Status: i got this one from somebody else and i just added some stuff so don't be mad at me

Not Myself Without You

chapter 01


Morgan and Marissa McLean were sisters of Alex McLean of the Backstreet Boys. Marissa was the older of the three at the age of 28 and Morgan and Alex were twins at the age of 24, Alex was the protective type of his younger sister. Morgan sat with her legs dangeling from the stage looking out at the empty arena. “ Hey sis what are you doing?” Alex asked coming up behind her.“ Nothing just sitting here was I in the way?” “ No hon your not in the way.” Alex said kissing her cheek and helping her to her feet. He pulled her close for a sweet hug. Morgan hugged her brother and looked around. “ Looking for Nick?” He asked when he felt her move.“ Yea. Where is he?” “ Showering last I heard. And no you can’t go in there with him.” He said with a laugh. “ AJ it’s not fair Marissa can go shower with Kevin if she so chooses.” “ She is older than you and it works that way.” He said kissing her cheek. Morgan leaned against her brother and then sat back down. “ What’s wrong Morgan?” He asked sitting down next to her.“ I got this note the other day actually Nicky got it I found it.” She said holding out the note. Alex took it from her and read it.“ Honey we get these all the time its nothing to worry bout. Did you show it to Geo?” “ Yea Geo said that was the fourth one this week he had gotten.” “ Hmm I get a few don’t worry babe he is fine.” Alex reassured her as he stood and left her alone. She looked around and heard another set of footsteps.“ Alex I will be there in a little while.” She said not looking up. A strange man stood over her.“ Can I help you sir?” She asked climbing down from the stage. “ Yep.” He said once she was on the floor. He reached out and grabbed her.“ Let go. Someone hel…..” She started as he clamped his hand over her mouth. “ Oh no little miss. I have to get them all and your just the start.” He said laughing. She struggled against his strong grip. He pulled a gag into place in one swift motion. At this point she was crying she looked up as she heard another noise and Nick came into view.“ What the hell? Leave her alone.” Nick yelled moving forward.“ I wouldn’t pretty boy.” He said pressing a gun into the side of Morgan’s head. Nick stopped short and looked into Morgan’s frightened eyes. “ Please don’t.” Nick pleaded “ Get down here now.” He said as he hit Morgan with the gun knocking her out cold. As Nick made his way to the floor the man tied Morgan’s hands behind her and tied her legs. Nick stopped just short of the man as he stood up and pointed his gun at Nick. “ Turn around boy.” Nick did as he was told as the man tied his hands tightly behind him and pulled a gag into place. “ Now move. I will get your girl.” He said pushing Nick forward. Nick reluctantly walked forward and as he heard the man behind him lift Morgan off the floor and walked out to the van that was parked just outside. Nick sat against the wall of the van as Morgan lay unconscious on the floor. Marissa walked out to the stage with Kevin and looked around.“ Hey where did they go?” Marissa asked looking around. Kevin walked towards the end of the stage and spotted a note. * If you want to see them again wait for instructions and If you don’t do what your told I will kill them both.* “ Oh my god they have been kidnapped. But why?” Marissa said looking at Kevin.“ I don’t know but we might want to tell AJ since he was the last to see Morgan.” Kevin said looking at Marissa. Kevin led Marissa back to the back to where the others where. “ Hey Kev Marissa where are Nick and Morgan?” AJ asked as they both came into the room. “ We got a problem.” Kevin said handing the note to Brian. “ They have been kidnapped?” “ Excuse me I had just left her Morgan hadn’t been alone too long. And as I was coming to the back Nick was going up there.” “ Well I am guessing the person only wanted Morgan and Nick happened to come out.” Kevin said “ We have a concert tonight Kevin how are we going to explain that we are missing Nick?” “ We say he is ill if we don’t get him back by tonight.” Kevin said looking at them. Brian looked at his cousin with concerned eyes. “ They wont believe that.” He said to him“ I know. But what are we going to do. It says wait for instructions. I don’t want to get them killed.” “ We aren’t going to get them killed. You really need to calm down AJ.” “ No I don’t we have lost my little sister and Nick. This is totally wrong.” AJ said hitting the wall. He looked at the others as his cell rang.“ Hello?”