Status: i got this one from somebody else and i just added some stuff so don't be mad at me

Not Myself Without You

chapter 02

“ I see the house I can see the house. They have the girls in a garage. Morgan’s been hurt some guy is dealing with her I can’t really tell. But I could see that Marissa was talking to him her hands are handcuffed above her head.” “ They hurt my sister.” AJ said for the first time. “ Yea J they did. I don’t know what they did.” Howie said looking at his friend. AJ looked at him with sadness and sat down next Nick. “ The house is near by we can get to the girls and leave.” Nick said not looking up. He had that spark back in his eyes. He knew that he needed to get to Morgan and at all costs do what he could to help her. He looked around when he heard a noise and nearly leaped into Kevin’s arms when Cole Chad and Bart came into view holding guns.“ Hello boys. I see you found the house.” Chad said raising his gun and pointing it at them.“ Yes and we came here in one piece give out girls back.” Kevin said standing Chad could see the anger in Kevin’s eyes. “ Come along boys.” Kevin helped Nick to his feet again and walked with the armed men. As they walked towards the main house, they could see the girls Marissa standing looking down at a man holding Morgan’s shaking pain filled form. Nick pulled away from Kevin and ran to her, Kevin close behind. AJ Howie and Brian followed them. “ Morgan what did they do to you?” He asked dropping down to on his knees at her side. “ Marissa are you ok?” Kevin asked kissing her as he looked into her eyes. “ Give me the keys.” He demanded looking down at Brad who was still holding Morgan. Brad pulled the keys from his pocket and handed them to Kevin.“ I wouldn’t.” Chad said. Kevin looked at him. “ Brad get her back up there.” He spat at him. Brian looked at him strangely.“ Why?” Brian asked looking up at him.“ Move or I will shoot you now.” Chad said looking at him. Kevin kissed Marissa and moved away from her. Nick looked at Brad and then down at Morgan who was now holding his hand. “ I can’t leave her. Who did this to her?” “ Trevor did this. Armond ordered it. I will take care of her.” Brad said looking at Nick. “ I wont let anything else happen to her. I promise.” He could see that Nick trusted him. Nick slowly got to his feet as he looked one last time down at Morgan who now was crying. “ Please don’t leave me Nick please don’t leave me.” Brad held her as she tried to get up. “ Shush we don’t want them dead do we now?” He whispered in her ear. She didn’t seem to calm but her shaking did stop. “ But he was right there.” She said sobbing into his arms. Brad looked up as Armond entered where they were, the anger shown in his dark brown eyes. “ Bring them inside now.” He said his accent dripping with anger. “ Then send someone to help me.” He spat at him.“ No do it alone. She is healthy enough to walk.” He said looking over at Marissa. “ Fine we will be inside in a few.” Brad said. Armond turned on his heal and that was when Brad noticed Trevor standing in the doorway. Shaking his head he turned and followed his boss. Brad stood and unhooked Marissa’s cuffs and lowered her to the floor so he could untie her legs. Morgan held her arms out to her sister.“ Can you stand sweetie?” Marissa asked. Morgan looked up at her and shook her head.“ Ok. I will help you.” She said reaching down and yelping in pain.“ I got her.” Brad said lifting Morgan into his arms. Marissa looked at Brad. “ You want to help us don’t you?” “ Yes I do. I don’t like what they are doing to any of you especially you girls.” He said sadly walking towards the house. Trevor waited in the doorway he moved aside as Brad moved inside with Morgan and Marissa not far behind. Kevin turned as best he could now that his arms were bound behind him. AJ nearly dove at the man that held his sister had it not been he was being held into place. Anger was building in AJ as he looked at Brad as he sat Morgan genitally on the floor and stayed with her. Marissa looked at Kevin and then sat down on the chair near Morgan. Armond sat back and watched the five men and then the girls. He seemed interested in what AJ was doing to get to the girls. “ STOP!” Everyone in the room looked as Armond yelled. Trevor looked at Armond as he sat in the large chair like a king on a throne. Morgan reached up for her head it hurt so bad and he was yelling.