even had a hand painted picture of D. Wear over my bed. Everything about my room screamed “boy”. Except for my photo wall Curtis stepped over to look at There are pictures of Asia and me at all different stages of life. I noticed that he’s lingering on a younger picture of me and a group of guys “I played football in eighth grade.” I smiled when he looked at me in shock. “Hey! Girls can play too.” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “So, tell me about Carlo and you.” I sighed. “We dated in high school. I was in love but he wasn’t. When I wouldn’t give him the one thing he wanted he broke up with me.” Curtis just shook his head in disbelief and chuckled. Part of me wondered if he thought ‘why would anyone be with someone who wouldn’t have sex.’” I just shook my head. I had to stop thinking like that. Curtis is not like the guys in my past. He was definitely different.

That was two weeks ago. Today I’m on a plane heading back to California. Its not what you think. Boyfriend had to head back to New York three days after the funeral. Yeah you read that right I have a Boyfriend now. He really is busy but he made me promise not to keep things from him EVER. I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face as I fingered the necklace I bought yesterday that read ‘Curtis’. We had finally had ‘the talk’. Well Curtis talked and I listened. He decided that we have been together since the night at the restaurant. I instantly agreed.

“What are you thinking about or maybe I should say who?” Asia decided to come home with me and get a change of scenery. “Nothing.” The look Asia gave me let me know I still couldn’t lie to her. “Okay okay, Curtis.” She gave me a small smile and nodded her head in understanding. “You love him.” My eyes were like saucers. “I already know you do. I can tell by the way you look at him.” I took a shuddering breath. “Pooh Bear, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I just don’t feel like enough time has passed.” “Who says that love has a time limit?” I didn’t have an answer for to that question. We fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the flight.

Finally the plane touched down. We were waiting at baggage claim when lighting erupted in the terminal. Asia threw a jacket over my head quickly. She has always been the over protective sister. “There are paparazzi everywhere don’t take this off your head. I‘ll grab the luggage.” She stated fiercely. Once she had our bags she put her arm around me and steered me out of the terminal. We caught a taxi to my house. I made sure that we were taken in through the back.

As soon as we walked into the house someone rang the door bell. I was annoyed by this point. We were followed all the way to my house. I ran over to the door and flung it open ready to scream until I saw who it was. I had to be giving the most confused look ever. “Carlo what are you doing here?” He smiled. “We didn’t get to hang-” He paused as his eyes landed on my necklace and his smile fell. “There was a reason we didn’t hang out.” “Did you follow her?” Asia asked incredulously as she pushed me behind her and grabbed the door prepared to close it. “You missed out already! Don’t come around here again! Bye bye now stalker!” With that Asia slammed the door in his face. “Yeah I was a stupid jackass back then. I’m different now and I will to fight for her now. I won’t give up until your mine, Kaela.” Carlo yelled through the door. That’s great just great I bet the whole neighborhood heard him. Like mom always use to say ‘when its not one thing its always another’.

Later that evening Asia and I were sitting in the living room eating Thai take out. We were just watching the television and talking about randomness. My name caught our attention.

‘There seems to be trouble in paradise between rapper 50 Cent and girlfriend Mykaela. Sources close to the couple tell us that Mykaela caught 50 Cent and singer Olivia in a compromising position.’ A picture of them flashed to the screen. Curtis had an arm securely around Olivia while she had a hand on his shoulder. They were looking right into each others eyes. Olivia had a small smirk on her face. ‘Mykaela flew home, soon after, to her mother in Texas a few weeks ago. Wow running home to mother if that isn’t a sign of trouble I don’t know what is. She was spotted in California earlier today with an unknown companion.’ A picture of me with only Asia’s arm around me was on the screen. ‘To top it off there are reports that an unknown male was outside of Mykaela home here in California professing his love for Mykaela this very afternoon.’

Asia burst with laughter and muted the TV. I grimaced and hid my face in my hands. “I cant believe that this is happening.” I groaned and then my head snapped up with wide eyes. “What is Curtis going to think?” Apparently my pain was very funny to Asia because she doubled over in laughter. “This is not funny Asia!” She took a few seconds to calm herself down. She knew that I was really upset because I used her real name. “Pooh Bear, do you really think that he would care. He’s falling for you just as much as you are falling for him.” I sat there in a silence because I knew she was right.