“ Well Mr. McLean I am seeing that you found my note.”“ Where are Morgan and Nick?” “ Safe for now.”“ I want to talk to my sister.” AJ shouted into the phone.“ She is a little tied up at the moment.” The voice said, AJ could hear Morgan’s muffled crying in the background. “ Please let me talk to her. Just to calm her.” AJ pleaded. “ Fine come here bitch.” The voice said as Morgan cried out in pain. “ Morgan?”“ Alex please help us. He has beat Nicky. I can’t help him.” She cried. “ We will come get you. I promise.” AJ said as tears ran down his cheeks. “ Alex I am scared.” He heard Morgan say. “ I know honey I know.” He heard her yelp in pain as she was shoved away from the phone. “ Morgan, Morgan?”“ Not anymore. I think maybe she will have an extra visitor. But for now me and my partner will have some fun with her.” “ Don’t please leave her alone. I will do anything just don’t hurt her.” “ Anything.”“ Anything.” AJ repeated. “ Good meet me in one hour alone in the park.” He hissed at AJ“ And if I don’t?”“ Then her raped dead body will be found there instead.” “ Ok fine I will be there.” AJ said as he heard a dial tone start. “ J what happened is Morgan ok?” “ Morgan is scared but fine.” AJ lied to his older sister. Marissa looked into his eyes and understood. “ I’ve gotta go I will be back later.” AJ said standing and leaving. Marissa looked at the door when her brother had just gone. “ Do you think she will be ok?” “ They both will be safe. I think I am going to take a walk.” Brian said needing to clear his head. Brian left the house and walked down the street. He didn’t see the large black van that was parked down the street or the two large men that were following him. He walked down a lonely part of the street and walked further and then turned around to go back when he walked into the large man in front of him. “ Sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” Brian stuttered as he tried to walk around the man. The man grabbed Brian and placed a cloth over his nose and mouth and held it there Brian tried to get free till his vision blurred and he went limp in the man’s arms.“ Ok boss we got another one. What bout the other three?” He asked into the phone. “ We will get them and then the games will begin. I want them dead but if they win I have to let them live.” He said laughing. “ But it was just the guys not the women. You already have the one woman.” “ Yea I know but they are the prize.” “ Oh I didn’t think of that. But the brother?” “ I am dealing with him as we speak. He thinks he is coming to get his sister.” He said laughing. “ Ok well I will be there soon with Littrell. And we will deal with the other two and the girl.” He said looking down at Brian’s unconscious form that now lay bound and gagged on the floor of the van. Morgan sat against the back wall of the building tears of fear ran down her cheeks. Her hands were now tied in front of her Nick sitting beside her his hands tied in front of him. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. “ Your ok Morgan.” “ But he said if Alex didn’t do what he said he was going to rape and kill me.” She said crying into his chest,“ I know I heard him I wont let him hurt you baby. I swear it.” “ But what bout the others. I know something bad is going to happen I can feel it.” Morgan said looking at him. “ I know I can feel it too and I can tell that something is up it’s really quiet out there.” “ I am scared Nicky.” She said crying again. Nick pulled her closer and looked up as the door to the room opened and a body was dropped onto the floor. Morgan looked up at the figure that started to moan, she pulled out of Nick’s arms and crawled over to the body.“ Nicky its Brian.” She said trying to untie his arms. Nick moved over to her side and pulled the gag off his friend. “ Brian, man you ok?”“ Nick?” He said looking up seeing Morgan and Nick in front of him. He could see that both of them had their hands tied in front of them. Brian reached up and tried undoing Morgan’s bonds he stopped when the door opened again and AJ was dropped into the room. “ Alex” Morgan pulled away from Brian and looked at her bruised brother. “ Morgan, baby you ok?” He asked pulling her into his arms. “ How did they get you?” “ I needed to smoke. I was supposed to meet up with that guy and he never showed so I started walking needing a smoke and here I am.” He said feeling stupid. “ Its ok. I hope the others are ok.” “ I have a feeling we aren’t going to be here without the others being here as well.” Kevin held Marissa close and kissed her neck as he tried to calm her. His