“ How do we make the annoying man shut up?” She asked looking towards Brad. “ Shhh.” He said to her. “ Bring her to me.” Armond said looking towards Brad. Brad looked at Armond strangely but did as he was told as he lifted Morgan off the floor. He walked towards Armond with Morgan. Marissa slowly moved as she watched her sister being handed to the mad man in charge. Armond grabbed Morgan’s sore arms and pulled her in front of him. “ What was that child?” He hissed in her face. Morgan cringed and looked him straight in the face.“ My head hurts and you talk loud.” She said bluntly. Her head hurt too much to lie at this point and she saw no reason to.“ Morgan.” AJ said looking at his sister. Armond looked over Morgan’s shoulder at AJ and then back at her.“ What is he to you? That one who spoke.” “ Twin brother.” She choked out as he grabbed her throat and squeezed. He laughed and looked back at AJ. “ Is she telling the truth boy?” He asked AJ as he squeezed tighter on Morgan’s throat.“ Yes she is please let her go your hurting her.” AJ begged the man in front of him. “ Take them from the room. I want some time alone with the sister and brother.” “ Leave my sister and brother alone.” Marissa said as she was pulled from the room. Nick struggled as he tried to get to Morgan. Morgan watched as two men held AJ in a standing position as Armond brought the whip down on his back. “ Please stop I will do what ever you want I swear.” Morgan said crying. She already hurt all over but to stop them from beating AJ she would give her body to save his. “ Anything child?” Armond said looking into her frightened blue eyes“ Anything.” She answered lowering her head. “ Morgan no.” AJ choked out as the men released him he dropped to his knees. “ Chain her to the wall.” Armond said as Chad and Travis moved forward lifting Morgan off the floor and chaining her to the wall near where Armond sat. ” MORGAN NO PLEASE DON’T DO THIS.” AJ screamed trying to get away from Brad. “ Don’t I wont let him hurt her. She is hurt enough. I wont let them hurt her anymore.” Brad said looking into AJ’s eyes. “ What can he do to her?” AJ asked as he watched Brad open the door to the room. Everyone inside looked up at them as they entered. “ He can do many things to her.”“ To who where is Morgan?” Nick asked looking past them.“ Armond wanted to speak with her alone.” Brad said looking at Nick.“ What did he want to talk to her bout?” Marissa asked looking up at him. “ I know he is still mad at me for trying to get away.” “ What?” Kevin asked looking at her.“ I got free untied Morgan and ran for it. I was shot and due to the fact we tried to get away Armond had Morgan beat.” Marissa said sadly. “ That wasn’t your fault.” Kevin said pulling Marissa close. “ I will take the watch over her making sure Trevor or Mitchel don’t hurt her ok.” “ How can we trust you.”“ I have helped her so far. Trust me.” “ Ok.” AJ said as he sat down carefully as Howie pulled his friend close. “ He might need this.” He said handing a bottle to Kevin who looked at it strangely and then back at AJ, who was now laying on his stomach looking at him. Kevin crawled over to him and moved his shirt as he noticed that it was stained in blood. He gasped as he saw the angry red slashes in his back.“ What did he do to you?” “ Something to get Morgan to give herself to him” “ She what?” “ Don’t worry Nick she will be fine I must be going or she wont you will see her again soon.” Brad said leaving them alone in the room. Morgan leaned her head against the wall her head was throbbing as it pounded. Tears ran down her cheeks as she closed her eyes. “ What’s the matter little one?” Brad asked whipping her tears away.“ It hurts so bad.” She said never opening her eyes. “ I know sweetie.” He said touching her face with a genital hand. He pulled it back suddenly as he felt her very hot skin. He then turned suddenly coming face to face with Trevor.“ What are you doing?” He asked Brad looking past him at Morgan.