Curtis P.O.V.

After I landed back in New York. My car and driver were there to meet me when I stepped off the plane. I instantly headed over to the studio. I loved seeing Mykaela’s world. I didn’t realize that one person could have so much family. There were just so many cousins. Everyone already knew we were dating so we didn’t have to deal with the surprise faces. Everyone was really nice. Well everyone except for Carlo. He was following Myk everywhere she went. I’m not the jealous type but I was definitely starting to get pissed off. I think that I realized I was falling in love with her. The last night I was with her was passionate. My name coming from her lips just drove me insane. The driver opening the car door snapped me out of my day dream. I looked up to realize that we were already at the studio.

When I walked in Em was doing some editing. He laughed as soon as he saw me. “Man, what did she do to you?” I already missed Myk a lot and I guess it was showing on my face. I sat on the couch opposite from him. He turned around to face me. “I don’t know, Em. I think I might be in love with this girl.” His eyes went wide. “Damn, already?” He took a deep breath and shook his head at me. “Where is everyone?” I looked around finally noticing that we were alone. Em liked to work alone but only really late at night or really early morning. Depends on how you look at it. “Club.” “What we waiting for then.” We took Em’s Escalade to the club.

We were ushered in through the back. The DJ announced our arrival as we reached VIP. Everyone welcomed me home. Olivia walked up on us. “Hey 50, how’s Myk?” Everyone knew why I disappeared for the last few days. “Hey Liv, can I talk to you for minute.” I really need a girls prospective on this. She nodded her head in agreement. We stepped off to the side.

I stood there with Liv talking about everything since I met her. I just love her outer confidence a lot but I could tell that deep down something had been broken. Liv just gave me a small smile and we embraced. We pulled back enough to look at each other. “Look 50, if you love this girl make sure she knows it but be sure what you feel is real. Before you open up this can of worms.” I nodded in agreement and we smiled at one another.

Then there was a flash. There were bouncers everyone. “Make sure he deletes that photo he took too.” I heard one of the boys yell. “Naw, don’t worry about it. I mean what’s he going to do show a picture of friends?” I laughed it off as me and Liv rejoined the group.

It had been a couple of weeks since I seen Myk. We had only managed to text one another in that time. Although, now that I thought about it she hadn’t returned my text from last night. I was planning on flying to Cali and surprising her in a few days. The album should be done by then. It was early and the sun hadn’t even come up yet. Me and EM were in the studio when Dre walked in. We showed our respect to each other. Em and I could tell something was on his mind. “Don’t tell me that rat faced mofo talking shit again.” Em said with a laugh. Dre look over at me and ran a hand over his head. I don’t think I have her seen him look like this. “So Nicole told me about something she saw on TV last night. I really don’t know how you will take this but I feel like I should show you.” Dre pulled out his lap top and started a video from E news.

I had to admit I was a little nervous. Don’t get me wrong I don’t see anything wrong. I knew what they reported was false but I worried. One did Myk see it and two how does she feel. In the back of my mind I knew she’d see it and that’s what she hadn’t responded to any of text today. Right now I just had to let it go until I could see her and explain.

I had finally left the studio and I am dead tired. It was about midnight before I made it home. I was completely oblivious to the extra coat hanging in the halls entrance as I removed my coat and shoes. I dragged myself to my bedroom still not comprehending why the door would be shut. As my hand wrapped around the doorknob the smell of vanilla attacked me. I slowly opened the door and froze. There are about a hundred lit candles all over my bedroom.

That’s not what stopped me. My jaw dropped seeing a naked Mykaela laying across my bed. My eyes slowly cascaded down her body. Her lips are barley parted allowing slightest moans to escape. Her left hand cupped her left breast and the right hand message her core. She glistened with a thin layer of sweat that I wanted to lick from her body. Just when I thought this couldn’t get any hotter she moaned out my name as she climaxed. I started to strip out of my clothes as I slowly walked over to the bed. I knew at that moment that this would be a night to remember.