hands drifted down her body, he had heard Howie say he was leaving and that they were finally alone. His hands made their way to her bra and finally removed it letting it fall to the floor. He looked at her body and moved his hands down slowly making his way to the short skirt she wore, letting it to fall to the floor. She now stood before him naked. He quickly removed his cloths and moved her to the bed. climbing on top of her he kissed his way down her body kissing her nipples as she moaned and ran her fingers threw his long hair as she pulled him closer. He moved down her body and kissed her stomach and then ran his hands down her legs. “ Quit teasing me.” She said in a whisper. “ I wont I just don’t want this to end.” He said sliding up and pushing his enlarged member into her. She threw her head back as he thrust into to her with a quickening pace. She kissed his neck and ran her hands down his back. Her nails digging in to his back as she came to her climax, one quick thrust as he felt her orgasim coming and her body tightening around him. She threw her head back and screamed his name and fell back against the pillow as he lay on top of her. “ Feel better?” He asked with a giggle, kissing her neck.“ Yea. That was great.” She said leaning against his chest. She closed her eyes and started to fall asleep when the room door burst opened and two armed men came in“ Who the hell are you?” Kevin shouted “ Get dressed or we will shoot you both where you are.” One said throwing the cloths at them. Kevin slipped into his pants and then stood slowly, Marissa pulled her shirt on under the blanket and tried dressing while laying down. Kevin waited till she stood and then pulled her close to him protectively. “ Move now.” One orders. Kevin moves forward as one of them grabs for Marissa. Kevin shoves the man away and holds Marissa close. ” Don’t fight us boy.” One says as he hits Kevin hard with the side of the gun he is holding.“KEVIN!” Marissa screams dropping to her knees next to him. “ I’m fine. Come on.” He says getting up holding the side of his head as blood slowly runs down his cheek. They are shoved into the back of a large black van. Marissa held Kevin close as the van moved forward. “ I hope they are safe’ He said trying to keep his eyes open. “ You got to stay with me Kevin I can’t be here alone.” “ I will stay here with you. They wont hurt you.” He said his eyes closing Tears began to roll down Marissa’s cheeks as she held Kevin’s limp body close. Morgan had finally drifted off to a restless sleep as Nick held her close AJ sitting on one side Brian on the other with Howie to his left. “ I see she’s finally asleep.” Howie pointed out looking past Brian. “ Yea and she is still shaking really bad.” Nick said placing a sweet kiss on her head. “ I hope Kevin and Marissa are ok.” Howie said remembering he was the last to see them. “ They are fine.” AJ said but was cut short as the door opened and Marissa walked in holding up a half conscious Kevin. Brian hurries to his feet and helps his cousin into the room. “ Why are we here?” He yells as he helps Marissa lay Kevin down. Morgan had moved over to them.“ A game.” The man says leaving them alone. Morgan looked at her sister and then over at Nick.“ What game?” Morgan asked crawling over to him.“ I don’t know baby.” Nick said holding her close. Marissa looked over at Morgan and Nick and then down at Kevin who was finally fully coming around. Marissa kissed his cheek waiting for him to open his eyes. “ Come on Kevin.” She said as his eyes finally opened. “ Ouch damn it my head.” “ I know baby. Can you see?” She asked again as he scanned the room. “ Yea I can man my head hurts. Is everyone ok?” Kevin asked sitting up, his eyes cleared so he could see Nick and Morgan sitting in the corner.“ I have a question.” He asked looking at the duo.“ What is it Kev?” Brian asked looking at his cousin. “ Why are Morgan and Nick sitting in the corner with their hands tied.”“ Oh my god. I am sorry you two I forgot.” Brian said moving over to the pair. “ It’s ok Bri my hands are numb anyways.” Morgan said holding her hands out to him.“ I am so sorry kid I didn’t mean it.” Brian said again looking at her. “ It’s ok Frick don’t worry bout it.” Nick said as AJ untied his hands. Morgan rubbed her sore wrists and looking at AJ.“ Hey kid you ok?” He asked her touching her face. She looked into his eyes she could see fear she hadn’t seen in a long time. “ I am ok. AJ you ok?” She asked taking his face in her hands. AJ looked into her eyes and pulled her close.