“ Checking her.” He said plainly knowing he wasn’t lying. Trevor looked at Morgan, who’s eyes were closed and her breathing was labored. “ Well I can see she isn’t doing to well.” Trevor pointed out looking at him. “ She is very ill. Sick with fever cause of her wounds and there isn’t anything I can do.” He said. “ And I am not leaving her alone. I will keep her cool and guard her so go tell Armond what I am doing.” Brad said to Trevor. Trevor looked at him then the girl then walked out of the room. Nick slept curled in a ball on the floor in a corner. Kevin looked at his young friend and then down at Marissa who was asleep in his arms. Howie slept against the far wall with Brian at his side. AJ slept as close to his sister as possible he had already lost one he wasn’t going to loose the other. Trevor watched the group threw the small window and then looked at Armond.“ What do you want done now?”“ How ill is the young one?” “ Very. She isn’t going to be much use to you soon boss.” “ I want them brought together now.” He said moving into the main room. He walked up and touched Morgan’s face, her eyes slowly opened and she looked at him. She hurt to much to argue with him as his hand moved down her body. Brad had changed her cloths so she now wore a short skirt and top, something that could make her cooler to keep her fever down. “ Soft to the touch, but rather warm. Drink.” He said bringing the water to her lips. She eagerly drank from the cup. She drank what was in the cup and as she finished it her eyes became heavy and she shook her head to clear it. “ Don’t fight it child.” He said laughing as her eyes finally closed and her body went limp. He sat down in the chair near her and looked as the group was lead into the room. “What have you done to my sister?” AJ yelled as he saw Morgan. “ Nothing but make her sleep she needs it. Brad, come get her.” He hissed looking at Brad. Brad hurried over and unhooked the chains that held Morgan’s arms and caught her as she fell into his arms. AJ held his arms out to him as he walked over with Morgan. He genitally lay her on the floor, brushing her hair away from her face he looked back at Armond. “ This is very interesting how one of my men seems interested in her care.” “ I am interested because you wanted them alive sir and this one is nearly dead.” Brad said looking at him. “ She is far from dead. Take her to my room and I will bring a doctor here.” He said looking at the reactions of each of his captives. Marissa reached down and pulled her sisters unconscious form into her arms and held her close. “ Leave my sister alone.” She said holding her even closer. AJ moved closer to her as Kevin pulled Marissa close. “ Shush now.” Kevin said in her ear. Marissa held Morgan close causing the unconscious girl to cry in pain. Nick looked down at her and let his own tears flow. “ Get them out of my site I will decide what to do with them next.” Armond said as if he were dismissing irritating children. Nick stood and lifted Morgan into his arms once he had pulled her from Marissa’s grasp. Morgan moaned as Nick lay her on the ground in now what they were calling home. Kevin was getting angry he needed to get them out of there and soon. He looked over at Morgan and could see she was very ill due to her injuries and AJ wasn’t any better. Marissa was ill but not as bad as Morgan.“ We have to find a way out of here. I don’t know how much longer Morgan is going to last.” Kevin said looking at everyone. Nick looked up at him his eyes puffy from crying. AJ sat down and rested his sister’s head in his lap. Moving her hair from her face she moaned but didn’t open her eyes.“ Morgan baby can you open your eyes and look at me.” AJ asked getting everyone’s attention. Nick looked down at Morgan’s face and saw that it was paler than it had been. Her breathing had slowed and she was limper than she had been. “ Morgan?” He said kissing her cheek. “ Oh my god she is burning up Kevin we need to get out of here I can’t loose her.” Nick said as the tears ran down his cheeks again. “ I know Nick I know. This is getting worse and worse.” He said as the door opened up and Brad walked in. “ What more can you do to us?” Kevin asked looking up the man before him.“ Nothing. He is out and I want to get you all out of here.” Brad said looking down at Morgan. “ How can you do that without getting into any kind of trouble?” Brian asked “ Don’t worry bout me. I will deal with Armond he is my brother anyway I can deal with him.” Brad said looking at them. He then moved forward and lifted Morgan into his arms.