Sight of the Sun

Sight of the Sun

I guided my fingers up and down the sun streaks on her forearm. She hadn’t woken up yet, she never woke up earlier than 9 on her days off. Her dark hair covered her face and with each breath a few strands would blow upwards. Lightly, I traced the scars of a life that used to trouble her. It broke my heart over and over again to see such painful memories on such a beautiful girl. You’d never tell any more that she was so broken once.

I used to have some of the same troubles. I used to run at first sight of the sun, duck under my covers and hide from my own reality. Who ever heard of a hockey player who would shy away from work out sessions? Well, that was me. I’d cocoon myself in my blankets and wait until Paul would come and wake me up, forcing me to practice. I was in my own personal hell. On and off with injuries and on a team that couldn't buy a win, I was starting to not even want to try. Part of me just wanted to quit it all and start over somewhere else as someone else.

She knew all this, of course. The nights we stayed up talking in circles she’d hear all about my dark days and I would hear hers. The symmetry would keep me close to her. She’d smile at me, place her finger tips on my cheek and say the same thing, “I’m glad you didn’t quit, Matt. Despite what we’ve done in the past, I pray to God we can move on. Thus far you’re the best thing that life has yet to lose.”

What she didn’t know was that she was wrong. She was the best thing. She was the reason why I started to train again. For everyone I was out to prove wrong, all the people that hated on me, saying that I wasted my talent, she kept the light on. The only one, she knew me better than the truth.

I pushed her hair away so I could see her face. Even though I knew she’d never do it, I couldn’t help but think, If you’re gunna leave, if you’re gunna go, I can’t bear to sleep without you in my arms. She must not let them take her, they don’t know her like I do.

Her eyes flicked open and a big sigh escaped her lips while a smile spread across them, “good morning Mr. Duchene.”

I placed a soft kiss on her and then leaned back, “I used to run from the sight of the sun but, now I lay here waiting for you to wake up.”