Status: Currently, this story is being edited. I'm up to Chapter 29 as of AUG. 28TH. Re-reading it would be amazing of you.

I Don't Love You

Chapter 8

Frank's POV;

My flight to Jersey was the next day, along with the rest of MCR and Alicia. I didn't wanna leave; I wanted to stay in Florida with Alliyson.

Get closer to her. Learn more about each other.
But it was evident that John wanted me gone, since he too was leaving.

Was any of what I just said wrong? Is it wrong that I wanted to hang around her? That I wanted to talk to her some more? That she just interested me so much?

I mean, I can understand where John is coming from, with all the shit I went through with Demesne. I know what it's like having her guy friends around, have them peering at the girl that was supposed to be your one and only.

But things happen.

Alliyson dropped me at the airport where Gerard and the guys were waiting. I went home to Demesne's lovely bitching and Alicia and Mikey being the cutesy little couple.

To be honest they both made me fucking sick. Kissing and hugging and blah blah blah. I hated watching them and I hated watching them bond over their stupid fucking cats.

I mean, what was that? I hated how couples like did that. They were all over each other like bunnies. Always sucking face. Always holding hands. I remember back when I was in high school and I was alone, I hated watching the couples walk around. Showing them off. Like 'hey, I'm screwing this girl and I think you should watch me suck her face off in the middle of the hallway'.

Damn like, why didn't I go to one of those schools where that kind of stuff was outlawed? I would've loved it, so I wouldn't have to watch. It was like soft-core porn.

But I will admit, I'd always wanted that. I wasn't that much of the popular one back in high school. I dated the same girl all four years, and we ended up breaking up anyway. I had my band, and my studies to keep me busy. So relationships weren't really my forte. I didn't concentrate on those. But I was jealous, I felt lonely. My hands felt empty, my heart felt cold.

High school was lonely to me. Lonely and pointless.

But back to the matters at hand:

I hadn't seen her or talked to her since I left Florida. And I missed her. So I turned on my Sidekick on Monday and saw her on, but away:

(NJ loves pansy is Frank, duh. final car wreck is Alliyson.)

NJ loves pansy: Hey...

Auto response from final car wreck: Sometimes I wonder what is it, besides glue, that kept this project together.

final car wreck is back from away.

final car wreck: Hey Frank
NJ loves pansy: Penny for ur thoughts?
final car wreck: Bout a dollar for your insides.
NJ loves pansy: Aren't u the clever one? Haha so what's up?
final car wreck: Raw is coming on soon...
NJ loves pansy: Oh all right, cool. I think I'll watch with you
final car wreck: If you're sure

And so we watched Raw. I listened to the commentators talk about the different moves the wrestlers were using, but I didn't really understand it. I watched people come in and out of the wrestling ring, talk some shit, and then leave. Wrestling was kind of stupid, but I watched it anyway.

Hey, it was something to talk about between her and me.

NJ loves pansy: So the divas are an interesting group of girls...
final car wreck: I have no comment lol
NJ loves pansy: Does John have a match tonight?
final car wreck: w/ edge
NJ loves pansy: John any good btw
final car wreck: Something like that
NJ loves pansy: I c

And the shit started hitting the fan.