“ Come with me.” He said walking out of the door. Kevin looked at him strangely but followed him anyways. Marissa followed behind him holding Kevin’s hand and walking out into the open. Nick didn’t like this feeling. He didn’t like the feeling this was too easy as they went outside and loaded into a van. Nick held Morgan close, as Brad drove the van back into town. Marissa looked at Kevin who still had the feeling it was too easy. \\One week later………………….. Nick looked down at the figure in the bed. Marissa sat on one side of the bed while Nick stood on the other. “ I wish she would wake up.” Nick said looking over at Marissa. “ She will, she just needs to get better.” Marissa said looking at Morgan. Marissa adjusted the sling she wore and looked up as Kevin and AJ entered the room. “ Any change?” “ None.” Marissa said kissing Kevin as he came over to her. AJ looked down at Morgan. “ Well the doc said that she had three broken ribs some internal bleeding. A cuncussion and minor cuts and bruises. What is doing her in at the moment is the cuncussion and the fact that she was out in the elements for so long.” Nick said sadly never looking away from Morgan.“ Nick this wasn’t your fault. Did you have your arm checked?” “ Yea stitches and a bandage.” He said “ AJ?” “ Fine I wont have any scars once I see the plastic surgen. Or I might just leave them alone. Something for us to remember what happened.” AJ said “ I think Morgan like she is rememberance enough.” “ I know.” Kevin said. He held Marissa close as they looked down at Morgan. “ Why did this happen to begin with?” Marissa asked as Kevin held her close. “ I don’t know.” Nick sat alone in the room looking down at his girl who still hadn’t woke. One more week had past and all he wanted to do is hear her voice. Nick lay his head down on the bed and closed his eyes. Morgan moaned and slowly opened her eyes. she looked down and saw that Nick was near her, she looked around the room and noticed they were somewhere new. She touched his face with her fingers his head shot up and he looked up at her.“ Your awake.” He exclaimed taking her hand in his. She looked at him and smiled.“ Yep. Miss me?” She said giggling. “ Yes I did. How are you feeling?” He asked her kissing her sweetly.“ Sore and a little confused.” “ Bout what baby?” “ How did I get here?” She asked him. She looked towards the door as the others entered the room. AJ smiled and moved to her side and kissed her cheek.“ Hey there sis. Welcome back.” “ I see you guys missed me.” She said looking into his worried eyes. She turned her head and looked at Marissa and smiled. Kevin tipped his head and looked at the scar on the right side of her face he knew hadn’t been there before. Marissa noticed this too and looked up at AJ. Kevin looked at them both. AJ nodded and moved away from her.“ Did you notice it too Kev?” AJ asked him. “ Yep. I wonder who she is? I know she isn’t Morgan.” “ Good question and I can tell you its going to break Nick’s heart if he finds out that is Morgan.” “ I already know.” Nick said coming over to them“ How?”“ She woke too soon. And her eyes are supposed to be blue not green.” He added quickly. She looked up at them and smiled.“ What’s wrong baby?” She asked “ Who are you?” Nick asked reaching for her hand.“ Morgan silly.” She said giggling.“ No you aren’t my sisters eyes are blue yours are green.” AJ pointed out.“ I was sent to take her place. I switched places before you were let go. Brad knew bout me. I was given some meds that kept me asleep this long. They finally wore off and now I am awake. I am Beth. I am sorry.” “ But how did they make you sound and look so much like her.” Marissa asked.“ Voice lessons and sergury does wonders. Seems they have been planning this for a while.” She said. “ But where is my sister?” AJ asked his voice raising with his anger.“ Still back at the cabin I would guess. I am not sure.” “ Great so for one week we have thought you were Morgan and your not.” Nick said sadly. \\Hours later………….Brad looked at Morgan and touched her face she opened her eyes and started to cry. Her arms were bound above her head as she laid on the bed. A doctor had treated her fever and the cuts and bruises she had. Her fever had broke right after the boys had left. Brad knew that they had made a switch but hadn’t said anything to the others bout it. She let her tears flow freely as he removed the gag she wore.