True Love

will dreams come true

Jayy prov
Dahvie was kissing i had loved him for so long and i never made a move maybe this was my chance to ask him out.
"yeah "
"will you be mine?"

One year later
Waking up my arms wraped around dahvie the normal morninv i would get up and then go down stairs make beakfast and dahvie would eventually wake up today was our year anicery and i loved him with all my heart there is no way i could love him anymore
Dahvies prov
The smell of poptarts and pancakes woke me up today was me and jayys anviercey today was probly the most immportant day of my life im going to perpose .i walked down stairs with the box in my hand .
"goodmornigh jayybear"
"goodmornigh babe"
I got on one knee before jayy could turn around to give me a kiss
"jayy" he turned around "jeremy griffs will you be jeremy torrence"
I put the ring on his hand and got up jayy kissed me and said "yes i love you boo"
The end