Status: i got this one from somebody else and i just added some stuff so don't be mad at me

Not Myself Without You

chapter 03

“ His best friend was Howie. Why would he ask you, you were always the one to tease him bout his singing anyways.” “ I don’t care. He has money and fame I have nothing.” Armond spat. “ And killing a sister that hasn’t done anything is going to do what for that?” “ Make me feel better. Don’t question me Brad.” “ I will do more than that Armond I wont let you hurt that girl anymore. I am taking her away from here.” “ You do and I will kill you.”“ Kill me then u coward.” Brad said standing and going into the room where Morgan was. Marissa lay with her head on Kevin’s shoulder Kevin looked around the room noticing finally Nick and AJ were gone. “ Where did they go?” He asked looking at Howie and Brian.“ You know this is the first time I noticed they were gone.”“ Gone oh my god Alex is mad and he will do something we will regret lets go find them.” Marissa said standing. “ No your staying here I cant have us loosing both of you.” Kevin said sternly. “ She is my sister and Alex is my brother I cant loose them at all.” Marissa said standing her ground.“ NO!” Kevin said raising his voice. “ Well I don’t care what you think at the moment I am going with and there is nothing you can do about it.” Marissa said her voice dripping with anger. Kevin looked at her and saw the same determination that he held in his own he knew it would be a loosing battle fighting with her. “ Fine but your not leaving my side.” He said taking her hand. Marissa smiled and followed Kevin from hospital. Brian shook his head and took up the rear. Morgan couldn’t keep her eyes open as she saw Brad enter the room. She weakly tried to move off the bed.“ Don’t your going to hurt yourself.” He said genitally taking her arm and pulling her back to the bed. “ I want to go home.” “ I know I am working on that.” “ I don’t feel well.” “ Shush now. He will come in here.” Looking towards the door he saw Chad standing in the doorway. “ What you doing Brad?” “ Keeping our guest calm. She is still very ill.” He said looking at him. “ Not funny leave now. Armond wants to see you.” “ I just came from him.” Brad said looking down at Morgan.“ He was angry and wants to talk to you now.” Chad said to him. Brad moved the blanket back up on Morgan and walked from the room. Chad walked over to the bed and looked down at her.“ So why is he so interested in you?” Chad said moving her hair from her face. He could see tears running down her cheeks. She was shaking now not like she had been when Brad had been there. “ What are you afraid of?”“ You. Are you going to hurt me?” “ No. That would get me shot.” He said running his hand down her face. “ Please don’t.” She begged. Chad moved away from the bed and looked at the ropes that sat on the stand beside the bed. Morgan closed her eyes and passed out again. “ Well maybe I’ll leave you alone.” Chad said standing and walking from the room. He looked up as he exited the room hearing a strange noise. Shaking it off he walked down the hall to his own room. AJ looked over at Nick and then down towards the room that Chad had just exited. Nick waited till there was no one in the hall. AJ looked at his friend and then walked towards the room. He heard approaching footsteps and pushed Nick back against the wall. AJ noticed that Armond was going into the room with Morgan. “ Hey boss?” Chad started “ What?”“ What happened to Brad?”“ He is outside. I was going have him killed but since he’s my brother not yet.” Armond said. AJ could feel Nick shake with fear at the thought that the one person that had been helping Morgan could be dead. “ So what are you going to do to her sir?” “ End it then I am going to send her dead body back to McLean.” He said “ But what bout the boy. The one that was with her to begin with?” “ He will morn her death and blame McLean for it.” “ All right let us know when you want us to move her.” “ I will do that tomorrow. For now I am just checking on her.” Armond said walking into the room. He walked to the side of the bed and noticed that his dear brother had untied Morgan and had her resting on the bed. He had remembered Brad bringing her into the room. Shaking his head he left the room. Kevin pulled the expidition to a stop near Nick’s car. Brian looked in the car and saw that Nick hadn’t even bothered to pull the keys. They walked towards the cabin Marissa holding Kevin’s hand tightly. Looking around to see if they were being watched. Kevin noticed that Nick was standing just outside the house AJ next to him. “ Nick? Where is Morgan?” “ Inside. We didn’t dare get near her yet. I know she is alive. For now.” “ For now. Alex what is going on?”“ Armond seems to know me. I don’t know him and he has it bad for the fact of what I am. And He wants to have Morgan pay for it cause she is my twin.” AJ said. “ My god we could loose her.” Marissa said nearly crying. “ You wont loose her but you have to give me time to get her out of there.” They heard a male voice say. “ How can you help her you’re the reason she is still here?”“ I didn’t want her to be kept she was ill as it was and now she is getting better but not by much. I am sorry I should have stood up to him sooner.” “ Well how do we get her?”“ I will get her please stay out here and I will bring her out to you.” Brad said walking back inside. Brad walked into the small room and saw that Morgan had passed out again. “ What are you thinking dear brother?” Armond asked coming in the room behind him. “ I am taking her out of here. I don’t care what you say any more.” Brad said lifting Morgan into his arms. “ I told you I wouldn’t allow you to do anything stupid brother dear, and what happens you do something stupid. Your trying to get her out of here.” Armond spat angrily.