Status: New Snape Story. please comment :D

Running With the Shadows of the Night

~Chapter One~

"Happy Halloween, Severus!" Sam squeeled as she entered her mentor's office.

"Hello Sam. You're ready for your lesson?" Severus eyed Sam's Marie Antiounette costume she was wearing for her birthday and Halloween.

Sam's face fell slightly, "Yeah, I'm ready." She walked towards his desk and plopped her butt down on the wooden chair that was placed directly infront of the large mahogany desk. "So what are welearning today Sev?" She smiled cheekily, hiding the fact that her mentor and best friend forgot her birthday.

"Well Samyre, today we are going to start with your Occlumency." Sam let out a huff and sunk in her chair being drowned in her large dress/skirt. Severus gave a stink eye as he pulled out his wand, she did the same.
"What I want you todo is clear your mind, block all memories, thoughts and ideas. Do you understand this Sam?"

"Yes sir." Samyre stared deep into his onyx eyes.

"Good, legilimens."

Flashes of Sam's memories flew threw her head. I showed of and Severus sitting in her aunts gardens. "Sev do like my hair this, and my eyes?" This is when she first changed her appearance to the look she currently sports, black hair with blond streaks, and emerald colored eyes.
"You look beautiful Sam." Severus smiled as Sam throughs herself into a hug with her Potions Master. That was in her first year. The next visual was something that Samyre didn't want Snape to see. It was her pleasuring herself to the thoughof her best friend. It was clear to see what she was doing, but right before she murmered his name, she pushed Severus out of her mind, both blushing bright red.

"Well, excelent. You are clearly progressing well. much more efficient than that dunderhead, Potter boy." Severus cleared his throat.

"Duh, It's because I've been practicing." Samyre stuck her tongue out obviously avoiding the fact that her potions master just witnessed her masterbating.

"Right well, let's try again."

Snape and Sam continued to work on their Occlumency for another hour before they both stopped for tea.
"How is school going for you Sam?" Severus took a sip of the amber hot liquid that was filling his tea cup.

"I guess it's alright." Sam shrugged.

"Alright? Is there something wrong?" His eyebrow shot up his forehead, whilst he sat down his tea cup.

"Well, it's just, the stupid Umbridge Lady!" Sam huffed, folding her arms across her chest.

"What about Professor Umbridge?"

"That stupid bitch won't leave me alone. She is constantly asking me to be on the inquisitor squad, which is obviously for spying on Gryffindor. She said it was for extra credit, but I already told her I didn't need it, but of course she tries to fail me in her class so I do need the credits, Sev! That bitch is up to something!" Samyre ranted.

Severus stared at her with a blank expression, "Sam."


"Do I need to give you detention for you language?" Snape folded his sleeves up past his elbows.

"No sir, sorry. But still, she is driving me crazy!" Severus knew all about Professor Umbridge, and frankly he despises the woman. Not only the woman in pink is annoying his favorite girl, but he swears to Merlin that the woman wants to take him to bed. The thought made Severus shudder in disgust.

"I know Sam, butthere is nothing I can do about it." Severus frowned.

"I know. Stupid bitch." She huffed. The corset she was wearing for Halloween constricted her chest, preventing her to slouch any further into her chair.

Severus shot Sam a glare, for her curse. Moments of silence continued before Snape's right hand clasped down on his forearm as he winced in pain. "Samyre, I have to go. It's him."

"I know, I'll see you later Sev." She gave him a quick hug, before heading towards the door.

"Oh and Sam." She turned just as Snape walked towards her, "I would never forget your birthday. Happy Birthday." He handed her a package, pecked her on the cheek and stepped into the fire place flooing to Malfoy Manor.

Samyre Laine Malfoy's eyes never left the empty hearth as she clutched the package to her chest. She knows exactly who he was going to. And everytime she worried for him. Taking a deep breath she shrunk the package, stuffed it into her satchel and made her way up to the great hall for dinner.

"And where do you think you're going Miss Malfoy?" She knew that pitchy, powder puff voice anywhere. Sam turned to see none other than the bitch herself.

Sam turned facing Umbitch, whosearms are folded across her fluffy pink chest. "I was heading up to the Great Hall for dinner." Samyre smiled brightly.

"And where from?" Delores Umbridge raised her eyebrows.

"From Professor Snape's class." Sam began to shuffle her right foot as she looked into the cold, icy eyes of the High Inquisitor.

"I see, well is Professor Snape still there?" The bitch tapped the tip of her stubby wand against her stubby fingers.

"No I don't think so. He had a few errands to do after I left." Sam smiled cheekily.

"And why were you there?"

"I needed help on my potions assignent."

"Well then, enjoy your evening Miss Malfoy." She began to walk away, "Oh and Miss Malfoy, I do believe that is not appropriate school attire."

"It's Halloween Proffessor, It's also my birthday." Sam got nervous.

"Indeed. Oh, by the way, Miss Malfoy, you have detention in my office tonight after dinner. Eight o'clock sharp. Understood?" Umbridge narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, Professor." Samyre spat.

"Good. see you then. And I expect you to be in proper attire." She giggled before moving her stubby, fat arse down the corridor i nthe opposite direction.

"Stupid bitch."

After Sam ate, she made her way down to the commons rooms and to her bedroom. Which she shared with the pug face Pansey Parkinson, and a few of Pansey's cronie friends. Luckily nobody was in the room, when Sam changed back into her school uniform. Almost completely forgetting Severus' gift. Sitting down on her plush bed, she pulled out the package, resized it and began to pull at the Silver bow and green paper. With in the box was a pewter snake, pendant wrapped around a red Garnet. Sam sqealed while putting the necklace on around her neck. Hearing the clock ring that it was five 'til , Sam bolted off her bet and made her way up to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.
Praying to Merlin that she was not going to be late, by all means.
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This is a new idea, I am honestly excited to write this one. Please comment and let me know how you like it thank you bunches :D