“ I was just worried bout you sis.” He said looking towards Marissa. He nearly jumped from his skin when he heard the large steal door open and several men entered. Motioning several men approached the girls and pulled them to their feet. Kevin tried to move but was kicked in the head knocking him back to the floor. “ What is this bout?” Brian asked looking at the two stuggeling women. “ It’s all a game boy it’s all a game.” “ What game?” Kevin chocked out. “ One none of you will live to talk bout.” He said.“ I am Armond this is Brad, Bart and Mitchel. We are part of a team that needs a new prey and your it.” Armond said looking at the boys. “ For what and what does this have to do with our girls?” AJ asked looking at his sisters. Marissa broke free and punched the man who held Morgan. Pulling her younger sister close she moved against the far wall. Mitchel rubbed his now sore jaw and turned his gun towards the women. Morgan screamed and moved closer to Marissa. “ Your girls are the prize if you live so do they.” Brad said looking at them.“ Prize I am confused what kind of game are you thinking of here.” Kevin asked looking “ The kind of game that they will watch. And watch they will.” Bart said grabbing Morgan from Marissa’s grasp and holding her body close. He pressed a gun to her head and she stopped fighting him and began to cry. “ Morgan your ok baby.” Nick said trying to calm her. “ Oh but she is far from ok boy. Pretty Morgan what a lovely name.” Bart said kissing her cheek. “ Leave her alone. Leave my sister alone.” AJ yelled trying to get to his sisters. Morgan was sobbing as Marissa was trying to get to her from the side as well. Marissa noticed a large pip on the floor she lifted it and hit Bart with it causing him to littarly toss Morgan at Nick. Nick grabbed his sobbing girl, and pulled her close. He stroked her hair and whispered in her ear. AJ moved closer to them as Marissa made her way to that side of the room. Marissa noticed that AJ had made sure that he was as close to Morgan as he could get without moving Nick. “ Bart you’re an idiot we need to get ready. We still have the rest of the boys coming.” Mitchel said raising his gun he looked at the seven people huddled on the floor. Kevin held his head hoping the pain would stop. ” Well now its time to move all of you but since I am guessing its not going to be a peaceful move. So will do this the hard way.” He said backing from the room as a canister was dropped in and the room began to fill with smoke. “ Gas he is trying to knock us out. Gotta stay awake.” Kevin said as he watched Morgan pass out first. Followed by Nick then AJ Brian Howie Marissa and then he couldn’t keep his eyes opened any longer passing out himself. Bart looked in the small window and saw that everyone was unconscious.“ Tie them all and make sure you separate the girls from the men. I want that done now.” Mitchel said as he watched Bart and Brad enter the room lifting the girl’s unconscious forms into their arms. Several hours later Morgan awoke to find her arms bound above her head she was in a standing position. She turned her head and looked to see her sister coming around. She looked around where they were being held and noticed that it was a large outside garage like structure without any doors. She pulled down on the bonds and cried out in pain as they dug into her wrists. “ Morgan you ok sweetie?” Marissa asked looking over at her sister. “ It hurts.” She said as tears ran down her cheeks. “ I know baby I know.” Marissa wished she could hold her sister and calm her. She looked up as a man entered where they were being held. “ I see you both are awake. I hate to do this.” He said moving forward with two cloths in his hand.“ What are you doing?” Marissa asked as the man approached Morgan first, pulling a gag into place. “ Because we cant have them hearing you.” He said as he pulled a gag in place on Marissa and then walked towards the entryway. “ Did you tie their legs too?” A voice asked “ No I didn’t think I should have to.” He said looking towards the voice. “ Do it now.” He hissed at him.“ Fine.” He said grabbing some rope and walking back to the girls binding their legs. Marissa looked down at him as he looked back up into her eyes and stood.“ I’m sorry.” He turned and walked from the room. Morgan silently whimpered next to Marissa. Marissa looked at her sister then back towards the outside hoping the boys would be there soon. “Kevin awoke and looked around Nick lay face down near him Howie was a few feet away Brian rolled over and moaned as he was waking up. AJ sat against the near tree waiting for them to wake.