Status: Writing

What it Takes

Chapter Three

Haley shifted from foot to foot as her students got on their horses and stood watching her. They all were staring at her, waiting for her to say something. Some wore glares on their face, others looked curious and happy about the changes.
“Now I know some of you are used to letting your old trainer ride your horse and get it where you want it, and all you do is show up for an hour so you know how to control them in the ring. But that’s going to change, today. I’m not going to ride your horses for you or train them. You will be coming out here as often as you can to get your own horses ready. The lessons are going to turn into a place where you will show me what you’re working on and what you may need help with.” She told them. She watched the girls become stricken, while others looked excited.
“Bianca trained all of our horses, why do we have to change?” One of the girls asked. She had black hair that was pulled into a bun that had obviously been prepared meticulously and taken more time than Haley spent getting ready in the morning.
“Do I look like Bianca?” Haley asked.
“No…” They all muttered.
“Good. Now take your horses out on the rail and pick up an extended trot.” No one moved. “Now.” She demanded and they all moved off to the wall.
As the lesson ended, one of the girls stuck around. She was a little smaller than Haley, and she had red hair that was long and down.
“Is there something wrong?” Haley asked as the girl hopped down and stood holding her reins, twisting them in her hands.
“You used to barrel race?” She asked, looking up at her expectantly.
“Used to? I still do, just needed a break.” She said with a smile. “Leg injury and all.”
“Could you teach me? Bianca said she would after I won a western pleasure champ show.” She looked off to the side. “I don’t like pleasure, and I can’t win no matter how hard I work.”
“What’s your name again?” Haley asked.
“Well Addison, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon, around three? We can get you out of this class and I’ll start teaching you barrel racing. Even though I told the girls I wouldn’t be riding any of their horses, I’m going to need to ride yours to help train it.”
“I’m free; I’ll get a ride here tomorrow.” She said, a smile breaking out on her face, which fell almost immediately. “What about the show this weekend?”
“You’ll have to do it still.” Haley told her. “Go put your horse away and meet me in the office. We’ll get it all arranged.”
She watched Addison lead her horse away and then walked into the office. Diane was just coming back in with a glass of water. Her face was sweaty and dirty.
“Where’ve you been?” Haley asked, taking a seat.
“Fixing a leak in a stall. What’s up?” Diane asked, taking a seat with a huff.
“Well, open a spot for me at three. I have a gaming lesson starting.” Haley said with a smile.
“Addison, right? She came and asked me if you would teach her and if it would be alright. She’s a great girl. I think she and her horse would excel at gaming. Like you did.”
“Did? What’s with everyone and their past tense today? I’m not quitting, I just need to recover a little before I head back out and pick up some money so I can afford to since I missed a season.” Diane gave her a pained expression as Haley stood back up.
“Where are you going?”
“I need to ride Taz and Jezebel.”
“Why don’t you take a little break? Maybe take the day off?” Diane said, placing a hand on Haley’s shoulder.
“I do not need a break, so stop assuming I do.” Haley snapped, pulling out the scheduling book and sitting down with a huff. “Now, what day and time can Addison take her barrel lesson.” She stated, not letting a question linger right now.
“Whenever you feel like you have time.” Diane replied as Addison came in and sat down across from Haley.
“What day and time are you free?” Haley asked, looking up at her. “I don’t have any privates yet so you can be my first.”
“How about tomorrow evening at five?” Addison asked.
“Perfect and we’ll get you out of group lessons with the other girls so that you don’t have to sit there and learn something that no longer applies to you.” Haley said, trying to hold back the lip curl of disgust that was pushing its way through.
Haley wrote down the information and shut the book and stood up, stretching her arms over her head.
“I’ll start working with your horse after I work Taz and my new project, sound good?” Haley asked. Addison nodded. “How often do you come out?”
“Twice a week, why?” Addison asked.
“Can you make it out more? When you’re re-training your horse, it helps to ride more often, especially right now. That way, he and you can both be bonding and learning.”
“I can try.” Addison said, looking out the window as a car rolled in. “That’s my mom, I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow Haley.” Addison hopped up and left then.
“Now, I’m going to get my horse and ride, then work Jezebel and then Apollo, alright?” Haley said, then left before Diane could say a word.
Haley tacked Taz up silently, her thoughts cloudy as she swung into her roping saddle and turned Taz to face the trails. His ears pricked forward and Haley felt his body vibrate with excitement beneath her.
“Haley.” Called a voice from behind her just as Haley was about to let Taz fly off. She reined him back and turned in the saddle to see Luke riding up on a thick set dapple grey horse.
“Luke, not be rude or anything, but I’m about to work my horse and I have a schedule, so talk fast.” She sighed as Taz danced beneath her.
“I was going to see if you minded if I tagged along. Rambo could use some work on the trail.” Luke said.
“I’m not going for a leisurely stroll.”
“I’m not looking for someone to go on a leisurely stroll with. Rambo here needs to run. That’s why I came over, because I know that you were taking Taz for a run.”
Haley let out a sigh again and looked up at the sky, then turned back to face Luke, pulling the brim of her dusty baseball cap down lower.
“Only if you can keep up.” She said, pushing her reins forward and she leaned in the saddle and squeezed her legs. Taz leapt forwards, his legs covering the ground before them in long strides. Haley glanced back to see Rambo and Luke gaining, Rambo’s legs stretching over the ground as well, his neck outstretched and nostrils flared. She grinned and leaned closer to Taz’s neck, then veered off the path and into the woods. They plunged down the small deer path and she pulled him slightly to slow him down as they skirted between trees. Taz leapt over fallen logs that got in his way and Haley pulled him into a perfect turn around a tree, sending him flying across a hay field as they reached the end of the woods, pushing him back into a gallop. They plunged through the river that served as the barrier of the property and corn field and they ran along the edge of it, right up to the road where Haley sat back and eased her reins short, sending Taz into a sliding stop. She listened to the approaching hoofbeats and Rambo raced past her, then circled back at a trot to stand in front of her.
“What on earth are you giving that horse? He’s like a kid on a sugar rush.” Luke said. Haley smiled and patted Taz’s thick neck.
“Conditioning and lots of it. When I moved barns, we spent almost every day charging down dirt roads and using a clearing with barrels to work on our run.” She answered. Luke’s smiled faded and a cloudy expression entered his eyes.
“Well, that’s good.” He said, turning Rambo to face the road that led back to the barn. “I’m gonna head back, wouldn’t want to ruin your conditioning.”
“Luke, wait.” Haley said as Luke took off at a fast lope. Haley bit her lip, then turned Taz the other way, pushing him into an extended trot, realizing that going after him wouldn’t do any good.
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Wow. Been a while. I've been busy, having some emotional writing barricades, but nothing to worry about now =]