“ And I told you I didn’t care. You are always telling me that sometimes maybe I can use my head I would do something right and guess what I am doing I am using my head.” Brad said shoving past him. “ I can feel that your being stupid but she is going to die anyway. I gave her something and it’s going to kill her.” He said with a laugh. “ What are you talking about? You were never alone with her along enough to give her anything.” “ Hadn’t you noticed that she has never been getting better.” “ Oh my god. I can’t believe you you’re a monster.” Brad hurried from the house and out to where the others were waiting. AJ looked at him as he handed her off to Nick. Nick looked at Morgan’s pale face.“ Get her out of here. I don’t know what Armond gave her but its going to kill her.”“ What?” AJ screamed nearly hitting Brad.“ He gave her something when I wasn’t watching and oh god I don’t know what it is.” “ AJ you can yell later.” Kevin said grabbing AJ’s arm as they headed for the cars.“ Did you call the police?” Brad asked looking at them.“ Yea they are behind us. You helped us as best you can I will see if you can get a lesser sentence.” Brian said “ Thank you. I never found this to be fair to any of you. Armond needs help and maybe this will get him some.” “ I hope so.” Brian said as he climbed into the car with Kevin. Several officers came out of the woods. Nick waited in the waiting room looking at the others. Brian tried to comfort his friend. “ I can loose her.” “ Nick we got her here maybe they can help her.” “ No I am going to loose her damn it.” Nick said anger dripping from his voice as he stormed from the room.“ NICK!” Kevin stood.“ Let him be he needs to calm down.” Marissa said looking at him.“ Yes I know that but he could hurt himself.” Kevin said knowing his young friend. They all looked up as a doctor entered the waiting room. “ Are you all here for Miss McLean?” He asked“ Yes we are how is she?” Kevin asked standing. AJ looked up his own eyes showing his fear. “ She is a very lucky girl. You got her here in time. She had a poison running threw her system but we caught it before it actually took over her body. She is very weak and is still recovering from the broken bones she had. It seems she had three broken ribs her wrist was broken and it seems someone broke her leg. I can see it is new as if someone took a hammer to it.” The doctor explained as they looked at him. “ Can we see her?” Howie asked“ Let us move her into a private room.” “ Thank you.” Marissa said. AJ looked at his sister and whipped the tears from his eyes. “ You can come in now.” A nurse said leading the group into a small room where Morgan lay hooked up to tubes and wires. “ Oh god look at her.” AJ said moving to the bedside. Marissa looked at Brian who was standing in the door way. “ I will go get Nick.” He said hurrying to find his friend. Nick sat outside looking at the city below. Brian opened the door and came out. “ Buddy she is going to be fine.” Brian said putting his hand on his shoulder.“ How can you say that?” Nick asked as tears ran down his cheeks.“ Cause the doc said so. He came out and told us she is going to be fine. She is resting. They got the poison before it could do any damage. Come on we don’t want her to wake and not find you there.” “ Alright.” Nick said standing and following his friend to the room. AJ stopped them before they could go in. Kevin Marissa and Howie also stood in the hall.“ What?” Brian asked looking at them.“ Her Heart stopped.” AJ said tears running down his cheeks. Nick looked towards the door and pushed past everyone to get inside. “ NO GOD NO PLEASE DON’T TAKE HER” Nick screamed dropping to his knees and sobbed. “ NICK?” He heard a weak voice ask. His head shot up and he searched the room for the voice.“ Nick” The Doctors and nurses moved aside as his eyes rested on the woman on the bed. “ MORGAN” He rushed to the bed. He pulled her weak body to his and kissed her forehead. “ Baby don’t cry.” She said whipping the tears away. “ I thought I had lost you.” He said crying “ I would never leave you.” She said. Her eyes were so heavy she was so tired.“ Rest now we will all be here when you wake up. I promise.” He said knowing she needed to rest. He looked up as the others enter the room. “ She is resting. She is going to be fine.” Nick said happily. “ Thank god.” They all said. //One Month later………….“ Miss McLean are you ready to go home?” A nurse asked “ Yes I am.” She said smiling. Her leg was still in a cast her arm was in a sling no cast. Her body wasn’t as weak as it had been when she had came there but she was still weak. But it had been a month and it was time to go home. Nick stood smiling in the doorway. “ You ready baby?” He asked “ Yea I am. When did you get here?” “ A couple of minuets ago. I had to fight over picking you up with AJ. He wanted to come and get you.” He said gathering her into his arms and kissing her.
“ Sir she needs to ride in the wheelchair to leave.” The nurse said laughing at them.“ I know.” He said setting her into the chair and pushed it out into the hall where Morgan got a surprise as everyone were standing there waiting for her. “ You said you came alone.” She giggled.“ No I didn’t I told you I fought with AJ to be the one picking you up.” He said.
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this is chapter 03 i think it's going to take i while before i'm having chapter 04 but have fun reading!