“ Welcome to the land of the living.” AJ said looking at Kevin.“ God my head hurts.” He said looking around.“ They aren’t here if your looking for Marissa and Morgan. I went looking when I first woke half an hour ago.” “ I hope they are ok.” He said.“ Me too.” Brian said sitting up.“ Well we gotta wake Howie and Nick and we best getting moving or we will lose the girls.” Kevin said moving to Nick’s side. ” Go away.” Nick grumbled half awake.“ No wakie wakie Nick or your going to loose Morgan.” “ Morgan where is Morgan?” He asked now wide awake.“ Not here. We will find them come on we got a lot of ground to cover and little time to do it. And I see we were left a map.” Kevin pointed out seeing a map on the near by tree. “ We have find them Kev we just have to.” Nick said “ I know Marissa is strong she will keep Morgan safe” Kevin said looking at Nick. Nick looked at his friend and hoped that Marissa could do that and keep herself safe as well. Marissa looked around and saw that they were alone she moved her wrists trying to get the ropes to come free Morgan looked at her sister wondering what she was doing. Marissa kept doing this for a better part of an hour when she stopped as she heard someone coming, she looked up at the man that had entered. “ Well now ladies I bet your hungry?” He asked stepping towards Morgan. Morgan’s eyes went wide and she began to shake. He reached up and pulled her gag down.“ Don’t hurt me.” She begged. His hands drifted down her body then he brought a bottle of water to her parched lips. She drank as much as she could before he moved the bottle. “ You hungry?” He asked her. She nodded her head. He brings a piece of bread to her mouth she took a bite and looked at him. He moved her long red hair out of her face. She jerked back. “ I wont hurt you. I am Brad.” He said “ Please let us go?” She asked looking over at Marissa. “ I am sorry I can’t I want to help you though.” He said as she looked back at him. He brought the bread back to her mouth and she ate some more. He didn’t notice that Marissa had finally gotten her arms free She lunged at Brad knocking him to the ground causing him to hit head knocking him unconscious. She untied her legs and pulled her gag off. “ Shh its ok Morgan your ok.” She said as her sister began to cry. She untied Morgan’s hands and then her feet. Pulling her sister close and then looked down at Brad’s unmoving form“ Come on we’ve got to go.”“ Your not going anywhere.” Rick said. Morgan screamed and backed away. Marissa looked at Rick and the gun he held. She watched him as he lowered it a little just enough for her to hit him knocking him to the floor. Hitting him a few times and kicking the gun away she grabbed Morgan’s arm and started to run. Morgan slipped and fell she slowly stood she turned around to see Rick now standing in the doorway of where they had just run from. He raised the gun and fired Marissa saw this and shoved Morgan out of the way the bullet hitting her in the shoulder. “ Marissa!” Morgan scrambled to her feet to get to her sister. “Kevin looked up when the shot rang out in the distance. Nick looked at him and began to run, followed closely by the others. Suddenly they were shot at and they dropped to the ground keeping below the flying bullets. Kevin looked around to make sure the group was still together. Kevin looked to see Nick clutching his shoulder and moaning in pain. “ NICK!” He dove for his young friend. “ They shot me Kev. It hurts.” He said as tears ran down his cheeks. He pulled Nick’s hand away from the wound to see it had only grazed his shoulder but even that was bad enough.“ It’s a scratch Nick.” Kevin said looking around to see if the others had been hit. Brian looked over at him “ We are all fine.” Brian said as he looked at Howie and AJ. “ Is Nicky ok?” AJ asked looking over at them. “ Yea he will need to see a doctor after this.” Kevin told them holding the younger man up, as the others regrouped. “ Buddy come on lets go find Morgan and Marissa.” Brian said leading his now injured friend towards the direction they had already been going. Morgan looked up at Rick who now stood over her as she held her sister in her arms. “ Get up now.” He hissed at her. She slowly got to her feet and looked down at Marissa who was holding her shoulder. Rick reached down and pulled Marissa painfully to her feet. “ Now we go chat with Armond he will want to know bout this little escape attempt.” He said as he shoved Morgan forward. Morgan moved into the large house as Cole and Chad moved aside. Morgan stopped