“ Why?” She asked. He looked down at her and moved her hair from her face. Her bruises had begun to fade but she was still very weak. “ He never told me he just said to bring you in here and replace you with that other girl. I am so sorry.” “ Let me go.” She said weakly. “ I cant I am sorry. He wants to do something with you.” Brad said , she looked up at him and her eyes filled with tears. He whipped the tears away and undid her hands. He knew she was still to weak to try to get away. She moved her arms so she could rub her wrists as he lifted her into a sitting position. “ Why?” She asked letting her head lay back against the headboard. “ I don’t know. I don’t know why he did this. I am still amazed that I am alive after what I did as it is.” “ But you were nice.” She said again. He looked away from her.“ I know I still am. Are you hungry?” He asked her. “ Kind of. I just want to go home.” “ What do you think they have done to her?” Nick asked looking at Kevin.“ I don’t know.” Kevin said holding Marissa close. He was rubbing her neck she had her eyes closed and leaning back against him. Nick looked towards AJ who looked as pissed as he could get. Nick grabbed AJ’s arm and pulled him from the room. “ What is your deal Nick?” AJ yelled once they had gotten outside. “ Lets go get Morgan I am not waiting around for the police to find her.” Nick said anger dripping from his voice.“ You sure bout this man. I mean we could at least take Kevin and Howie.” “ No I want to do this now and not wait for Kevin to wait around. He could cause us to loose Morgan forever do you want that AJ she is your twin after all.” Nick said thinking he was going to rial his friend. AJ’s eyes blazed and nodded following his friend and they headed out of the hospital and down to Nick’s car. They drove away from the hospital as fast as possible. Nick slowed his car as they began to see the cabin in the distance. AJ was still angry that he hadn’t noticed the difference before the girl had woke. He thought that girl was his sister only to find that she wasn’t and that his sister was still being held in a place were she would be killed at a whim. AJ closed his eyes and then turned and looked at Nick. “ Lets find away in there without getting caught.” AJ said looking at him.“ All right.” Nick answered getting out of the car, he wasn’t going to leave Morgan in there any longer. They quietly made their way into the house, Nick could hear talking. “ SHH” AJ said as Nick started to say something. Nick listened carefully.“ I told you if she was found out that Morgan McLean was to die. And I have a feeling our little decoy has been found out. I heard it from our boy that Kevin was the first to notice.” AJ and Nick heard Armond say to someone. “ But Armond she hasn’t done anything and she is still very weak” “ I don’t care Brad you nearly let them go before. And if I hadn’t planned this you would have. I can’t believe you would betray me like that.” “ I didn’t do that because I was betraying you. I wanted to help those girls you’re the one that was hurting them. You had that one beaten so bad I am amazed she can even talk.” Brad said “ Your lucky I don’t kill you. If you weren’t my brother I would kill you.” Armond spat at him. “ Kill me then because if I could do it again I would have gotten her out of here. She is very weak and wants to go home. What is it that you took them for in the first place?” “ I wanted them dead cause they had something I didn’t and that McLean got something I didn’t all because he can sing.” “ He knows me?’ AJ whispered to Nick. Nick shrugged his shoulders. “ But for now deal with the girl.” Armond said looking at his brother.“ So she is my problem because you wouldn’t let her leave” “ I didn’t say she couldn’t leave just not yet.” Armond said.“ But then when?” “ When I know McLean feels my loss. Even if I have to kill her while he watches.”“ But He has two sisters.”“ But only one twin. She is his twin.” Armond said looking at Brad. “ I still want to know why your so mad at him. It’s not his fault he was in a band before they made it big.” Brad said “ And had he asked me to join I would have had what he has now. But no he asked that Howard and Nickolas to join then came Kevin and Brian. But still he didn’t ask me.”
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this is chapter 02 have fun reading!