when she got to the large living room. Armond sat in a large chair looking at her. Rick dropped Marissa on the floor and walked to Armond’s side and whispered in his ear what had happened. Armond looked angrily at the two women. “ Since that one is already injured the other one must be punished.” He said looking at Trevor who stood at his side. “ Yes sir.” He said stepping forward. “ No please I am the one who masterminded this punish me.” Marissa said looking at Armond. “ I know you’re the one that caused this. But she will be punished for your impotience.” He said looking at Marissa, he could see she was in a great deal of pain. Morgan shrieked as Trevor moved forward towards her. Rick grabbed Marissa and held her as Trevor grabbed Morgan hitting her across the face knocking her back to the floor. She reached up and held her now sore cheek. She looked up at him as he kicked her in the ribs causing her to cry out in pain. Marissa watched in horror as Trevor beat Morgan mercilessly, finally stopping when Morgan passed out. “ Put them back outside. Treat her wound and use handcuffs this time.” Armond said looking down at the girl at his feet then back up at Marissa. Marissa was yanked from the room. Marissa held back screams of pain as Brad treated her gunshot wound. Morgan was already outside her arms cuffed above her head her legs bound and a gag back in place, her head down. A while later Marissa was brought back out and looked at her sister. “ Please don’t. Let me just hold her.” Marissa begged Brad as he handcuffed her arms above her.“ I am sorry I cant.” “ She is unconscious and you wont let me help her” “ Her wounds have been dealt with and I will come back from time to time to check on her. I want to help you both but you have to let me do it my way” “ Don’t gag me please?” “ You promise not to scream I will leave it off.” He said to her.“ I promise I just know my voice will keep her from all and out panicing.” “ I don’t think she is going to wake for a while. He beat her pretty badly.” “ I know but please.”“ All right. I will come back out in a couple of hours to check on you both.” He said as he tied her legs. He stood and looked into her eyes then looked at Morgan moving her red hair away from her now bruised face he could see she was still out. He then turned and left leaving them alone. Marissa looked towards her sister and then back out the front of the garage. She couldn’t believe their luck her shoulder was killing her and her younger sister was beaten she couldn’t think of what her brother was going threw. She turned her head as she heard a slight muffled moan she looked over at her sister to see her eyes start to open. Morgan looked around and let her head drop back down it hurt too much to do anything else. She moved her wrists, which caught Marissa’s attention.“ Morgan honey, look at me.” Marissa said. Morgan lifted her head slowly and looked at her sister. “ I know you cant talk maybe I can get Brad to take that off of you when he comes back. Do you hurt?” She asked. Morgan nodded telling her that she hurt so badly. “ Are you hungry?” A male voice asked entering the room. Morgan’s head shot up causing the room to spin, she moaned in pain.“ I know sweetie it hurts.” Brad said unhooking the handcuffs and slowly lowering Morgan to the hard ground. “ Uncuff me please.” Marissa said “ I can’t I am going to get into enough trouble doing what I am doing now.” He said slowly raising her shirt looking at the now broken ribs that were black and blue. “ How bad is she?” Marissa asked looking down towards him.“ She has a couple broken ribs I am thinking maybe a broken wrist I’m not sure I’m not a doctor she is pretty bad.” Brad said wrapping her wrist, Morgan wasn’t fully conscious as her eyes looked into his. He moved the gag away so she could speak. Morgan coughed as her parched throat hurt.“ Hurts.” She said as he brought the bottle of water to her lips. “Kevin looked over every now and then looking at Nick to be sure the young man was still with them. Nick stumbled around trying to keep standing. “ Hey buddy think bout Morgan and how much she needs you right now.” Kevin said as Nick fell again. Kevin turned his attention to the fact that they had been walking for almost a day and a half. He had had them rest earlier that day but didn’t want to waste time with sleep cause they needed to get to that house before the girls got killed. Howie had walked a head as Brian and Kevin dealt with Nick and came running back.
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this is chapter 01 have fun reading!